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"You sure you wanna do this alone?" Bakugou asked Y/n as she boarded her jet. She nodded. "Yes. Thank you, but I have to do this alone." He nodded, respecting her wishes. "Good luck. Don't crash the plane." She shook her head at him. She insisted she'd fly the jet herself, not wanting to risk or inconvenience anyone. "I'll try my best."

She turned away, about to close the jet doors when he called for her again. "Hey uh, I'm sorry for your loss. I never really got the chance to say that." Y/n smiled, closing the door behind her. "Here we go.." She whispered to herself, firing up the engines. It took hours for her to reach her destination. That time was filled with her trying to compose a speech for the funeral with the jet on autopilot.

Her head was in her hand while she spat out a string of curses at the pile of paper near her. "Why the fuck can't I come up with anything?" She whined. An annoying voice in her head nagged her, it kept saying annoying things like 'why are you even showing your face at his funeral?' and 'His death was your fault y'know.' She really wished that she had gotten some alcohol with her to drown her thoughts, because these thoughts were making her wish she could drown herself.

The jet landed and she still had nothing, she simply couldn't put how much she loved and appreciated her late mentor into words. It was impossible. He was like a father to her especially after.. Well she really loved him. In an attempt to distract herself from stressing over the speech and trying not to break down into tears, she started picking at the thread of her black suit.

"Hey Y/n. Welcome back." Benji greeted her at the foot of the jet. He was also wearing black, and looked quite shook up. Benji wasn't in the hero course, he was in the business course, but he still knew Carter. And he knew him pretty well. He grabbed her suitcase from her hand and carried it for her despite her resistance. "Someone's waiting for you outside." He said. She looked at him.

"What? Benji I don't think I can talk to anyone right now- Mona?" Y/n gasped softly. Mona stood next to the car that Y/n told Benji to bring to the airport. Her ears were tilted down and her tail was swishing slowly. She does that when she's sad, recalled Y/n. "Hey. How was your trip?" She asked. "Well, hardly pleasant." Mona wrapped her arms around Y/n and pulled her into a tight hug. "God I missed you Smiles."

"I missed you too kitty." She sighed, burying her head into the crook of her friend's neck. The two broke off the hug a few seconds later and got into the car, Benji driving, Y/n on shotgun and Mona in the backseat. The car ride was pretty silent after that, a comfortable silence. Catching up would have to wait until a better time I'm afraid.

The graveyard was quite dark and gloomy at this time of year. It was empty except for Y/n's old classmates and some of her old teachers as well. They all nodded her way when she walked past them to the grave where her teacher lies. She felt a lump form in her throat as soon as she laid eyes upon the grey stone perched on the freshly dug up soil.

In loving memory of Luke Carter

Great husband, hero & mentor

There was another one next to it.

I'm loving memory of Theo Carter

Great husband & doctor

"Y/n?" Mona whispered, a microphone in hand. Right, the speech. Y/n accepted the microphone and cleared her throat. "Hello everyone." She began, and they murmured 'hello's back. She took a deep breath, she had no script, so she's going all out from the heart. "Deep down I must've always known that this would be inevitable. But that doesn't take away the fact that I'll always wish it never happened."

"Mr. Carter meant something to all of us, and I'm certain that he's one of the main reasons that our class is so successful." She said, motioning to her ex classmates, who were all Pro-Heroes now. "At first he was my teacher, then he became much more than that. He was very close to my heart. He wanted to see me save the world, that's what he said when I reached my rank. But I wasn't even able to save him." Her eyes were fixated on the grave while she spoke.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for anyone's death. Please, keep on smiling Y/n."

"But I know that if he was here, he'd tell me that I shouldn't put the blame on myself. That I must always rise from the pain. I mean he's right. Of course he is. He was always right. About everything." She smiled sadly. "He was right that being a hero would be a pain in the ass, and that going through shit is easier with friends. That's why I want to thank you all for coming. Because you're making it easier for me to mourn. And I hope that I'm also making it easier for you all to mourn."

They clapped, and by the end of the service everyone had at least shed a few tears. The sky darkened and Y/n felt raindrops fall onto her suit. "C'mon Y/n, we need to get in the car." Benji muttered, placing his hand on her shoulder. "I need more time." She whispered, staring at the stone with her teacher's name on it. Benji nodded towards Mona and told her to take the car back to her own agency.

"How will you two get back?" She asked him. He ran his hand through his blonde mess. "We'll manage. We always have." He smiled. She nodded, taking the car keys off his hand. Benji walked back to Y/n, who was now kneeling in front of the grave. He kneeled beside her. "I still feel like it's my fault Benji. They killed him for withholding information about me. He'd still be alive if-" "Y/n please."

Benji grabbed her face and made her look at him. "He knew what he was doing when he withheld that information Y/n. He was protecting you from the villains. I would've done the same thing. But I can't protect you from yourself so please stop thinking that way." He pleaded, the tears coming from his eyes were mixing with the rain. "He told you that being a hero would fuck you up."

She looked into his violet eyes. "If this is the consequence.. then maybe I don't want to be one.." Her voice held a lot of sadness in it, it broke his heart. Benji rested his forehead on hers and closed his eyes. "Listen. The only way to honour his memory is to respect his wishes and save the world. You can't save the world if you're not a hero. Please. We all need you."

Y/n wrapped her arms around Benji and pulled him close. "Thank you." She whispered. He stood up, extending his hand to her. "Here, give me your hand." He said with a smile.

The blond boy was cradling himself underneath the rubble of the destroyed building. He had cuts all over his body and he was stuck under the large slab of cement. It's been about an hour, he had lost his voice yelling for help and had given up.

His head shot up when he heard the cement cracking. He prepared himself for the worst, but that's when he realized that the cement had been blasted away by a (colour) explosion. "Here! Give me your hand!" A  strange frantic (colour) eyed woman shouted, her hand extended towards Benji. "Thank you.." He rasped, grabbing her hand. She beamed.

"I got you."

"I got you."

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now