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———-time skip———-

"Mr.Kim.." you sigh. He stands at the door of his restaurant, frowning with sympathetic eyes. You tilt your head as water glosses over your vision.
"I don't know what you expected, y/n. You knew for weeks that I was leaving today." Jin says, holding his boxes.
Your lips turn into a quivering pout, "I thought I would be able to handle it but now the day is actually here and.." you choke on your words as you burst into tears.
"Damn it, y/n." Jin says, placing his things onto the ground. He approaches your lightly shaking form as you sob, wrapping his arms around you.

"You promised you wouldn't cry."
"Shut up." you mutter, clinging onto him.

It's an early-morning five AM shift, the last you're attending with Jin as your manager. You peak over his shoulder at the rising sun, the sky a display of blurry pink and orange hues as tears slip from your eyes. A bittersweet moment.

"You're getting my shoulder wet." Jin teases, pulling away from you. You chuckle, wiping your eyes.

Jin had let the other workers off early knowing you can handle the least busy shift alone, and that you'd want to say goodbye to him privately. In the whole time that Jin ran this diner, you always took the longest shifts and got to know each other the most.

"Cheer up, you have my number. Your new mangers will be coming soon to start the day." Jin says, he picks up his boxes again. You smile lightly, "I'll miss you."
"I won't miss you." Jin jokes, smiling. A wide grin splays on your face as you begin to laugh, your sad expression finally leaving.
"There we go, there's the smile I wanted to see." Jin says. "Here." He takes a pair of keys out of his pocket and tosses them to you.

You catch them, your eyes lighting up, "The keys to here?!" you ask, pointing at the front doors. Jin nods, "The original pair since I started this place six years ago. You deserve them.. and I have a spare".

"Thanks." you say. You sigh, smiling at him. "Leave before I start crying again." you both chuckle.
"Alright, alright..." Jin turns to the door. He looks back one last time. "Bye, y/n. You were always my favourite employee." he says. You nod, "You'll always be my favourite manager, Mr.Kim." you say.

If only that were true.

Jin smiles before turning back towards the door, kicking it open for himself as his hands are full with his items. He walks into the bare parking lot, looking up at the beautiful sunrise as he leaves. You wave to him as he packs his trunk with his boxes. He shuts the trunk and walks to the driver's seat.

You watch as he pauses to stare at his own creation of a diner, taking in the last of it while smiling in satisfaction. He gets into his car and drives off, a smile on his face.

You stand in the empty space, leaning against a table as you hold the keys, staring out through the glass. You admire the beautiful early-morning scenery splayed in front of you, smiling... until it is quickly interrupted by a loud car. Blasting music as it pulls into the parking lot, a 9-passenger SUV shows up.

You groan at the sight, walking to the back of the café to get yourself another cup of coffee. Soon, the chime of the door opening rings your ears. You hear someone clap their hands together.

"Welcome home, boys! Let's get this shit started!" a familiar voice says. You shuffle back into the main eating area, finding 6 men standing in front of you.

"Y/N?" Namjoon questions. "I've been running the morning shift." you explain, they all nod.
"Good morning Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, Jungk—."
"Nuh, uh, uh! You have to call me Mr.Jeon, remember?" Jungkook interrupts you with a smug grin. You tightly shut your eyes, suppressing an eye roll. You clear your throat.
"Right. Goodmorning, Mr.Jeon." you say with a forced smile. Jungkook pats your shoulder as he walks by you, "Goodmorning, darling." he says.

Lowering your head as you rub your temple, you sigh, "He's going to drive me crazy." you mutter to yourself.
"For the record, we don't care what you call the rest of us." Yoongi says.
"Jungkook is just loving his whole 'head chef' manager label a little too much." Hoseok says.
"He really loves having a sense of power over others. Especially a sense of dominance to those he wants to tease." Jimin says. Your eyebrows raise, "So I should take his torture as a compliment?" you ask, the men nod. "You will hate him so much that it eventually becomes admirable." Taehyung says, you laugh.
"Can't wait." you joke.

Jungkook walks back out from inside the kitchen, "This place is great... y/n. Go make me a cappuccino." he says.
"No, that's not my job—."
"Pardon?" Jungkook interrupts you, stopping in his tracks as he looks to you with narrowed eyes.
"Yes, Mr.Jeon." you sigh.
"That's what I thought." he says, continuing to walk around his new diner.
"Just spit in his drink when you make it, or something." Yoongi suggests, jokingly. You smile, "I'm considering it, to be honest."
"We'll handle any customers that come in while you make it." Jimin says, you nod.

You approach Jungkook as he looks through the cabinets of utensils and ingredients, checking inventory. "Here's your coffee." you murmur, handing Jungkook his drink. He takes it without sparing you a glance. "Rude." you mumble as he sips.

He hums in satisfaction. "This is perfect, y/n." Jungkook says, making you smile proudly. "Thanks!"
"A bit bitter, but I think that's only because you made it." Jungkook says, walking away from you with that trademark smug grin.
"Hey— what are you suggesting?" you ask, following beside him as he strides, coffee in hand.
"That you're bitter." he says. You stifle a chuckle, "You think I'm bitter?" you scoff. "You're the most bitter person in this place." you say.

Jungkook lets out a loud, aggravated groan, making you jump.
"Damn, I was just messing with you—." you begin to apologise until Jungkook cuts you off.
"Get the fuck out!" he yells. That's when you realize, he isn't talking to you. Your face furrows into a frown at the sound of heels clicking into the diner.

"I heard you were re-opening this place today as the official owners." a snooty female voice says.
"Nina, just leave." Namjoon politely suggests, simply tired of her antics.
"Why is that ring on your finger? I broke off the engagement weeks ago. Take that damn ring off your finger!" Jungkook demands, raising his voice at his ex-fiancé. Your eyes widen. You shuffle over beside Taehyung.
"He broke off the engagement?" you quietly ask. He nods, "Jungkook ended everything the night we met you, after we left the diner." Taehyung answers. Your eyebrows raise.

Is that so...

Head Chef | Jungkook x Reader  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now