The wedding nobody was waiting for

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We arrive at my fathers house, the wedding was taking place in the back garden.
The garden was huge.
Rafe gets out opening my door, he getures to his hand and I take it standing up out of the car.
"You sure about this?" Rafe asks me as he loops his arm in mine.
Sage tumbled out of the car "I'm good!" She fake smile at us both as we laugh.

"Ok lets go" I smile nervously as we walk through the open house to the layed out back garden, white tables and grey banners as well as royal blue stood all round.
"It's a lot nicer then I thought it would be" Sage compliments.
That's when Jenna walks over
"I thought the groom wasn't a loud to see the bride before the wedding?" I question Jenna before she could even say hi.

"Your father isn't here yet- you all look lovely, Kat can I borrow you for a second" she grabs at my hand and pulls me upstairs.
"Is everything ok?" I really didn't want to be here or in a room with just her.
"I wanted to say that I'm really glad your here- we barely see you since you got back" she offered a smile and I shuffled slightly.
What was she going on about? She doesn't even like me.

"Maybe that's because Dad sent me away" I say calmly not wanting to get into a argument.
"He what?" She questioned honesty.
Was she joking right now?
"You know he sent me away- you know why he sent me to London and why I started to live with you before hand"

Her brows frown in question "he told me that you wanted to go back to London- he told me that your mother couldn't look after you so you came to stay here? That's what he told me"
She's lying-
She knew , she had to, how could she not?
"So your telling me that you knew nothing? He got my mother fired so he could take me! Only to send me away- you must've known!" My voice raises slightly as I look around noticing we are alone but still lowering my tone.

"I didn't know- Kat I didn't" Jenna's eyes roll about questioning everything.
"I didn't-" her voice cracks slightly & in this exact moment I realised I had misjudged her.
"It's fine" I begin before she cuts me off quickly.
"No it isn't!" She insisted as she gulped down her shame.
"I can't marry him-" she started and my eyes bulge out my head.
Oh god.

I'm going to be blamed for this as well.
"Don't decide now" I state as she looks up at me in surprise.
"I love him- but he isn't the man I fell in love with" she chokes out and I know that she wouldn't be abled to handle the truth about my father.
That he's abusive and mean -that he always was.
"I'll see you down stairs" I hear people coming in and that's when someone knocks on the door.
It was Rafe.
I walk towards him looking back once at Jenna who had her hands on her face.

I link my arm through Rafe's "you ok?" He noticed my flat face.
"Yeah I'm fine" I offer a small smile.
We walk down stairs into the garden where most of the guest were.

Sarah Cameron's PoV
We all got invited to this shitty wedding, considering my fathers friends with James and Jenna it wasn't a surprise.
But all the pouges were here and they weren't invited by the bride or groom they were invited by Alice-
Which surprised all of us but they took the invite none the less after all what's better then free drinks and food- I did have to force them- well only slightly but not as much as I thought I would have too.

I turn my head to watch people enter the garden with there dates.
My face drops when I see them walk through the door-
"What is SHE doing here?" My voice was unsteady, Kat and Rafe-
They are here together?
How could she? So much for saying it was a mistake and she's sorry.
That bitch.
They both walk to the buffet table that only had drinks on at the moment, they were serving food after the service.

Sage also stood with them, they were all laughing.
It made me feel sick.
I hated her, I hated them together.
She was so selfish and untrustworthy.
"I dunno? It is her Dads wedding" John B stated obviously.
I had to be honest he hasn't been that supportive of me since I pushed Kat in the pool.
Like he didn't see the issue- like I was being dramatic!

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