Chapter 10: You're Not So Bad

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"Where are we going?" I ask as he finally appears in the living room where he said to meet when ready.

"Shopping, you literally have nothing" He says as I wonder why he would even care.

"It was Domenic's idea though" 'Oh so he doesn't care..'.

"So many cars..." I mumble under my breath as I see at least 13 cars parked outside the mansion.

"Right? like i need to buy some motorcycle's too" He says, completely missing my point. I sit in the front seat shivering from the cold outside as Isaiah starts the car.

"So listen...." He starts, breaking the silence as he drives on the busy roads.

He looks to be struggling with his words, making me curious to what he's about to say. He then stops the car at the side of the road as he takes a deep breath.

"I got a pretty bad scolding from Domenic yesterday about how we've been treating you and maybe I went a bit too far..". He says, turning his attention towards me. 'WHAT!! Where did this come from??' I think, as I'm at a loss for words.

"You may think I'm mean and all but trust me, I treat my brothers way worse and I guess I'm just not used to having a younger sister around" He says as I avoid his gaze.

"The truth is..." He starts but stops a second before continuing.

"Ever since you disappeared, i've felt different and i guess that neither me nor the others know how to handle or express our feelings towards you" I look up to see him actually taking this seriously for once.

"What are your feelings then?" I ask, desperately. I've wondered this since I got to know I have brothers, do they care? Are they happy or do they really just hate me?.

"We-" "Do you guys hate me?" I interrupt him, needing to get my asumpion out there.

"NO!" He quickly says.

"We don't hate you, we could never" He says seriously.

"Then how do you explain, me overhearing a conversation that Malcolm and Zane were having about me not being their real sister and that it was a mistake for me to live with you guys!" I say, getting emotional.

'Calm down Belle, don't work yourself up' I think as I see Isaiah struggling to come up with an excuse.

"I can't speak for them, but if it means anything to you then I just want you to know that I'm sorry if you felt that I hated you because I really don't" He says as I look into his eyes to see him telling nothing but the truth.

"And going shopping wasn't Domenic's idea... I just wanted to make it up to you and buy anything you wanted" He says with a sorry smile.

"Thank you Isaiah, I really appreciate you telling me all this so I've decided to forgive you" I say with a smile. 'It's true that he hurt my feelings but he's also trying to make up for it... also, it's the other two who hurt me the most anyways'.

"No way! you're too good for this world" He says surprised.

"You know, I can't believe I just now noticed that you've got a dimple on your cheek. It's super cute by the way, reminds me of mom because she got the same one" He says, making me blush. 

'Jeez i'm not used to him being nice like this, and did he say my mom got the same one'. After driving for 10 more minutes we reach a huge mall where we get off at. I notice people eying my brother as we walk by making me self conscious.

"Let's get you the electronics first" He says, walking fastly towards the apple store.

"Hey! wait up you're too fast" I say as i almost have to jog to keep up.

"Well it's not my fault i was born with taller legs than you" He says laughing. We walk, or he walks and i jog to the apple store as he goes to talk to a guy working there.

The guy working there looked pale for some reason as my brother started talking to him. 'Maybe he's feeling sick or something?'.

"I can't get that much" I say as he comes towards me holding the latest iphone, airpods and ipad.

"Why not, more of a Samsung girl?" He asks with a raised brow.

"No but I don't have enough money for all that" I say as Isaiah looks at me in disbelief.

"Don't tell me you thought you were gonna pay for this, or anything else for that matter?" He asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course I did and if you think I'm letting you or anyone else pay for me then you're mistaken" I say, confidently. I never liked people paying for me and never will.

"You're not paying" "I am" "But you're not though" "Yes. I. Am" I answer.

I can be really stubborn when I want to. Isaiah doesn't respond and just starts walking away. 'So he's just gonna go pay for me just like that? Well i won't let him' I think as i march towards him. 

He takes out his credit card after placing the stuff down to pay as I run into him, taking his credit card.

"Hey!" He says seriously as I successfully took his card.

"Isabelle, give it back now" He says in a low and scary voice. 'Wow, all my brothers seem to have the ability to scare the crap out of me when they want to'.

"Isabelle, Give it back. Now" He continues.

"Don't make me get it myself" He threatens as i start running. Me having much shorter legs, only make it about 5 meters before he easily catches me.

"Stupid girl, did you honestly think you could outrun me?" He says, amusingly smirking at my silly attempt.

"You're not paying!" I say determined, struggling in his hold.

"I could literally buy this whole place without it causing me any problem so stop arguing.

"ugh fine but some day i'll pay you back" I say in defeat.

"Well good luck cause you're gonna get hell of a lot of things from today on" He says laughing. He ends up buying the stuff as we continue to go buy clothes.

I try finding the cheap stuff but nothing in these stores are. Everything I show a bit of interest in, Isaiah takes without even looking at the price.

"I'm so tired, we've been shopping for hours now" I say exhaustedly.

"But don't you want to buy some... um... some underwear and stuff?" He asks, obviously uncomfortable.

"Oh right hehe" I awkwardly answer. "Are you gonna just stand there?" I ask Isaiah, embarrassed as I look for some underwear.

"Trust me, I don't want to either but Ezekiel said he would give me the worst punishment of my life if I let you out my sight, even for a second" He says, staring at his phone.

"Now we've got everything right? So can we go home now?" I ask, feeling like my legs are gonna fall off. "Yeah yeah let's go then" He says, taking the bags of our stuff as we walk towards the car. 

"You know, this was actually kind of fun" He says after driving in silence for about 5 minutes. 

"Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," I admit.

"By the way.. Do you think that i- that I'm your sister?" I ask as he suddenly becomes tense.

"Well believe it or not it was actually me who tracked you down" He says, making me look up at him in surprise.

"The police did a DNA test on you who linked you to us. It's been faked before so we didn't know what to believe but after seeing you the first time, all of us except Malcolm and Zane knew that it was you" He says with a smile.

"I'm sure they both reject the feeling the others and I had when meeting you. They're afraid of letting you in there hearts and getting hurt again but like you've probably heard before, they just need some time"

'Well i'm gonna spend tomorrow's day with Malcolm so saying he needs time isn't really comforting me right now' 

A/N: Thanks for reading! What do you think about Isaiah? 

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