Chapter 25

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Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.
Joseph Campbell


Octavia's POV

My eyelids flickered open in the unlit room, woken by the sound of the iron door opening. My mind stayed empty as I searched for danger. I relaxed when I found no one around and the door still closed. I closed my eyes again, requesting another slumber but it avoided me like a plague. I must have been so blessed to live the same day over and over and over again.

I laid in shallow puddles covering the floor, made from the water dripping from the cracked ceiling. There was only a door for entering and exiting, which was locked from the outside. No source of light, if not for my superior vision, I'd be in darkness for months. It was dank and cold, the atmosphere was like an open pit stored with rotten flesh.

I tried drinking water from the ground but it was more like mud, hence, leaving me with a dry throat. I haven't tasted blood in over a month, I could go longer but my body would become weaker than it already was. Not to mention that these idiots kept drugging me.

The door creaked open and I backed up towards the wall, the chains on my legs didn't allow me to go far. One of the guards entered and closed the door. He reeked of beer and cigarettes, I noticed the keys in his front packet. I hissed as he approached me, I felt uncomfortable with him looking at me.

"Don't worry bloodsucker." He growled. "No one is here; except us. I can finally have my way with you." His voice held a smirk and I heard his pants unzipped,

My eyes widened at his statement. I've been here for at least three-four months, due to trespassing on pack lands, but no one has assaulted me in that manner and no one ever will. With all my strength I extract claws and fangs ready to defend myself.

I attacked first, biting into his neck. He struggled to get me off but failed miserably as my animalistic side wanted dominance. I enjoy tasting the blood of the disgusting mutt, my thirst finally being served. I didn't stop until his every vein was drained. Ironically, I felt alive.

I backed away wiping my mouth. I stared at the body of my first kill ever. I've never fed off another human, or in this case, another supernatural. I hunted mostly rabbits and deers for blood. However I didn't regret what I just did and if I had another chance, I would do it to him again.

I unlocked the chains with his key and sprint out of the dungeon. The other cells were empty and no guards were in sight. The drugs were still in my system and I couldn't use my super speed to leave this hell hole. I sneaked into the forest, avoiding the clearings and houses. I was almost out when I heard footsteps behind me.

Pack members started shouting orders, I heard the cracks from them shifting. They knew that I killed one of their men and I doubt I was going to make it out alive now. I start running as fast as my weak legs could carry me, not looking back and not stopping.

Stupid werewolves.


Aurelia's POV

"Shordie, 'ADS' I'm going for the kill!!!" Caleb shouted.

"Um, what is ADS again?" I asked carefully.

"Prepare to cover him!!" I heard Campbell.

"Then why didn't he just say so?" I rolled my eyes.

Campbell was serious when he offered to teach me about the games. He and Caleb carried me to the pack's game room, and let me tell you, it was incredible. It was a place to relax with beanbags everywhere, food on display, this room literally had everything. Two ping pong tables, a pool table, poker, video games, board games, what I'm trying to say is that it had everything. I entered the man cave, surprisingly, it wasn't smelly or messy, it seemed cleaner than my room itself.

"Scratch that, Campbell crossfire, shordie you're the bait." Caleb interjected, rather rudely. Guys are way too serious about these type of stuff.

My finger moved to carry out my commands on the control. I jumped from my safe haven and towards the enemy, giving them an open target. I opened fire to get their attention. Our opponents fell for the trick and came after me. The first guy was headshot by Campbell whilst Caleb took care of the other.

"Take that baby!!!!" Caleb jumped in victory. "Shordie, at this rate you'll be moving from a noob in weeks." I smiled, turning the game off and putting away the controllers.

"I don't think I wanna play anymore games for the rest of the day." I yawned. "Is Amber back yet?" I asked.

"I mind linked her earlier, She'll be back by dinner." Campbell informed me.

"Well then, I'm going to sleep."

"Remember to take the pills Graciela gave you this morning." Caleb reminded me. "But you have to eat something first."

I gave him a mocking salute,."Yes dad."

"Are you joining us for dinner tonight?" Cam asked hopefully.

"I'm not hungry." I responded.

"You need to eat." Caleb interjected and I rolled my eyes. I left the room before either of them got the chance to say anything else.

Now, let's get some sleep.

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