Chapter 16: Getting Caught

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 I quietly back away from the door, hoping that I'll be fast enough before anyone notices. Just as I'm about to turn around, the door flies open making my whole body freeze in place. I stare at the two men infront of me blocking the view of the office.

One of the men looks like he just escaped death. Short but fat frame, bald on the top of his head with more wrinkles than an average 40 year old witch is what i assume his age is.

The other man looks younger, maybe 20-30 years old. Tall and well built with an expensive looking suit. Blond slicked back hair and an earpiece in one of his ears. He's holding the other man's arm like he's escorting him out.

"Why are you just standing there-" Ezekiel asks but stops as he notices the reason.

"Oh h-hi i was just l-looking for-" I start to say with a nervous smile, trying to be sneaky but stop as my brother walks forward and grabs my arm, taking me away a bit aggressively.

"Escort that man out while I handle this" My brother sternly says to the tall blond guy before walking down the stairs with me and into his office. He puts me into the seat by his desk as he slams his hand on it, trapping me from getting up.

"What did you hear?" He starts asking, keeping his hand on the desk and his frame towering over mine.

"Back off and I'll tell you" I say, defensively. I feel like a scared dog trapped in a cage. And just like any scared dog when it feels trapped, fear turns into aggression.

The pressure this man is putting on me is intense and I feel like I'm suffocating. I'm about to do anything for him to back away right now.

"Did you just tell me what to d-" "Yes" I say, interrupting him. I hear him release a breath, seemingly very annoyed at my behavior as he's eyes darken a shade. Before he can talk again my stupid self speaks again to clarify why i had the right to tell him what to do.

"This is my space and you're invading it" I explain, trying hard not to stutter. Instead of backing off he moves even closer making my heart speed up even faster.

I try rolling back with the office chair for it to only be stopped by his other hand grabbing the armrest. Okay if I wasn't trapped before then I 100% am now with no escape.

"You've barely been here a week and yet talk to me like that" He says as I wonder what he means. 'Talk to him how? I thought I was respectful enough'.

"Tell me, are you brave or just stupid?" He asks like he's trying to figure me out. I stay quiet not trusting my voice.

"Now tell me. What. Did. You. Hear?" He asks in a deep voice.

"j-just that someone should get that man out of the house before i come home" I answer in defeat. 'I'll just skip to the last part of the conversation so that he'll believe it was the only thing I heard'.

"That's all you heard?" He asks like he isn't believing a word I say.

"Yeah I just made it up there and didn't hear anything else" I say with a trembling voice.

"Now will you please back off" I say, having enough of the closeness.

"Why should i?" He asks. 

"Because I already told you what you wanted" I say, sounding a bit irritated which I am, only a lot more than I sound.

"Dear child, I wanted to hear the truth" He says, keeping his calm demeanor. 'Agh why does he have to be so difficult?' I thought as I clench my jaw.

'If I tell him what I heard then I'll probably only get in worse trouble'. I need to escape but he's tapping me with one of his hands on the desk and the other on the armrest of the chair.

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