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You and Jungkook wince through giggles, trying your best to not to make a sound as you clutch your clothing to your bare bodies. It's two AM and you've just come upstairs from the hot tub, unsure if any of your housemates are home. The front door clicks downstairs and you feel Jungkook grab your wrist; he opens his bedroom door and pulls you behind it. The two of you peak your heads out to watch all your friends walk through the front door on the first floor, coming home from work.
"That was close." you say. Jungkook nods, panting out of breath behind you.

"Well..." he begins, pulling you into his room while simultaneously closing the door. "Where were we?" Jungkook asks rhetorically with a suggestive smirk, referring to the session of love-making you just had in the backyard. "Please, Jungkook, I'm so tired." you smile.

"I know, baby, I'm just teasing you." Jungkook wraps his arm around you, sighing as you lie down into bed together. "You tired me out too." he says. You lie your head on his chest and he begins to pet your hair.

Soon, you hear him humming just above your head. You lightly grin. "Your singing always sounds so good." you say. "You know what. I've been thinking of pursuing music." Jungkook says.
You gasp, "Really? I mean, I don't blame you. You always sound amazing." you say, excitedly. There's a pause. "What about Jeon's?" you ask.
"I don't know. It was just a thought." Jungkook quickly says, dismissing your questions on the singing dream of his, "Let's just sleep.". You fall soundly asleep in Jungkook's arms, his
soft skin against yours.

Waking up still in his embrace, the warm sunlight fills the room as you and Jungkook awaken. A cool breeze drifts from the open window and you look up at your boyfriend, his bangs lightly brushing over his face with the draft. You smile, gently wiping the hair out of his eyes.
Jungkook grins, "Good morning, love." his eyes flutter open and smile down at you. "Good morning." you reply.

"Last night and this morning have been so nice." you remark, sighing in relaxation as you reminisce of the time you've spent with Jungkook these past twelve hours. Away from the diner, the chaos and increasing customers; you feel at peace. You haven't spent nearly this much time with Jungkook in days, and finally it's felt as if life was put on pause for the two of you to spend time together.

Jungkook continues to gently play with your hair as you lie in bed, silent, admiring each other's presence. "What time is it?" you ask. Reaching over, Jungkook lazily takes his phone and looks at the screen.

"Oh shit." Jungkook quickly sits up, startling you as you're quickly pushed off his chest. "Sorry, sorry." he hastily apologizes as his eyes are widened at his phone. He stares at the 30 missed calls and screaming text messages from his co-managers.

"What's wrong?" you ask.

"We're being exposed."

Drifting into the diner's parking lot, Jungkook quickly parks and the two of you step out of the car. "Holy shit." you mumble to yourself, walking up to the café beside yours; Nina's.

The front of her diner is covered in photos of you and Jungkook in the hot tub, luckily, they're censored. "Nina..." Jungkook growls the name of his ex fiancé as his eyes skim the pictures. Some of them read, 'Mr.Jeon dating coworker!', 'Jeon's supports dating in the workplace!' and, 'Don't eat at Jeon's!'.

"This isn't good." you say, one hand on your hip and the other nervously rubbing your upper lip. "Should we rip the papers down?" you ask. Jungkook quickly pushes you towards Jeon's. "Go inside. We can't be seen together. I'll take care of this." he says.

You rush inside and before you can even make it to your cash register, a hand grabs your wrist and pulls you into the kitchen.

"Sit." Namjoon demands, grabbing a chair and placing it behind you. Sheepishly looking up at the three men who stand in front of you, arms crossed, you wait for their disappointed glares to diminish and for one of them to say something. Anything.

"Sex in a hot tub. Really." Yoongi frowns.
"And naked??" Hoseok adds.
"We all trusted you with keeping your relationship a secret. Now look." Namjoon says.

You scoff, "Nina broke into the house! How were we supposed to know? We can't have sex, in the comfort of our own home?!" you rhetorically ask, distressed.
"Hm. I don't know. Maybe check the security from Jungkook's phone?!" Namjoon says, every ounce of sarcasm clear in his voice.
"We just assumed it was one of you guys!" you frown.
"It's true. I go home off schedule all the time." Jimin chimes in, stirring a pot; literally and figuratively.
"Namjoon, you know arguing with this won't solve anything. We have to actually do something". Yoongi says. He sighs, "God, what will Jin think?"

Your heart sinks at those words. What will Jin think? What will he think? Mr.Kim, your old boss and dear friend that you have honoured for years, training under his wing and continuing his dream after he handed off his business; and you're tearing it to the ground.

Before your mind can spiral further, someone taps your shoulder. "Y/N, go hand these dishes to tables 1, 7 and 16 then come straight back to the kitchen. Jimin and I will go outside and discreetly get rid of the pictures." Taehyung says, handing you dishes. You nod, standing up from the chair.
Namjoon chuckles, "When has Jimin ever been, discreet."
"Fix that temper while we're outside, incredible hulk." Jimin rolls his eyes.

Taehyung groans as him and Jimin head outside. "At the peak of Jeon's fame, of course Nina would do this." he says, opening the door for Jimin. "She's such a jealous bitch." Jimin replies.

They step outside and look at Nina's.
"The photos..." Taehyung begins.
"They're gone." Jimin says.

"Wait, where's Jungkook?"

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