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"This is place is nice," I smile, still gathering my surroundings and looking around.

"Yeah, the food is good to, the best for a hangover," he slightly smiles and diminishes it within seconds.

"Why do you do that?" I whisper, eyebrows furrowed as I try my hardest to figure this boy out.

"Always so detached, nice one minute, and cold the next," I tell him. His eyes do that thing where hw looks like he almost isn't her until he finally speaks back.

"Maybe I just don't like you, has that ever occurred to you?" he spits at me. Wow. We are not doing this.

"See that, right there. You take me somewhere and are nice to me this whole weekend, but still it's like I can never really get you, you don't let anyone in ever. I have known you my whole life and I'm started to question everything about you. Are you this sweet guy, that helps me out and takes me to diners, or this boy I hardly know who looks like he doesn't exist behind those eyes, constantly stiff and not letting go, ever," I let out. And it's all true.

"Known me my whole life? We were friends when we were little kids Britney. Give me a break you haven't known me my whole life you've known my family. You act so perfect and god damnit it's starting to get on my last nerve. Let me do something nice and just don't complain? Who gives a shit if it's fake or not?" he says while grinding his teeth. Shoulders lowered as he leans in never breaking eye contact.

"It's like I don't even know you, ever. I just know all these different versions of you,"

"It's not like you don't know me. You don't know me. Period," he huffs, breath ragged as the unsuspecting waitress approaches.

"Here's the food, let me know if I can get anything else for this lovely couple," she smiles again while the plates klink against the table.

"Couple? N-" I get cut off as she walks away, still thinking me and Rafe could possibly be a thing. I guess I should get used to people thinking that if I am supposed to tell everyone.

Rafe rolls his eyes and grabs my hand, "Sure we are, where everyone else is concerned," and he plasters on a fake smile.

"It's dull in here, give me a quarter?" I pout at him, noticing the jukebox across the room.

Rafe digs in his pocket before handing me a quarter as I strut across the diner towards the music machine.

My eyes scan through the selection of songs until I finally find one I have seen before 'Dream Lover' by Bobby Darin. My parents used to dance to it in the kitchen when I was little. A romantic song but very sweet, and very many memories. The melody starts, and the music begins when I look over to Rafe, some personality finally present with him.

I hold up my pointer finger and motion for him to come towards me. After a few moments of hesitation the boy slowly gets up and walks over to my side as the song lyrics play. "Good song choice," he smiles at me Ah, glad to have the happy Rafe again.

"You know it?" my eyes look up to the boy leaning over the jukebox, eyes running me down.

"Mom used to play all these songs on repeat, I have heard them all. This ones my favorite," he smirks and gazes over the machine.

Something about him right in this moment seems warm and I need to soak it all up before he's cold towards me once again.

"May I have this dance Rafe Cameron?" I raise and eyebrow and offer my hand. Rafe hesitates then grabs my hand and spins me around before we do a sort of slow dance that's almost fast but still slow and sweet.

The music floods my ears and I am surrounded my happiness when I lay my hand on Rafes chest as if it belongs there. He adjusts to the touch before relaxing his body once again.

"I'm glad I know you Ralph," I warmly smile and look up at the boy towering over me before handing the lady our check and tip.

UNBREAKABLE [rafe cameron x female OC]Where stories live. Discover now