Chapter 11

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I grabbed the remote off the floor when Jaden finally came back. I was trying so hard not to laugh when I saw his face. "Where did you find that outfit?"

"The back of your closet, I don't know why you don't wear them anymore," I laughed as I laid down on his bed.

"You seriously couldn't have picked anything else?"

"Nope, this is definitely my favorite thing in your closet," I smiled and he got into the bed with me. I placed my head on his chest and started scrolling through movies.

"You look really cute in that, but next time I would prefer it if you would pick any of my other clothes."

"These are your clothes," I smiled as I looked up at him. He was trying his hardest not to laugh and it was really cute.

"Whatever," He laughed.

We put on a movie and I instantly fell asleep on top of him. I slept better tonight that I had for days. It was comforting to know that I didn't have any important decisions to make tonight.

I woke up at around nine in the morning and Jaden was already gone. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through TikTok. I decided to stay on my following page so that I didn't have to look at Nessa edits or anything like that.

I ran across one of Quinton's TikToks and of course I watched it. It was the most simple TikTok I had ever seen in my life. There was no audio and literally all it was was just a video of the vent in Jaden's living room. I couldn't help but start laughing, since I actually was upstairs when he filmed this.

It wasn't revealing anything to the pubic, but it was definitely comedy gold for anyone who could understand it. I checked the comments and literally nobody understood what it meant. I decided to leave a comment that read:

We were being quiet!

Of course, this immediately ended up getting tons of responses. It was just simple things like We? Who is up there? and Uh oh, did Evelyn get caught? and things like that.

I did run across one comment that was speculating that it was Jaden who was up there with me, but not many people saw it since I had to scroll down a ton to find it.

I decided that I should probably start heading downstairs to find Jaden. I got out of bed and decided to change out of the hoodie and sweats I slept in. I always felt gross when I wore the clothes I had slept in.

I looked in Jaden's closet and pulled his black DTA hoodie and a pair of solid black sweats. It was obviously too big for me, but I still felt cute in it.

I walked down the steps and couldn't find Jaden anywhere. I decided to FaceTime him, because I really wanted to hang out with him for the day. It started to ring and he answered immediately.

"Hey baby," He said with a smile.

"Hey, umm where are you?"

"I ran to get some food, I'll be back in like- wait, did you change?" He said since he probably just noticed what I was wearing.

"I'll see you in a few minutes, you can see what I'm wearing then," I laughed.

"Alright, see you in a second," He said and I saw him getting into his car. "Love you."

"Love you too," I smiled. "Bye."

I sat on the couch and decided to watch some YouTube while I was waiting for Jaden to get back. I started just scrolling since I didn't really know what I wanted to watch yet. Somehow I ended up landing on Jaden's music video for Wanna Be. I'd watched it multiple times and I swear it got better every single time.

I just watched music video, after music video until I heard the door open. I looked back to see Jaden carrying some drinks and two different bags from McDonalds. I rushed over to him and grabbed some things out of his hands. I set them down on the counter and started digging through them to see what he got.

"I got you a Sausage McMuffin and a Dr. Pepper," He said as he glanced over at the TV. "What are you watching?"

"What does it look like I'm watching?" I laughed.

"You're so cute, you know that?" He said with a grin, "Is that my DTA hoodie?"

"Well, it's not mine," I smiled as I walked over and turned off the TV. I walked back and started eating my food. I was actually really glad he got breakfast, even though I never really eat anything when I wake up.

"You wanna make a Tiktok?" He asked after we finished eating.

"Yeah, sure," I stood up and grabbed my phone. We made a TikTok and decided to post it after the first try since it was too funny not to.

This is the TikTok, just pretend that Mads is Evelyn.

I decided to turn off the comments since I didn't want to deal with people hating on Jaden for what he did to Nessa. I went back to the couch and started scrolling through Instagram. I came upon a TikTok Room post and it was the TikTok that I just made with Jaden.

The caption read Sent in a lot, Evelyn Pierce is wearing Jaden's DTA Records hoodie. Well, this one I kind of did to myself. I probably should've thought about what I was wearing before I posted it.

"Hey Jaden?" I said as I turned back to face him in the kitchen. "Will you come here for a second?"

He walked over and sat next to me on the couch. "What's up?"

I handed him my phone and let him look at it. He seemed completely unfazed by it and actually seemed to be perfectly fine with it. "Do you think I should delete the video?" I asked.

"There's no point, the whole world screen recorded it," He started. "Do you want to go to a movie or something?"

"I feel like as soon as we leave here we're just going to be bombarded with hate."

"We have more fans then we do haters, plus they are way too afraid to talk shit to our faces. We don't have to go, but I don't think that haters are going to be a problem."

"You're right," I sighed.

"So do you want to go?" He asked anxiously.

"Yeah, sure," I smiled as I stood up off the couch. "Actually can we stop at Sway first? Josh told me that he was going to be over there all day to film."

"You wanna tell Josh?"

"Yeah, I just want to tell him now because I'm almost positive that Hollywood Fix or Pop Galore or someone else will find us and I don't want Josh to find out online."

"So if we get interviewed you want to go public?" He asked me.

"I think that we should. I don't like having to hide things from people, even if they are just people that think they know me."

"Alright, so do you want to head over to Sway now?"

"Yeah, if you're okay with that. I can also just drive over real fast so you don't have to go."

"It's fine, I can go with you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I don't dislike anyone there. Plus, I'm still friends with more than half of them."

"Okay, then let's go," I said as I grabbed his hand and walked out to the car with him.

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