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Jungkook takes you to the same hill as before, parking on the street below it and walking up the hill with you. "Sorry, no picnic this time." Jungkook says, rubbing his nape as he holds a blanket with his free hand. You chuckle, "It's alright... is this like, our spot now?" you ask. "It could be if you don't dump my ass after this." Jungkook says with a smile, half jokingly.
You reach the top of the hill and sit on the blanket, facing each other.
"I'm just going to get straight to it." Jungkook sighs.

"Can you believe it? Y/N actually has feelings for Jungkook and she just had to sit through him shitting on her at dinner! I feel so bad.." Jimin says into his phone.
"That's brutal, no wonder she ran off to the washroom." Taehyung says from the other end of the line.
"But you can't tell anyone. Seriously, I pinkie promised her.. while she was drunk. But how do I not tell my best friend." Jimin says to Taehyung.
"I mean, I'll try not to tell anyone?—."
"Kim Taehyung!!" Jimin scolds.
"What? I'm being honest. You know how I am with gossip." Taehyung says.
"I can't do this, I'm hanging up."

"Wait, you could lose your job?!" you repeat for clarification, your eyebrows raised. Jungkook nods, "I never told you because I wanted things to work out. I didn't want you to be hesitant about being with me."
"Jungkook, I thought we were just breaking the rules and your friends were paranoid freaks.. I didn't know there were actual consequences!" you say.
Jungkook nods, sighing. "That's why I had to go so harsh on you at dinner, you didn't know what was at stake but I did. It's in our contract." he says.

"So, are we good?" a small smile of optimism cracks on Jungkook's face. You smile back, taking his hands, "Yes. I'm sorry for overreacting. I was just so upset because I really care about you, baby." you say. An uncomfortable expression grows on both of your faces before you burst into laughter, "We'll get used to the pet names eventually." you say, giggling.
"Yeah, 'baby' is cute. Just please dont call me anything like snookums.. or pumpkin or muffin-cakes, none of that." Jungkook says, pretending to gag. You laugh.

"Well, now that we've moved past what you did.. I have something to confess." you say, beginning to smile sheepishly. Jungkook's expression drops. "...just tell me."

Taehyung walks over to the kitchen in the diner. "Okay so. I'm not supposed to tell anyone else this, but Jimin just told me something over the phone and the three of us are the bisexuals of the group, and I feel like there's an unspoken pact between us—."
"Get to the point." Yoongi chuckles, cutting Taehyung off. Taehyung leans in close to him, whispering, "Y/N secretly has feelings for Jungkook.." he says.

Yoongi shakes his head in disappointment. "I knew it." he mutters as he continues to cook.
"Knew what?" Hoseok chimes in, putting on a hairnet as he walks into the kitchen.

"Nothing." Taehyung quickly says.
Hoseok frowns, "Were you talking about me?".
"No, no, no! It's something else, it doesn't have to do with you. Don't worry." Yoongi quickly says, knowing how much Hoseok needs reassurance in friendships, due to past circumstances.
"I don't believe you."
"Seriously, Hoseok, it's not about you."
"Then why can't you tell me?" Hoseok crosses his arms. Yoongi and Taehyung look to each other before heaving a deep sigh in unison.

"You told Jimin what when you were drunk!?" Jungkook questions.
"..I told him that I have feelings for you?" you re-state, curling into a ball as you speak. Jungkook groans, holding his head in his hands.
"It's bad, I know.. but hey! Jimin pinky promised me that he wouldn't tell anyone. We'll be okay." you say.
"Y/N, pinky promises don't mean shit to Jimin. Do you have any idea how he is when it comes to secrets and gossip?!" Jungkook asks, you cautiously shake your head.

"Come in." Namjoon says, leaning against a counter in a back room as his eyes scan his clipboard. He looks up. "Ah, Hoseok! How's it going?"
Hoseok slowly steps into the room, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, "Namjoon.. I was told something that is supposed to stay a secret, but for the sake of our diner I kind of feel the need to tell you..."
Namjoon furrows his brows with concern, taking note of the tone of Hoseok's voice. "Alright.. well, spit it out." he sighs.

"Everyone is probably so contradicted now. They won't know what to believe. Between me lashing out at dinner and your drunk confession.." Jungkook says, stressed.
"No, you don't get it. All they know is that I have feelings for you. Not the other way around. They most likely believe that my feelings are one sided." you say.
"Y/N.. that doesn't sound good for you."

"Jin, I know you told me to call you over less often, but managing the diner is so difficult when no one can keep it in their damn pants!" Namjoon says to Jin as they sit in the living room at the boys' mansion.
"It's fine, I don't mind discussing things with you if I'm sitting in a fucking castle." Jin chuckles, his gaze moving around the gigantic home.

"Let me get this straight. Y/N likes Jungkook.. but Jungkook just sees her as an employee?" Jin says. Namjoon nods.
"Damn-it!" Jin groans,startling Namjoon. "I warned y/n about Jungkook. For fucks sake." Jin curses under his breath.
"Jin.. I'm the one who's in charge of keeping everyone under control. What do I do about y/n?"

Jimin strolls by the living room, his steps slowing down while he munches on a snack from the pantry, briefly overhearing the conversation. "Whatcha guys talking about?.." he casually asks.
"Y/N likes Jungkook." Jin says, straightforward. Namjoon groans, "Hoseok told me it's supposed to stay a secret, dumbass!" he says.
Jimin's eyes widen realizing that your precious secret that he pinky-promised on has spread like wildfire. Jimin runs to the staircase, stomping as he walks up the stairs, "Kim Taehyung, you're dead!!!" he yells.

Head Chef | Jungkook x Reader  [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora