Chapter 9

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We started making out when my brain finally decided to re-enter reality. "Stop!"

"What's wrong princess?" Kio asked me as he put a hand on my thigh.

"I can't do this right now, Kio. I just came over to talk and somehow we ended up here!"

"So you didn't like it then?"

"No, I loved it. It's just wrong!"

"Is it more wrong than kissing your best friend's ex? Or is it more wrong than stealing your friend's boyfriend?"

"Shut up Kio!" I jumped off the bed and started marching over to the door when he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me back.

"I'm sorry, but am I wrong? It's not like you're dating Jaden, right?"

"No, but I really do like Jaden and I know that he had been waiting for a long time to date me."

"So you're going to choose him out of guilt?"

"No, well maybe. I just don't fucking know Kio!" I laid down on his bed and sighed of exhaustion. I wasn't physically exhausted, but my mind definitely needed a break.

"Evie, you know I love you, right?"

"I love you too," I said as I started to sit up again. "But I love Jaden at the same time and you have to understand that."

"I know, I just-" He was interrupted by my phone buzzing again.

I picked it up and put my conversation with Kio on pause for a second. It was another tweet I was being tagged in, which meant more drama that I didn't want. This tweet was from Nessa, which kind of made me scared.

Isn't it crazy how easy it is to believe someone, but then the next second you leave and they do the exact opposite of what they said. People are just fake as fuck.

"Damn it!" I yelled as I stood up off the bed.


"Nessa just tweeted something, you can check your phone. I have to go talk to someone."

"Alright, bye love you," He said with a laugh. Before I could stop myself I ran over and planted a nice short kiss on his lips.

"Let's not tell anyone about this okay? I'm already in enough drama right now and I don't need Jaden hating me too."

"I promise," He smiled.

"Thank you," I said gratefully as I ran out of his bedroom and down into the living room.

Josh stopped me just before I could reach the door, "How'd things go with Kio?"

"Umm... I'm sort of in a hurry."

"Wait, why are you in-"

"If you want to know about Kio, ask him. If you want to know why I'm in a hurry, check Twitter. Anything else?"

"Nope, you're good."

"Sorry Josh, I just really have to go. You'll understand in a second, love you!" I yelled as I ran out the front door.

I put my car into drive and started heading straight to Mads' house. I was just praying that she hadn't seen the video of me and Jaden yet because I really needed to explain this to her before the internet did.

I pulled into her driveway and headed to her front door. I just walked in since I practically lived there. "Mads?!" I yelled hoping that she was home.

I was answered with a quick response. "I'm upstairs!"

I ran up the stairs and she was just chilling in her bed watching Netflix. "Where's your phone?" I asked quickly.

"It's downstairs, I think that it's dead. What's wrong?"

"Okay, good. We need to talk."

"What is up with you?" She was very persistent, so I decided to get straight to the point. I grabbed the remote, turned off her TV, and sat down on her bed next to her.

"I don't want you to be mad at me, so I'm going to tell you the truth before the internet makes up some lie. Just promise me that you won't get mad at me?"

"Why would I get mad? It's not like you're dating my ex or anything," She laughed and I started to freak out. She was clearly joking, but she had no idea how close she was to the truth. I'm pretty sure that my face said it all because she immediately started getting mad at me. "Evelyn Pierce?! Are you dating Jaden!?"

"Mads, calm down. Let me explain this to you please!"

"Answer the question! Are you dating Jaden?!"

"No! Sit back down and let me talk to you, please," She obeyed my order and sat down next to me.

"So what do you need to tell me then?"

"You know what, just watch the video," I said as I handed her my phone.

"What's it on?"

"Literally everything. Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, you name it and the video is there."

"I'll check YouTube, what's is called?"

"Just search my name, it should be the first thing that pops up."

She found it and to my surprise she didn't look mad, but she still hadn't watched it yet. "Is it this one? It's called 'Evelyn Pierce spotted kissing her new bae'. You have a new boyfriend?!" She actually sounded excited, but she still didn't know that it was Jaden.

"Just watch the video Mads."

She clicked on the video and it was filmed from behind us, so she couldn't see his face yet. "Who is that!?"

"Just watch."

She kept watching and kept flooding my with questions. "Is that Josh?" She laughed and I knew it was going to kill her when she found who it actually was.

"Just watch the video!" I told her again. It was getting closer and closer to the part where we turn and you can see our faces and I was terrified to see her reaction.

"What the fuck Evelyn!?" She yelled at me. "How could you do this to me?"

"Please, let me explain."

"You have one minute and you better have one damn good explanation!"

"I really do like Jaden, but-"

"See I knew it! You really are-"

"Mads! Let me finish! I do like Jaden, but I found out that Kio still loves me and I went to talk to him and we made out for like ten minutes."

"So you aren't dating Jaden?"

"No, I'm not."

"I'm so sorry for exploding on you, I was just jumping to-"

"Don't apologize to me, I deserve to be yelled at Mads. I still kissed him."

"Yeah, but it was only a small kiss and he started it so you really didn't do anything."

"You didn't finish the video," I hesitated.

"There's more?!"

"Yeah, it really wasn't too much though. After he kissed me, we talked for like three seconds and then I kissed him again."

"But it was just a peck, right?"

"Not really, but can you forgive me anyways?"

"Yeah, but if you start dating him I might have to kill you," She joked, but it wasn't very funny to me since I knew that it was actually a strong possibility that I would start dating him.

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