Chapter 5

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"Miss, you can't stay in here, I know you want to be with her but we have to work without any distractions right now." The pack nurse told me softly. Not wanting to waste more time I exit the room.

The alpha was sitting just outside the room. "I assumed you wouldn't want to leave here to go to my office, hence we'll stay here." He said with a blank expression.

"How long have you known about us?" He cuts to the point when I took a seat beside him.

"All my life." My answers are always going to be short, don't want anyone to know too much.

"Do you need a place to stay? You're a human, yes, but your child is a shifter. Both of you are more than welcome here."

"I only brought her because I didn't want to have her at a human facility. We won't be staying." I said firmly.

He doesn't say anything, just stared at me. Didn't expect my response alpha?
We had a stare off for minutes, not one of us looking away. I don't know if it's a competition but I ain't losing.

His lips slowly curled into a smirk. "You look oddly familiar." He burted.

I won.

"Oh don't you remember? We graduated together." I said sarcastically.

"I like you." He chuckled. "Sorry for the whole alpha act early, I was just playing with you. My brothers though, will ask the question when they're back."

I rolled my eyes at him looking away. An alpha playing? Pffff

Please go away. Please go away. I begged in my mind.

"I'm serious though you remind me of someone. And I didn't graduate high school so it's not from there." He openly told me.


The pack doctor, Graciela, said the test results will be ready any minute now. Yesterday, I was trapped listening to Caleb, the alpha, it's like the guy finds something new to talk about every another minute.

I've never met an alpha with his characteristic; every one was aggressive jerks, controlling and way too serious about everything. They are way too possessive and power hungry. Caleb is the complete opposite and very respected.

While at the hospital, as pack members walked by, they stopped to greet him baring they neck in submission.
Even though he act like this I know he's still like the others, at least I won't be here to see his true colors.

Everyone stops pretending at one point.

Caleb only left my side to get snacks, he gave me space to take a shower this morning, then came back in the room, Amber was in, right after.

"Are you okay?" Caleb inquired from the opposite side of the room.

"Why wouldn't I be ok?" I asked, not moving my gaze from Amber.

Putting away his magazine, he placed his hands at the back of his head and laid on the chair looking upwards.

"Yesterday, you were slightly limping while walking here. You look uncomfortable everytime you're sitting down, like it pains you. Even now." He ranted.

"Nothing is wrong with me." I lied.

Graciela entered the room and closed the door, right on time miss. I could tell by the look on her face that she knows what's going on and it's bad news.

"We know what's matter with her." She started. " We don't know how but she's experiencing osteogenesis imperfecta and fibromyalgia-"

"Wait, what?" I interrupted.

She gave me three xray diagram from Amber results. "Look at each of them, this one was taken the first time she got here." She pointed to the one it my right hand. "The others were taken last night and early this morning."

I examined each xray carefully, "How can these belong to her? They're all different." Caleb walked over and look at them to.

" OI is a genetic disorder that prevents us from building strong bones, it's commonly called brittle bone. Fibromyalgia is a condition where ,our entire body, including muscle, can feel exhausted, achy and sensitive." She explains.

"She's shrinking?" Caleb suggest.

"Basically, that's the source of the pain and she too exhausted to stay awake." Graciela nods.

"What do you mean she's shrinking!?!" I shouted.

Caleb and Graciela looked at each other knowingly, at one point I thought they were having a conversation I had no access to.

Caleb then turn to me and signed. "We think her body is preparing for its first shift."

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