Chapter 59

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So lately I've been educating myself about polyamorous relationships... Turns out, the more you read about them, the more you learn.. It's a vast area to explore and very subjective.. different for everyone but so very interesting..


Taehyung's POV:

Jimin and I entered the apartment around 8 pm. After I had sprained my ankle, I couldn't really play. Jimin kept insisting against it, even though I wanted to play.... I waited until practice was over so that Jimin would drop me home...

"You wanna come in?" I asked him as he dropped me off.

"You should ask y/n.. this is her apartment too-"

"She isn't home" I reminded him.

"Right.. gone out with a friend" he recalled, "who was the friend by the way? Jungkook asked y/n, right?"

"Curious much?" I snickered, "he didn't tell me either.. I tried asking him but he gave me a speech telling me that I should respect people's privacy and stop putting me nose where it doesn't belong.."


"Ouch indeed.... so, you coming in?"

"Only if you have beer.."

"We have tons"

I walked over to the couch with a slight limp and propped myself over it. Jimin headed to the refrigerator, opened two bottles of beer and handed one to me.

"I'm gonna take a shower" he said, "I stink-"

"You've never cared about it Jimin" I said as I browsed through channels, "I remember when we spent 3 days without showering.."

I noticed a change in his expression, "well, I still wanna shower.. I'm gonna wear your clothes, okay?"

"How could I be so stupid.." I shook my head in disbelief, "you wanna shower because you wanna smell good when you meet y/n.. understandable.. go ahead" I smirked, "the left cupboard for clothes and the towels are hung behind the door."

For a second I thought he wanted to protest, but then he simply put his head down and went inside my room.

I just chuckled and sat back, putting on the football match. I wanted to smell good for y/n too but I had barely played today... and there was not even a trace of sweat on me...

Once Jimin came out, smelling fresh- a musk scent invading my nostrils, I knew he had used my expensive shower gel. He sat down next to me, a towel draped over his shoulders as he examined his arms and legs;

"Why are all your clothes so big?"

"Why are you so tiny?"

"I'm a normal size-"

"There's no such thing as a normal size" I said, "wet towel off the couch, y/n doesn't like it."

"Look at you being all responsible" he snickered.

"Love changes men" I remarked.

We ordered fried chicken, put a few more bottles of beer in front of us and watched the match.. This was our usual way of hanging out, to drop dead on the couch, stuff ourselves with chicken, randomly jump whenever our team scored on the tv and finish entire crates of beer,  while Yeontan slept near our feet...

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