Chapter 18

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None of us knew who was after us or what they wanted, so we called it a night. The others occupied the spare rooms. I wonder what they thought of me, not that I care, but after all  I did leave my own child in their care without notice. I left them my responsibility.

I spent the night thinking about what to do next. First I need to find out how we're all connected in this, and what the substance in my body was. Simon said it was made for me. Was it suppose to weaken me or paralyze my powers, because it did both. Who would go through all that trouble to get me? What do they want? This puzzle was missing an important piece, I had to discover it.

I got dressed and went into the kitchen where they all were eating breakfast. Without uttering a word, I opened a portal signaling that it is time for them to go.

"Aren't you coming?" Mikayla raised her eyebrow.

"You have to come back, Amber misses you." Caleb frowned. Hearing that sentence I sighed in defeat. Amber must be worried about me, I have to explain things to her and this is my chance. No matter how much I tried to deny it, I really missed Amber.

I sighed walking through the portal that led to the room Campbell and I first met in. The others followed and it closed.

"Where have you two been?" Clyde growled lowly. He was standing at the desk looking through some papers.

"We'll talk later." Campbell mumbled leaving the room.

"What's with him?" Miles snickered, looking at his retrieving form.

"Aurelia?" Clyde deep voice questioned.

"Hey Clyde." I waved.

"Amber's at school." He answered my unasked question. "Mikayla, Miles will you be staying?"

"For awhile, I guess." Mikayla shrugged.

Clyde looked between Mikayla and I weirdly before leaving the room  to show Miles and Mikayla to their rooms. Caleb and I are the only ones left and for the first time since I've known him, he's not smiling or making horrible jokes.

"Thank you, for what you did yesterday." He uttered.

"No prob." I nodded. "I'm sorry that I left Amber here, it was wrong of me."

"Amber is apart of this pack now, it's our duty to make her feel at home. And Campbell is the one that took care of her." He said taking a seat.

I looked at him confused yet surprised. Campbell is the one that made sure Amber was ok?

"Do you plan on leaving anytime soon?"

"No, I have to figure things out and it seems like all of you are some how connected to it." I said honestly.



"Aurelia?" Lavinia questioned when we entered the kitchen. How many times have I heard my name for the past 24 hours?

"Lavinia." I greeted.

"Aurelia?" I heard Meghan's annoying voice. "Why is she here?" She turned to Caleb who shrugged.

"I don't think she likes you." Miles whispered in my ear, even though everyone could hear him.

"The feeling is mutual." I whispered back.

"So every one knows Aurelia?" Mikayla asked.

"Yes, she's my sister."

"Stop telling everyone that." I rolled my eyes at Lavinia.

"Holy shit." Miles laughed. "This is your sister."

"How do you guys know her?" Clyde asked and everyone went quiet.

"It's a long story." Mikayla shrugged.

"We have time." Meghan grinned.

"Don't you have some potion to make." Kayla teased.

"Don't you have some-" Meg started but had nothing to say.

"Aw, Cat got her tongue Meghan." Mikayla mocked and Meg flipped her off.

"Aurelia, do you have powers?" Lavinia asked.

"Why wouldn't she?" Miles questioned.

"So she does have magic? I don't believe it." Meg said making a face.

"Ok." I rolled my eyes.

"I can't believe you did that, Campbell." Amber laughed entering the kitchen. "I wanted to- Mom?" She stopped when she saw me. Seconds later she ran out towards the door. I sighed and chased after her.

She ran straight for the forest, before she got away, I tackled her to the ground. She struggled to get away from me but I didn't budge.

"Amber. Amber stop!!" I shouted.

"What?" She shouted back starting to cry. "You said you wouldn't leave me. You Promised." She said between tears.

"You never came back."

"I'm sorry."

"You left me."

"I know."

"You Pinky Promised and you broke it."

"I can explain."

I got off Amber and we both sat on the grass near the entrance of the forest.

"I was in a bad place at the time Amber, I panicked and acted on instinct. It was wrong to leave you, but I needed to figure things out." I started.

"What's things? I thought were supposed to be a team."

"I sorry, I'm at fault. I made a promise and I broke it, but please let me explain. I don't want to lose you."

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