Chapter 40- interactive chapter

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"You would NOT believe what she told me" MiCha said, "I mean, why the fuck would someone confide in me?" she laughed, "I wouldn't trust myself with my own secrets.."

Once Taehyung left my place, MiCha gave me a call, asking me if I could not think about y/n long enough to have an early dinner with her.. As obnoxious as that sounded, I could really use a distraction.

Hanging out with Taehyung is nothing out of place for me, it's quite usual. But today was very different... I've never been so awkward around him in my entire life.. First, he brought up the topic about how he was gonna ask y/n to be her roommate and I had unreasonably blasted on him. Then, he quite accurately pointed out how my love-life with MiCha was a mess. And then, as if things weren't already sensitive, he texted y/n in front of me.. It had been one of the most uncomfortable days of my life..

But what I didn't expect was MiCha coming with her two best friends on our date..Those two were already too involved in our business. Did they have to ruin our dates too?

"Didn't think you'd pay much attention to me when all that goes on your mind is y/n" she had said, sitting down in front of me, "so I got both of them along. At least I wont get bored" she smiled bitterly at me.

"MiCha- why would I think about y/n?"

"Oh well, I don't know, Jimin. Maybe you'd wanna ask the guy who went over to her place to ask her to call off her date" she said, "oh wait, that's you."

"Oh come on Mi, it was all a misunderstanding.. I told you, didn't I?"

"Nuh uh, baby. Those were just some silly excuses to get out of trouble.. I'm not really blind, you know?"

I had neither the energy, nor enough arguments to support myself. So I just sighed and shut up, sipping on my coffee as I kept zoning out of the conversation the three girls were having in front of me... well, more like two..

"Oh my god.. does she really expect you to stay quiet about THAT?" SungMi gasped, "I'm pretty sure she told you because she knew you'd tell everyone... what an attention seeking bitch."

"Exactly my point" MiCha said, "oh S, you totally get me."

Meanwhile, HyeMin just sighed. Sometimes I felt like she was the only sane person in Mi's group of friends.. Unlike SungMi, HyeMin had known MiCha since elementary school. They had been close friends ever since. I had never properly spoken to her but she seemed nice...

For some reason, SungMi was always jealous of her. While SungMi had the same bitchy tendencies as MiCha, HyeMin did not get a kick out of troubling people.. so she usually steered away from all their shenanigans. But still, HyeMin was MiCha's go to person.. She tried her best to keep Mi grounded, and always looked out for her and I knew how MiCha always confided in her.. This was probably why SungMi always kept trying to bring HyeMin down...

I really don't understand best-friend politics.. I've had one best friend my entire life.. But I'm particularly good at observing.. although Taehyungie says I'm dumb and I turn a blind eye even when I'm disturbed by something...

"I think what's weirder is that she still believes Jackson" SungMi shook her head, "any idiot could tell that he's cheating on her.."

"You can't say that for sure" MiCha rolled her eyes.

"She isn't wrong though" HyeMin shrugged, "Jackson has a reputation..."

That's when I remembered.. HyeMin is one of Jackson's many exes.. He cheated on her too.. The guy definitely has a reputation...

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