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The day before:
I leave to go back to London tomorrow, my father is having a party tomorrow before I go, he hired a guy to drive me to the air port.
All my stuff was packed up in bags and suitcases.
Its been 4 days since I saw the shooting stars.
Me and the pouges were going to enjoy the last bit of sun before summer break ends.
Even though I was leaving tomorrow night I couldn't help but think about Rafe, how he was almost embarrassed to be see with me.
His face changed we heard those tourists that night, it made me realise a lot.

The leaving party:
All of the pouges were here, as well as all my fathers friends , people I didn't even know.
"Hey Kat" Wheezie runs up to me, hugging me tightly.
"Hey wheez how you doing?" I ask the girl, she just kinda shrugs.
"Hey I've got something to show you , come on" I take the girl upstairs, as the party was in my fathers back garden.
"I'm going to give you this bracelet" Wheezies eyes widen.

She knew it was my favourite.
"I can't-" she shakes her head, I put the bracelet around her wrist.
"Now I'll have to come back, to get my bracelet, so look after it for me yeah?" tears form in my eyes as the girl hugs me immediately.
"I'm going to miss you Kat" I rub the girls back not speaking.
I never realised how hard this would be, to yet again leave the people I care about.
"Come on let's go join everyone downstairs" I hold her hand as we make our way back to the party.

Rafe had come to the party, he was meeting my Dads business friends.
I leave at 10:00 pm it was only 8:00 pm now.
"Hey Kat!" All my friends hug me as I come back into the garden.
"Where'd you go?" JJ laughs, by the look on all there faces it looked like they had thought I'd left.
"Upstairs I wouldn't leave without seeing you guys first" I laugh hugging them all.
"Hi everyone can I have your attention please" my father hits a fork against a glass making people look at him.
"Thank you all for coming to celebrate mine and Mr Cameron's collaboration, our business are now one and we are ready to take another big step to success together " everyone starts clapping and I couldn't help but laugh slightly, of course this party wasn't for me it was for him and his business as usual.

"Have I ever said how much of an asshole you're dad is?" John B whispers to me and I laugh.
"Yes many times before, I'm going to grab a drink you guys want one?" They all nod following me inside .
"Here" I hand a beer to JJ and Kie before turning around to get the vodka out for Sarah, John B and Pope.
"Mix it with coke" I pass them the bottle and they smile.

We all walk upstairs to my room, chatting and laughing.
"No because Kie fell off the fucking roof straight through the green house" I start to cry with laughter.
When me and Kie were younger we weren't exactly the smartest or best behaved children.
I remember when we were trying to get on my Dads roof to throw off water balloons when my Dad came home but instead as Kie was climbing she slipped pulling me with her as we both fell through the green house that my Dad had just brought.
We weren't too hurt luckily and we blamed it on robbers claiming we weren't in when that happened my father obviously knew we were lying and told us off.

I wasn't aloud out for weeks.
"It's not my fault! You dropped a water balloon making it slippery!" Kie slaps my bed trying to control her laughter.
"We were so lucky we didn't die! That was a high fall!" I remind her and she nods as she sips her beer.
"God I'm going to miss this" I sigh looking at all my friends.
"Same, who's going to be the female hot head in the group now?" J teases as he messes up my hair.
"Yeah how are we going survive with just one idiot?" Sarah points to JJ who gasps in disbelief.
"Me? Idiot? Never!" He insisted.

"No because school is going to be so boring without you" Pope whines and I put my arm round the boy.
"Promise me when I get back that we will all go away for summer break? Or at least spend every minute together?" I laugh as tears threaten to spill.
"Promise" John B puts his hand in the middle as Kie puts her hand on top of his.
Soon enough all our hands were over lapped in the middle "to next summer break!" Sarah laughs as we put our hands in the air.
For a minute I thought of backing out, staying here, but I knew I was doing the right thing for my mother. For myself.

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