33|| Ninety Days And Abir Rajvansh (a)

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Disclaimer : A few scenes/texts will repeat as the parallel scenes are written, please bear with them.

Also, someone said I want people to sympathize with Abir - No I don't. I want my version of Abir to suffer because that's how he repents or gets a redemption. Guilt is a self destructive feeling. And he needs to feel the guilt of putting Mishti through what he did.

But yes If this chapter seems OTT to you, just remember your writer was in a very foul mood and she used Abir as her own emotional outlet for these series of chapters which is why this looks too angsty 🙈

BTW, I MADE A NEW COVER FOR THIS STORY - I don't edit, so this is kind of my first blend edit ever 🙈🙈 How is this?

BTW, I MADE A NEW COVER FOR THIS STORY - I don't edit, so this is kind of my first blend edit ever 🙈🙈 How is this?

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Day 0, 12:45 AM, India

Abir walked inside the house, his steps that of a defeated man. He couldn't help but feel the heaviness in his chest increasing every passing minute, just at the thought of the upcoming morning. Mishti was leaving again, but unlike last time where he had failed to stop her even after running all the way to the airport, this time he had himself packed her luggage and convinced her to go.

He pushed open the door to his room and locked it behind him, resting his back on the door, breathing hard, the day he had had finally seemed to be catching up with him.

There was a time when this room was his escape, his personal heaven, every corner of this abode talked about him, of who he was unabashedly. But today, as he stood watching the same room, all he could see was Mishti. It was her essence all over.

In her huge portrait where she seemed to smile at him with the familiar twinkle in her eyes.

In the wind chime she made him, with her origami birds full of the sweetest and most loving words anybody had ever told him in his entire life.

In the way he remembered lying on her lap, finding satisfaction like never before, in this very bed.

In the way her hands had trembled, her eyes melancholic but shy when she had changed his dressing for him in this very room.

In the way he had caught the 'Cinderella type Chor' she was trying so hard to hide and the flush of her baby cheeks he wanted to pull.

Traitor tears rolled down his eyes as he slid down by the door, pulling up his knees.

"Only if I hadn't broken you so bad Mishti, maybe we could be happier together. But I have to let you go, so that you can move on", he mumbled, ashamed of himself not only for breaking her heart but also for feeling that emotion burning him inside, the one for which his mother had accused him for, one that stung him bad.


Because no matter what he was forcing himself to do for Mishti, it would be a blatant lie if he didn't accept it to himself that he did want to believe her when she said she would come back.

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