Chapter 19

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Evie, please answer

Baby, please talk to me

Can you at least tell me what I did?

Jaden just kept texting me and I didn't want to respond to him after what he did. I let my tears fall freely down my face as I thought about how he kissed another girl. I trusted him and I thought that he loved me, but then he kissed someone else without even telling me.

I decided that I didn't want to deal with him right now, so I turned off my phone and just laid there in silence. I stared at the ceiling for about five minutes until I heard a knock at my door. I knew for a fact that it was Jaden because he lived around five minutes away and I just broke up with him so of course he is going to want to talk about it.

"Go away!" I yelled from the couch.

"Evie, please just tell me what I did!" He yelled in from outside.

"I don't want to talk to you Jaden," I stated, but I guess that he didn't care what I said since he just walked inside. I guess that I should've locked the front door, that was probably stupid on my part. "Please just go away," I muttered through my tears.

He sat down on the couch across from me. "I'll leave, but can you just tell me what I did?"

"You know exactly what you did Jaden!" I yelled as I walked into the kitchen. I couldn't even look at him without getting more upset.

"Just tell me what happened, please? I really don't know what happened."

"You kissed some other girl!" I said as I started going upstairs. I just needed to be as far away from him as possible.

"Baby, please just let me explain," He said as he followed me up the stairs.

"I'm not your baby, Jaden!"

"Evie, I love you."

"I can't believe that I believed you last time you said that."

"I do love you!"

"No you don't Jaden! If you truly loved me then you wouldn't have kissed her."

"Can you please just let me explain!?"

"I don't want to hear your stupid excuses! I'm done with it because I know that if I let this slide there will just be another thing that I have to be heart-broken over and I don't want to live the rest of my life in tears because of you!"

"Evie, please?"

"No! You know what, I loved you more than anything and I trusted you! I didn't love Kio this much, but at least he didn't fuck things up every time I turned my back!"

"Evelyn, I swear to God! Let me talk!" He was starting to get mad, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to let him talk.

"Fine, but don't expect me to love you again after this."

He looked broken, but he still managed to let a few words out. "I didn't kiss that girl! She was drunk and following me around everywhere. She eventually got me to turn around and she kissed me. I never wanted to kiss her because I knew that you would never forgive me. I need you Evelyn, I can't get you off my mind."

"Why should I believe that, Jaden?!"

"Baby, please just trust me. I can't lose you, especially for something I can't stop."

"You have no idea how bad I want to believe, but-"

"Then just believe me, please Evie! I don't want to live a life that you're not in."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and I could feel his arms tighten around my waist, "I don't want to live without you either. I'm so sorry that I jumped to conclusions before I talked to you."

"So you'll be my girlfriend again?"

"Of course."

"I never want to lose you and I swear on my life I will ever do anything that would ever cause you to leave me. I love you."

"I love you too, but next time some girl kisses you, will you please tell me? It broke me to watch you kiss her and I would like to know before I see it online."

"I promise, I will tell you everything," He kissed my forehead and rested his chin on the top of my head.

My phone started ringing and it was Mads. I broke the hug and answered the phone. Before I could say anything, Mads started yelling about something. "Evie, I told you so. Jaden is an asshole! He kissed some girl that I've never even seen before! And you didn't even-"

I interrupted her, "Mads! Stop, we're fine. Me and Jaden are totally cool."

"So you're just going to forgive him for what he did?!"

"He didn't kiss her, she kissed him. Trust me, I was pissed when I found out. We talked it over and we are totally cool now."

"Alright, fine. I'll talk to you later."

"Cool, see ya," I said as I hung up the phone. Phone calls with Mads usually went pretty fast since I didn't like long conversations.

My phone started buzzing like crazy with notifications from every different platform. People were just starting to find the bit of Jaden and that one girl. It was all over TikTok Room and literally every other TikTok tea account.

I decided to go live and clear the air before Jaden started getting hate for everything. I grabbed Jaden and brought him downstairs. I set up the phone in front of us and went live as soon as possible.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to clear up a few things," I could already see the chat hating on Jaden. "First of all, stop with hating on Jaden! I will not tolerate that in my comments."

"If you do want to hate on me though, just do it in my comments. Come on, she doesn't want to look at you hating me every day."

"Well, I'm just going to get right to the point. Jaden did-" I stopped immediately when I noticed a comment from Josh.

Evie, I want to trust you, but now would be a great time to dump his ass.

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