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(Chapter 11)Lost souls

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(Chapter 11)
Lost souls

Author POV

"Jiminie do you think this one looks good or not?" Jimin turned to look at Chou, his best friend was getting dressed as he was going on a date with his soulmate, Simeon.

"You make anything look good Chou and you know it" Jimin responds.

"I do, don't I" Chou gave a spin in front of the body length mirror. His dress spinning with him.

"Plus even if you did dressed badly, not saying you will. Simeon will still look at you with hearts in his eyes. Because he loves you too much to care for small things" Jimin smiles.

"And I would do the same for him. Whatever he is wearing I will love him in it. Because it is him" Chou declared.

"And you're right, your legs look great in that dress" Jimin stated.

"I told you they would" Chou looked smug with the comment, Jimin rolled his eyes and turned back to his essay.

Dance theory was a pain to do. He had only written half of his essay that was due tomorrow. He couldn't help it, his mind wasn't in the game at all. All he could think about was his soulmates, all 6 of them.

He would get distracted, while his lock screen remained as a picture of Chou, Simeon and himself eating icecream. Jimin was sure Chou had chosen something bright and colourful, with the way that Simeon had turned his nose up when he saw it. But begrudgingly paid for the icecream because of the bright and happy smile on his soulmate's face.

But his home screen had changed, he had found a picture of the band. The brightest one he could find. While the background surrounding the members were in the continuous monochrome colours of the world around him. His soulmates were in bright colours, their clothing too.

It was a mystery even scientists couldn't explain. Why it was that if the clothing wasn't on one's soulmate it was colourless. However as soon as the soulmate put it on it would light up with colour, much like Christmas lights.

"Chou what colour is your dress?" Jimin asked.

"Light blue, I've always found it compliments my skin" Chou responded.

Chou picked up Jimin's phone opening the lock screen.

"Do you see this colour here?" He pointed to the light coloured top that Jungkook was wearing. "Like that but imagine it alittle lighter" he told the curious boy.

"It is a pretty colour" Jimin agreed. He looked to the phone screen, picturing the colour there, then turned to look at Chou trying to imagine the colour on his best friend. But all he could see was a light off white colour and it for some reason filled him with disappointment.

"Chou do you think I should have run away?" Jimin asked. It was out of the blue and impulsive, but the question had been playing over and over in his mind like broken record, that wouldn't spin soundly again till he received an answer.

"Do you want me to butter it up or be honest?" Chou inquired. A hard look had come across his face, Jimin had never seen this expression on his best friend's face before.

"Honest" Jimin responded, though he feared the truth. He knew it would be harsh but he needed it.

"I think it was selfish. Especially after you told me that no matter the person they all deserve to know and meet their soulmate. By running you took that choice from them. It's a bit hypocritical if you think about it." Chou stated.

"I know, I just got scared" Jimin pulled his legs up to his chest, head resting on his knees.

"Jimin I will let you in on a secret. When I first saw Simeon I was terrified. I knew the minute he held my hand and the world lit up in colour that my life would never be he same again" Chou told him.

"But what if they don't want me now. I've run away from them twice now. They probably hate me" Jimin buried his face into his knees. Voice cracking slightly.

"Park Jimin you listen to me right now" Chou placed a hand under his chin, forcing his head up so he could look his best friend in the eyes.

"I can imagine they will be angry with you, sad definitely. But I can tell you it is damn near impossible to hate you soulmate. What you did was selfish, but it can be amended." Chou stated his tone full of authority. It made Jimin want to believe everything he had just said.

"But how can I reach them? It's not like I can just ring them" Jimin pointed out.

"Don't worry I got you covered" Chou said as he stood up.

He began to rummage around looking for some earrings to finish his outfit.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked skeptically.

"I left your social media on a piece of paper under your chair in the stadium. Taehyung saw me put it there" Chou stated.

"You what!" Jimin stood up quickly to stand infront of the older man.

"I was doing you a favour. It's not like I left you phone number, I am not stupid. Your social media is public so it is not like you are trying to hide it." Chou said.

"True, but shouldn't you have asked me first, or told me?" Jimin pointed out.

"Probably. But you were hysterical and on the verge of a break down. It didn't seem the best time" Chou said conversationally.

"Did they get it?" Jimin inquired.

"I don't know, I left before they concert ended. They probably got it though" Chou replied.

"Imagine that, getting a call from BTS" Jimin flopped back onto Chou's double bed.

"It definitely isn't common" Chou grinned back as he fixed some small studded earrings into his ears.

Jimin assumed that they were probably blue too to match the dress.

They continued to smile, both obliviously unaware that the letter hand never made it into the hands of their beloved idols.


Another chapter done.

I hope you liked it.




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