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(Killian and Irina's info were all added to the supporting cast files. The rest of the OC's used in this chapter are also there.)

"What the actual fuck was that?! Are you seriously asking that?! No I won't take responsibility- Are you saying that I deliberately didn't stop the attack yesterday because of some sick revenge plot? .... Of course I didn't are you demented?!! No YOU are going to figure out a way to cover this, I have a mission to go through tonight so fucking leave me be for a second Killian and stop spam calling me. Christ." Y/n could hear the line shut off through her earbuds and she sighed. Her arms felt soar as she pulled her body up again onto the pole, but she pushed through it.

The gym was Y/n's first destination this morning, she thought that it would help relieve at least some of the overwhelming stress that was pooling in. But Killian ruined that. So here she was, furiously doing pull ups in Katsuki's home gym. She tightened her grip on the pole and her back muscles contracted once again and she pulled herself up with a sour look on her face. Killian's accusations of her not stopping the bombing made her skin crawl with rage. And he expected her to take the blame too? They only had one deal, he lets her do the interview and she takes the fall for the fact that he's a traitor. Nothing more, nothing less.

But that shit head was overstepping his boundaries and Y/n was not about to take that. No chance in hell. She has a plan to overturn the commission, and it involved being lenient with them on some manners. But she would not clean the floors with her own dignity. She already had too much to think about. With so many people coming for reinforcements this afternoon to help her with tonight's operation... Not to mention the operation itself, which also came with worries about what's coming next if she fails or succeeds.

"I brought you some water. You should take a break." Katsuki hummed, walking up to her from behind. She hopped down and turned to look at him before smiling a little. He handed her the water, which she thanked him for before drinking almost half of the bottle. She grabbed a towel and dabbed it on her face. "You should get something to eat and change. The rest will be here in around an hour.." He reminded, his arms sliding around her bare waist while he rested his chin in the crevice between her neck and shoulder. She glanced down at the sports bra and shorts that she had on before nodding.

"Yeah you're right. Wait, an hour? They said they'd be here at around 3PM?" Y/n's face scrunched up with confusion. "It's 2PM princess, you've been in the gym since you woke up. You need to eat or you'll pass out during the mission and I'm gonna have to work with those dick heads all alone." He sighed, letting go of her waist and grabbing her arm to drag her out of the gym. "Oh fuck... I need to change and arrange the meeting room.. Shit where did I put my laptop.." Y/n started to ramble, slipping away from Katsuki and making a bee-line to his room.

Well, their room. Y/n's guest room was only used for storage now after the two found themselves sleeping in the same bed more often than not. Katsuki shook his head and walked to the kitchen to whip up something quickly for her to eat while she ran around to get ready. "Damn it.. Katsu, can I borrow one of your ties? I can't find the one that matches this suit and one of yours does.." She asked, poking her head from his room. "Yeah whatever.. Just don't spray too much of that damn perfume of yours. I don't want to smell the dumb overly sweet shit you always have on.." He grumbled from the kitchen.

"You love my perfume you liar!" She shouted from the other room, making him roll his eyes. She wasn't lying. After a good thirty minutes of her buzzing around like a madwoman, she walked into the kitchen and began rambling again. "Right. So I set up the meeting room, and I also went over the plan 3 times. And went over my explanation of the plan 4 times. I re-ironed my suit too, did I miss any spots? I-" Katsuki shoved a forkful of sausages and eggs, which shut her up. Her hand covered her mouth while she chewed and she closed her eyes.

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