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24 November 2017

Aurelie's POV

"Parrucchiere." he says, laughing under his breath.

I think for a moment before attempting to respond. "Parrot?"

His eyes brim with tears of hilarity and that same smile tugs on his lips. "It means hairdressers. I can see why you'd think that though."

"I don't need your sympathy." I say sarcastically.

"Fine by me." he shrugs, shaking his head like he can't believe me.

I bite down on my lip to hide my smirk, turning away and facing the direction of the isle.

"So, why are you here then?" Lorenzo asks.

I take a quick sip of my capri-sun (don't lie, they're the best drink ever) and place it back down onto the tray in front of me.

"Model." I shrug.

He raises his eyebrows and whistles lowly. "So what, am I next to a real life celebrity?"

"I'm actually friends with Kendall." I mention before I can forget.

"Oh yeah?"

"Think for about three or four years now, actually."

Lorenzo nods and watches me as I take another sip of my drink, an amused smile on his face. "What?" I ask innocently, the straw half hanging out of my mouth.

"A kids drink?"

I shoot my back towards the seat behind me, my hand to my heart: wounded.

"A kids drink?" I mock his thick Italian accent, "They're one of the best drinks to ever exist."

"No, tequila is." he argues, and I give in.

"Agreed, to be honest. But when I'm staying sober, definitely capri-sun's."

"Fair enough."

Conversation goes quiet, and I wrack my brain for more conversation starters. I don't talk to many people that I don't already know, and it's a little bit of a breath of fresh air to finally do it.

"So, what do you do then? You know that I'm a model, what do you do."


I rest my elbow on the arm rest so that I can place my head in my palm and analyse him properly. After a few seconds of consideration, I give in.

"I don't have a clue, you can't put me on the spot like this! What if I say something offensive?"

"Oh no, I won't be offended, go ahead and guess." he looks all too happy with himself.

"Are you one of those perfume advert models?"

He laughs, a small snort escaping. It weirdly reminds me of Camille, and I have to shake off any more thoughts of her.

"I don't even know what that means, keep guessing."

"You do look like one of them though! Those men who are always mysterious in perfume commercials and always end up being in the finale shot in front of the Eiffel tower with a girls head in their neck. Tell me I'm wrong."

He looks a little stunned by my outburst, probably due to the speed at which I spoke and the language barrier.

"You're wrong. Keep guessing."

"You're so adamant about this, god. Okay..." I close my eyes and concentrate harder, "Singer?"


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