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(Chapter 27)The stage

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(Chapter 27)
The stage


Author POV

The moment Jimin put on the back up dancer's outfit the night before the concert it began to feel real. The costume that had been the other dancer's had now been tailored to fit him perfectly. Thankfully the other dancer had been taller and wider than him so they didn't have to add material to make the outfit work for him. 

The movement in the outfit was good, the moment he had tried on the perfectly fitting outfit he had begun some of the dances he was expected to do in them. Moving fluidly, he was able to join the others, gazing at himself in the mirror as he moved perfectly in time with the other back up dancers.

He had faced time Chou during his lunch break to show it off.

"Well you certainly look good" Chou had complimented, making Jimin put down his phone so he could do a full body spin to show off the outfit to his best friend.

As predicted the elder complimented him till Jimin was feeling flustered. Chou's natural flirty nature sometimes caught the younger man off guard. When Simeon had walked in Chou naturally tried to make his soulmate hype an already flustered Jimin up more.

Simeon had given him a 'looks good' and a thumbs up before disappearing from the shot probably to make the pair dinner as Chou's skills in the kitchen were safe to stay disastrous. 

"Would love to stay but I'm heading out to a pride festival" Chou had explained, Jimin had promised to come with him to the next one before his best friend had hung up the video call.

Chou was very supportive and loved to attend pride parades, they were genderfluid, but mostly used male pronouns. Simeon often got dragged along to them, he was part of the community too just less of a parade person than his outgoing soulmate. Simeon was rather introverted, but pushed himself out of his comfort zone to make Chou happy. They truly had a relationship Jimin envied.

Jimin knew that Chou was planning to propose at the festival he had just been on the call with his best friend for the past hour, cooing over the ring Chou had bought. Simeon had no idea and Jimin had already hounded his friend to call him later to tell him how it went, but Jimin already knew how Simeon was going to respond as the other man had asked Jimin for ways to propose to Chou.

It made Jimin happy the the pair of soulmates were so happy together, he was thankful everyday that the older couple were willing to look after him so much. Despite their 7 and 10 year ages gaps they cared for him and never looked down on him for being younger than them.

They had even offered before that Jimin could move in with them, but Jimin had declined. But he knew they lived in a flat with 4 bedrooms, one was set aside as his room, they had even decorated it for him. The other room was for the guests, but Jimin never had to sleep in that one.

He truly loved them.


It was late when all the managers and team had gone to bed when the idols snuck out to go to their soulmate's room.

The moment Jimin opened the door to his room to allow them in, Jungkook swept him up in his arms and the older man was forced to wrap his legs around the younger's waist. Jimin had become more accepting of their physical contact, after they first made initial physical contact that gave them their colours Jimin was hesitant. Now he accepted it as easy as breathing air.

"The concert is tomorrow excited?" Hoseok asked when they all took their places of comfort around the small hotel room. The staff rooms weren't as luxurious as the ones the idols got. Their rooms had to look good if they went on any streaming for Army or posted a selca for the eager fanbase.

"Nervous mostly, I've never danced in front of so many people before." Jimin admitted.

"It is scary at first I admit, but the more the fans cheer the less you worry. Their excitement becomes infectious and you can't help but dance better and feel more energised" Taehyung stated, eager to cheer up his soulmate.

"Thanks Tae" Jimin was thankful to his soulmate.

He was glad they had come tonight, being alone with his worries was lonely. He was able to spiral himself into self doubt and succumb to overthinking everything. But lying on his bed with them around him helped him distract himself from those worrying thoughts.

They stayed until late, but eventually they had to go. They needed their rest for the concert too, after all they were to be the stars of the show.


If Jimin though the nerves on the night before the concert was bad, the ones standing waiting to go onto the stage with the sound of the Army cheering was by far worse. His soulmates wanted to go and comfort him, but they didn't want to raise suspicion by comforting him and not the other back up dancers. Plus they weren't supposed to know each other well aside from Jimin being recommended from an outside source (reality Yoongi).

But he had to swallow down his nerves as the band rushed onto stage as they were cheered on by the loyal fanbase. The back up dancers were standing on a platform that would raise them up when the song began so they could be in the background rather than in the centre stage.

The platform raised. The lights were shining, the fans were screaming. Then the music began.

Jimin easily fell into the routine he had practiced till his feet felt internally bruised and he was barely able to walk without wincing. He had to agree with Taehyung being on the stage was exhilarating to say the least. 

He found himself smiling behind his mask, all the back up dancers were required to wear them for the songs, it fitted with the image the idols were trying to portray through their music.

The smile was directed at his soulmates the entire concert. He found he liked this concert much better, after all it was in full colour.


How would you feel if I said this was one of the books I was on about almost being finished.

There is only 5 chapters left of this book, just a heads up they are planned out as well.

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.




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