Visting hours

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"Guys I need to talk to you" we were all sat round a fire.
It was late and I had exactly 2 more weeks left.
Sarah wasn't here with us , she had to stay home.
I haven't seen her or Rafe since there little argument two days ago.
"What is it?" Pope laughs but his face soon drops when he noticed my frown.
"Kat what's wrong?" Kie comes closer instantly picking up on the vibe.
"I'm going back to London" I look at my lap as I play with my hands.
It was uncomfortably silent, I look up with tears in my eyes.
"That was a prank right? Tell me your
joking-" JJ tries to laugh it off but when I don't change my attitude he soon realises I'm deadly serious.

"I wish I was" I bite my lip hard as I look down at my hands once again.
"I thought you were here to stay? You said that-" Kie's voice starts to crack.
"Hey guys what did I miss?" John B comes out with a sandwich, he stops when he sees us sitting there awkwardly.
"What's going on?" He stops chewing looking at me.
"I'm going back to London when summer break is over" I gulp and he sits down like his body had no bones.
"Sarah already knows, she found out two days ago- I was going to tell you guys I just didn't want to ruin anything" Kie hugs me as does Pope.
We all have a group hug.
"Why? Why are you going back?" Pope asks sadly.
"My dad said if I go back then he'd get my mum a job and I can live in her custody again" I pull my hair out of my face.
"Fucking hell Kat I'm really going to miss you" John b sighs before hugging me.

That morning ; Monday.
"Hey guys" I yawn as I stretch out.
"You going now?" J asks knowing I was going to see Sarah.
"Yeah I'll be back later ok" I smile at him before making my way to the KooK side.
That's when I get a text.
Dad: before you go back to London I'm having a party, it's on the last day you will be there, invite your friends if you want.
Great. I have to go to this shitty party.
About 10 minutes later i walk onto the Cameron's driveway.
Sarah had told me to just let myself in, Ward and Rose were at work.
"Sarah?" I shout as I enter the house I instantly see Rafe coming down the stairs.
"She went out" he bluntly stated as he walks past me going into the kitchen.
"Where? She knew I was coming here?" I ask but he ignores me.
"Rafe? Hello?" I try to get his attention but he doesn't respond.
I quickly turn him around so he's facing me.
"Are you high?" My hand softly grabs his jaw as I try to look at his eyes.
He swats my hand away "like you care" he scoffs as he walks round the Island.
"Of course I care I was the one who helped you in the first place" I say with disbelief.
What was he going on about?
"No you only got me clean for Sarah , you don't care about me all you fucking care about is my sister" he backs me up until my back hits the fridge.
I shake my head not understanding this sudden hostile attitude.

"Rafe-" I begin but he cuts me off by speaking again.
"You don't like me or care about me so if I want to sniff 10 lines or inject some shit into me that is none of your fucking business"
I knew he wasn't high , I could tell.
"Is this about what I said the other day? To Sarah?" I scoff as he straightens his back more.
"It is isn't it, you expect me to like you as a person when you've been nothing but an asshole to me my whole life, sure you've done a few nice things recently but that's only because your fucking using me!" I push him away from me so I could walk past him.
I start to walk towards the front door before he storms after me.
"Yeah well I don't like you either because you've been nothing but a bitch to me your whole life! I wished I'd never got with your desperate ass" he spits out and I laugh.
"My desperate ass? Your the one who made the first move! you fucking Piece of shit! You think your so fucking desirable! You think everyone wants you well guess what no one does your nothing but a stuck up prick who also happens to be an addict that's all you are!"
I regretted it as soon as I said it.
It was spitful. I wasn't a spitful person.

I could see the hurt in his eyes he steps back once from me finally giving space between us.
"What's going on?!" Wheezie comes in.
She was obviously in the living room or upstairs.
"Nothing absolutely nothing is going on here" Rafes voice was unsteady as he opens the front door revealing Sarah with shopping bags.
"Hey?! Where you going?" She asks as she drops some apples.
"Out!" He shouts back.
"What's got him so riled up?" She kicks the door closed as I help her with the bags.
Wheezie looks at me waiting for me to speak "I dunno it's Rafe right" I chuckle awkwardly.
We all watch films for a couple of hours, watching chick flicks like mean girls and New York minute.
"I've gotta get going my Dad wants me home" I hug both the girls goodbye.
I close the front door and feel the cold breeze on my face, I had this feeling this strange weird feeling.

Almost like someone was watching me.
"Rafe?" I call , hoping it was him.
No response.
I quickly make my way out of the Cameron gates , almost running back towards my Fathers.
I hear a car pull out all I could see were it's lights.
It was too dark to see who was in it and I'm not exactly a car expert so I had no clue what make the car was.
I start to run as fast as I could , the car only sped up.
I trip over a rock as I look behind me at the car.
I fall at the side of the road flat on my face.
The car only increasing its speed.
The lights blinding me as I roll off the side of the road Down a small hill towards the start of a forest that led to the back of my house.
I watch from the bottom as the car speeds past, if I didn't roll off the road it would've ran me over.
My back was up against a tree as my breathing slows.

That's when I see the car reverse.
"Shit" I get up quickly running through the forest.
Getting tree leafs in my hair.
I look behind me not seeing anybody following me.
I quickly turn back forward getting hit with a thick branch knocking me off my feet.
I roll behind a tree hiding as I hear footsteps.
I try control my heavy breathing.
The footsteps get lighter and lighter until they stop.
I grab a small stone from beside me throwing it to the left of me as far as possible, the footsteps pick up again going towards where I throw the rock that's when I get up bolting to my house jumping straight over the wall, I rush into the house locking the back door automatically.
"You look? Manic" I hear Alice's jarring voice from behind me I whip round.
"Someone just tried to kill me they tried to run me over they followed me into the woods-" I panic as I hear something outside.
I jump back away from the door.
"It's Dad he's watering the grass you know cuz it's summer it doesn't rain over here" Alice laughs at me as she walks upstairs.

"Are you ok? I heard what you said to Alice" that's when I turn to see Jenna standing there.
"Yeah I'm fine it was probably nothing" I brush it off not wanting to tell her anything I don't trust her.
I walk past her making my way upstairs she follows stopping me half way up the stairs.
"I believe you-" she says looking at me that's when the door opens my Dad walking through.
"What happened to you , you look awful" he laughs noticing half the tree in my hair, the blood on my cheek where the branch hit me and the mud on my outfit.
"I fell over that's all" I pull out of jennas grasp running up the stairs.

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