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"Kat! Come look at this!" I get up off Jeremy's lap, we were sat on my bed just chilling.
"Yeah mum?" I walk downstairs, Jeremy following me.
My mother stood in the kitchen, a newspaper in hand.
She shoved it towards me, telling me to read the first page.
"Holy shittt" I look at the article, four more robberies had happened since last week.

"I know- we're fucking lucky we ain't no Kooks" she laughed a little, doing up her shirt.
"Lemme see" Jeremy took the paper off me reading it himself.
"Surely the police will get them soon?" He was always so hopeful, didn't he know that this was the obx.
No police do shit here.
"I'm going to work- I want you guys to go out have fun or something" she reached into her wallet handing me some money.

"Love you" she kissed my cheek and I smile, she closes the front door behind her.
"What do you wanna do?" Jeremy smirked a little.
I shrug "go for lunch?" I wasn't in the mood for anything else but food.
That's when the mail drops by.
I pick it up, there was a letter addressed to me.

'Miss Katerina Night, we would like to talk to you about the incident that occurred at ******  resistance.
You can decline this by writing back a letter stating you don't wish to speak to us
Yours sincerely
Obx police department.'

"It's about your case" I hand him the letter, he reads it and laughs.
"I got the same one this morning- I'm guessing Rafe wants us to put out a statement saying we forgive him or something- so he can do whatever he wants" Jeremy walks round following me as I open the fridge.
"Did you decline it?" I get the orange juice out and he shakes his head.

"No- it would be a lot easier to just write a statement back- saying I forgive him or whatever, it's either that or get hassle" I couldn't do it.
I couldn't write back, Rafe can't know what I did.
"I think I might decline the offer" I turn facing him, he frowns a little in confusion.

"I'm just not ready yet- that's all" I roll my shoulders and he huffs.
"Is this about not wanting Rafe to know? I thought you were over him?" He sounded agitated by the very idea of me wanting to protect Rafe from what I did.
"I am! I just don't want to write back right away!" I push past him in annoyance.

"Your sure it has nothing to do with you liking him still?" He narrowed his eyes at me, I shake my head.
"Of course it's not"
He laughs "you protected him the night after the movies a few months back? How do I know you aren't just going to drop me for him?" He couldn't be serious.
What happened that night was the very thing that made him up and leave.

"Don't! Don't throw that in my face-" I hadn't talked about that night with anyone since.
"Do you still love him?" He walked up to me, his body heat burning mine.
"I never said I loved him- I'm with you!" I raise my voice at the stupid boy.
He nodded a little kissing me.

A few hours later in the day: 4pm.
Jeremy went back home, he lived half an hour away and needs to get home before dinner.
I found myself yet again driving by the pretty house that was Rafe Cameron's.
I knock twice, he opens the door abruptly.
In nothing but shorts, his bare chest out, I hadn't seen that in a while.

"You busy?" I fiddle with my hands behind my back, he looked almost dazed.
"No" he bluntly replied, I nod a little.
"Good" I smile awkwardly, pushing past him, his house was mostly set up.
I'm guessing he spent all day setting it up.
"You need help setting the rest up?" I notice a table that hadn't been put up.
His eyes followed me in suspicion.

"Yeah alright" he walked over, I dropped my shoulder bag on the floor helping him open the box.
He started to read the instructions, I missed being in his presence, just him being there.
"Pass me the screws" he stated, his hand open and I scoff.
"Please?" I raise my brows at him and he looks up from the paper in seriousness.

"Please" he repeated what I said and I finally pass him the screws.
After a while it started to look like a table.
"Hold This still please" he made the word 'please' stand out more when he spoke almost to annoy me, poke fun at me.
I held the table leg to the base of the table, he screwed it in, his body was so close to mine, I could smell his cologne.

I found myself staring at his naked arms, his hands-
"Fuck" I gasp when the table leg, trapped my finger slightly, against the leg and the top part of the table, I wasn't paying attention.
"You ok?" He dropped his screw driver, turning his full attention to me.
He grasped my wrist gently, he inspected my fingers.
"They don't look broken, they might bruise though" my eyes ran all over his face as he looked at nothing but my fingers.

"I'll get you some ice, it'll bring the bruising out quicker" I nod following him to the kitchen.
He reached into the freezer getting an ice pack out.
"So how long do you think you'll be here for?" I ask, he passes me the ice.
"A few months at least- it depends on if the witnesses write statements quickly or not" he shrugs slightly, his arms crossing.

Thats one more reason why I couldn't write a statement. I didn't want to see him leave.
"Why did you come here tonight?" He stared down at me, I sit on the island counter.
"I haven't seen you in months-" he cut me off with a grunt "you wanted to catch up, yeah I know, but really what's the real reason? Is lover boy not in the picture anymore?" He opened the fridge getting a water bottle out.

"No- he's very much in the picture" I awkwardly stare down at my fingers.
The silence creeping on us yet again.
"He must really like that your hanging out with me tonight-" his voice drifted off into the distance as he looked at my expression.
"Shit he doesn't know" he scoffed leaning against the counter opposite me.
"So why are you here? If your little boy toy doesn't know then it must be more then just a catch up" he called me out yet again.

"I miss you- you left, there was no warning or goodbye and now your back and I miss you" I swallow my guilt, I could feel Jeremy's words from earlier creeping into my mind again.
"You know why I left" his eyes became cold, yes I do. I know exactly why you left.
"I guess you know how it feels- for someone to just bail without a goodbye" he chuckled a little.
Oh those were the times. When he hated me just because I left for England.
The simplest of times.

"Yeah I guess I do" I chuckle with him, the cold ice pack feeling warm now that I was focused on Rafe.
"If you miss me? Then what do you want?" He walked closer to me, trapping me as his hands rested either side of my hips on the counter.
His face was so close to mine.

"What do you want?" He whispers, his hot breath coating my cheeks with a blush.
"I want to be friends" I keep my voice steady, I was with someone.
Rafe's back but he can't just walk in and ruin everything.
"Hmm" he hummed, pushing off the counter.

"We won't be friends" he smirked a little, he was right in a way.
We've never just been friends.
There was always something there, be it hate, tension, sex, love.
"I want us to be abled to be friends" I honestly repeat.
He bites the side of his cheek "alright" he agreed with a huff.
"Shit- I need to get back" I jump off the counter and he tilts his head watching me.

"Why? Don't tell me Lover boys looking for you?" His jaw clenched slightly, I stare at him with a glare.
"No- my mum will be home soon, this is the only time I can study in a quiet space" I chuckle as I grab my bag.
"You could always study here" he crossed his arms, my eyes searched his face.
Questioning him a little.
"That's what friends do for each other right?" He smirked and my heart quickened.

"Ok- thank you, I'll bring my work next time I pop round" I nod and he looks me up and down.
I felt myself growing insecure by his intense stare.
"I gotta go- can I see you tomorrow? Help you with the other stuff" I point to some boxes and he shakes his head with a humorous smile.
"Yeah, you can come round"
I smile walking towards the door.

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