Chapter 29: Snitches Get Stitches

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My two oldest brothers were supposed to arrive on Monday but somehow their trip was cut short and they arrived one day early, so today.

"Oh you're back, I thought you would arrive tomorrow" Isaiah says as my two oldest brothers enter the mansion.

"It was cut short and I was starting to miss my baby sis too much" Domenic says as he's looking around before stopping with his eyes on me.

"There you are, I missed you kiddo" He says, walking towards me and pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Thanks me too, it was annoying with Zane in charge" I say, earning a glare from Zane and a chuckle from Domenic. 'Zane may be scary but when i'm in the presence of my second oldest brother, I feel like i can say anything because he'll stand up for me if Zane tries anything'. We were all about to eat breakfast when we heard the front door open and close again as our oldest brothers finally made his appearance.

"Did everything go well while I was gone?" Ezekiel asks, looking at Zane.

"Yeah it went-" He starts but gets interrupted. "Bad, it was horrible" I interrupt, hiding behind Domenic just in case. "Really" Ezekiel says with a small smirk. Zane and Malcolm are now giving me the deadliest glare making me hang onto my favorite brother even more.

"Do tell" My oldest brother says, giving Zane and Malcolm a glare of his own for scaring me so much.

"They held a party and Zane was making out with my niece" I say as they all frown in confusion at the niece part.

"She's not your fucking niece nor my daughter" Zane says, confusing the others even more.

"Then why did she call you daddy then?" I ask, making Malcolm snort.

"Oh god" Domenic murmurs as he facepalms. Just as Zane's about to continue I interrupt him by speaking first.

"And they made me drunk" 'Okay, I know I lied about them getting me drunk but this is payback on Zane for hurting Anna and generally always being mean to me.'

"You made her what?" Domenic growls with a low voice directed to my 3 youngest brothers.

"It wasn't us, she drank herself behind our backs!" Isaiah defends with a disappointed look directed towards me.

"Why was there even alcohol to begin with when you have your 13 year old sister in the house. How dare you even have a party in my house without telling me" Ezekiel scolds with narrowed eyes on my brothers.

"And you" He continues as he points at me, making me freeze in place.

"Is it true that you drank alcohol without them knowing?" He asks as I feel unable to answer. 

"You speak when I ask you" He says, making me flinch from the tone.

"Y-yes but-" "Go to your rooms, all of you" He says in a stern voice. I look up at Domenic to see him looking at me with disappointment making me look down and walk away towards my room.

"What a snitch" "Happy now?" The twins say, walking angrily past me. Just as I'm about to walk into my room, I feel a hand grab my wrist making me yelp.

"What the fuck was that?" Zane growls as he turns me around to face him.

"The truth, what else?" I say, making him tighten his grip a little.

"You were supposed to keep quiet" He says as I shake my head no.

"The whole point of drinking was to get you in trouble. I told you it was payback for hurting Anna" I say as he groans.

"Well now you've got us all in trouble, hope you're feeling satisfied" He says as he lets me go. 

"Let me just give you some advice" He starts, just before I'm about to walk into my room again. 

"Maby sleep with one eye open from now on" He says in a threatening manner. I walk into my room and jump on my bed as I hug my pillow. I decided to call Kai to lighten my mood a bit. 

"Hello?" Kai asks, picking up the phone quicker than expected.

"Hi Kai, how's it going?" "Just fine, how about you?" "My brothers are being jerks as always but otherwise I'm fine," I say, making him chuckle.

"You know, your brothers are really suspicious" He starts, making me raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" "Oh c'mon, people always seem to be terrified of them and no one even knows why. I mean yes, they all do look like psychotic killers and constantly start fights but that can't be the only reason right?" He says, making me wonder.

"So what's the reason then?" I ask, feeling curious.

"Don't know... what do they work with?" He asks as I realize that I'm not too sure. "Some family business I guess, like owning hotels and stuff" I answer.

"You think there's something else?" He asks. "Definitely" I simply say.

"I know they're hiding something but I don't know what or how to find it out- or actually" I start, thinking about how I could actually get more information.

"The whole third floor is dedicated to their work and I'm never allowed up there" I say as the thought of it fills me with fear on how things ended last time when I went up there.

"Good, you should sneak in their bedrooms too" Kai suggests as I wonder if I would ever have the courage to do any of it.

"I don't know Kai, they don't play around and can get quite angry for the smallest things" "I know but what if they're hiding something big, what if you're actually in danger? you need to find out the truth and the sooner the better" He says, making me determined to find out the truth.

"You're right, I'll do it no matter how risky it may be". Later that day I was called to my oldest brother's office to receive my punishment along with Zane and the twins.

"Oh look, it's the snitch" Malcolm says as I enter the office of my oldest brother. "If you want a harsher punishment then just say so" Domenic says from the corner of the room, giving Malcolm a deadly look.

"Isaiah, let's start with you shall we" Ezekiel says as he looks at my youngest older brother. "No video games for a month and you're grounded" He says, making Isaiah groan.

"Malcolm, you're also grounded and will have to give me your phone" He says, putting his hand out for Malcolm to put his phone in, which he angrily does.

"Zane, you were the one in charge and failed to keep everything in check. You're grounded and will train close combat with me on early mornings" 'Close combat training with Ezekiel!? what a death sentence for sure'.

"And then lastly for our precious little sister here" He emotionlessly says, making me look up at the cold gray eyes of my brother.

"There's no point in grounding you when you're not allowed to get out of the house on your own anyways. No phone or TV for two weeks and you'll sit in my office and study under my watch for 1 hour everyday" He says as I widen my eyes at the last part. 'I hate studying and now he's gonna make me do it for an hour everyday, under his watch too!'.

"That's too harsh" I say as Zane snorts at me.

"You're only 13 and willingly drank alcohol when you knew full well that it wasn't allowed. That's not to be taken lightly" He says with a blank face and stern voice.

"You can all go now, and I want your phone before you leave" He says, directing his eyes at me. I pull out my phone and hand it over without looking at him and leave without saying another word. I feel bad about not having my phone anymore but I need to focus on what's important.

Finding out the truth about my brothers...

UNEXPECTANCYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora