Chapter 33: No Escape

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"Did you really think you would be able to escape me?" Ezekiel asks, making Coby look at me confused.

"I'm not coming back to live with murderer's" I say, clenching my sweaty hands.

"What are you talking about? Do you know him?" Coby whispers/yells.

"Get rid of the boy" My brother says to the guy behind us.

"Don't kill him he's my friend" I say panicked as my brothers men grab a struggling Coby before taking him away.

"Making friends already? you're so naive to trust a homeless boy from this part of town" Ezekiel says, taking a step further towards my direction. I turn around and try to run the opposite direction where my brothers men stood before but panic as I notice it's a dead end. I look at my brother to see him still taking slow steps towards me.

I pull out the gun from my waistband and point it at him to make him stop. Frustration kicks in as he doesn't even look faced by my action, as he just stares into my eyes with his cold ones.

"I suspected you took it, considering a gun was missing from under my bed" He says with a chilling voice, making me unconsciously tighten my grip around the gun.

"You know nothing of what it means to hold such a weapon? As far as you know, the gun could be completely empty of bullets" He asks as I realize how clueless I'm being right now.

"Tell me child, how does it feel to point a gun at your own brother?" He asks as I tighten my jaw in anger.

"You're not my brother. You lied to me and kept those men locked up right under my nose" I yell with tears burning my eyes.

"Come back with me and I will explain-" "NO! You're all just killers and dangerous criminals. I took this gun for my own protection against you and nothing else" I say with my voice wavering in fear.

"Isabelle. I would never hurt you, none of the others would either but just want to keep you safe" He says, starting to walk towards me again.

"Stop or I'll shoot" I threaten while tightening my grip on the gun.

"Lower the gun" He says emotionlessly while walking towards me.

"I hate you. I hate all of you. Just stay away from me" I say with the gun shaking from my trembling hands and tears flowing down like an endless sea. He reaches out and grabs the gun, lowering it slowly. He then proceeds to grab my wrist, for my grip to loosen around the gun for him to take it out of my hand.

I cover my face as my shoulders begin shaking before I begin to cry in hopelessness. I feel so betrayed and more afraid than ever. I immediately tense as Ezekiel does the most unexpected thing and hugs me. I struggle in his arms as I still feel afraid of him but he just tightens his hold on me making me give up the fight.

"Don't cry. It's going to be okay" He says with a softer voice I didn't know he had.

"I'm sorry for lying to you but I just wanted to keep you away from all this as long as possible" He says as I relax more and more in his embrace. He rubs soothing circles on my back as I cry into his chest.

He picks me up as I lay my arms around his shoulder while he starts walking towards his car. 'I still feel angry at him but at the same time so safe in his arms making it hard to push him away'. He sets me down in the backseat and sits next to me while his driver starts driving off. 

"Make sure everyone gets home... Yes she's safe... No, just leave it for now" He says on his phone. I stare out of the window with my puffy red eyes seeing the rain drops fall and people on the streets staring at our car.

"You're hurt" Ezekiel says as I look to see him staring at my bloody knees. "I'm fine" I say as I turn my head around towards the window again. 'I can't believe I forgot about my knees. It's like I can't feel a thing right now'

"Did anyone try to hurt you?" He asks again, ignoring my rudeness for now. I shrug in response as he sighs.

"What can I do to make it better?" He asks with his usual tone making me wonder if he cares.

"You can't" I simply say with my eyes glued to the window, seeing the lightning strike. I get out of the car as we pull off and notice all my brothers standing there waiting. They all look worried except for Malcolm and Zane who look furious.

"I've been so worried, come here-" Domenic says, trying to reach his hand out to me as I only angrily jerk back. 'I don't want to see any of them right now'.

"Leave her. She needs time" I hear Ezekiel say from behind me.

"Leave her? fucking leave her!? What she did was unacceptable" Malcolm says angrily as I walk right up to him with so much anger that I'm unable to feel the usual fear I'm used to feeling with them.

"Not acceptable huh? and you killing people is!?" I yell in his face, making him look at me surprised and speechless. I walk towards my room and slam my door shut but fail as a hand is holding my door from closing. "Leave me alone Domenic" I say as I realize that my second oldest brother came after me. "Your knees are wounded. I need to treat them" He says in a worried but stern voice.

"No, I don't want to. Just go" I say as I try to push the door shut. He easily holds it open with one hand while holding the first aid kit in the other hand. He walks up to me, grabs my wrist before dragging me towards the bathroom.

"Take a shower. I'll wait until you're done so I can disinfect the wounds" He says with a blank face. I take a shower because I'm dirty and NOT because he told me to. After i'm done I grab the clothes he left for me which is an oversized t-shirt and comfy shorts.

I walk out of the bathroom to see him sitting patiently, looking up when noticing that I'm done with my shower. He stands up before pushing me on my bed making me sit down on it while he crouches down in front of me to disinfect the wounds.

"I can do it myself. I don't want your help" I say, looking away. He ignores me and keeps treating my wounds before asking me a very hard question. 

"What went through your head when you realized what we work with?" 'He's not going to like my answer, at all...'

UNEXPECTANCYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora