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The atmosphere was very tense. Shigaraki was chained up on a chair with a table in front of him, separating his seat from Y/n's. He stayed silent as Y/n sat on her seat and motioned for the guard to leave the room. Y/n wasn't sure where to start, she'd heard so many horrific things about Shigaraki so of course it was quite unsettling to have to ask him for help, but her plan needed him, so here goes nothing. "Ehm-" "A hero asking for my help huh?" His hoarse voice spoke up, his red eyes peeking from under his long messy white hair.

Electric shivers went down Y/n's spine. She'd be flat out lying if she said he wasn't scary, but she'd slapped a cannibal so she trusted herself to handle this. "Yep. I guess you could say so." She sighed. "So-" "And what makes you think I'd help a hero?" "Could you at least let me tell you what I need help with before you throw your villainous monologue at me?" She interrupted, irritated. Shigaraki raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised at her courage. Well to be honest, she was surprised too, and she hoped that Irritated-Y/n's actions wouldn't ruin Rational-Y/n's plan.

She cleared her throat. "Right, so I don't know if you're allowed to watch the news in prison, but to summarise, I'm number one hero from the U.S, my name is Y/n L/n, or Kinetika if you're one of those, and I'm here because there's a crazy strong villain group on the loose in Japan and their leader is a maniac that can copy quirks via cannibalism and I need your help to take him down because you've also dealt with a crazy quirk copying maniac that actually possessed you before. And had a crazy strong villain group. And has a cannibal in said group. So... thoughts?" Y/n leaned back in her chair with her hands in her lap and the profiles on the HRS spread out on the table.

Shigaraki was slightly confused, but this was the most interesting interaction he's had in years so he was also entertained. "Well.. back to my question, why should I help a hero?" He asked, Y/n shrugged. "I mean it's not like prison is very eventful. Why shouldn't you help me?" "Because I'm a villain?" He said, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Ex- villain, you're a prisoner right now. Even so, and? I'm a hero, is that what we're doing? Sharing occupations? Well, ex-occupations for you. But what's that got to do with anything? We're talking about stopping a cannibal here and you're what? Holding grudges?"

Y/n tilted her head and gave him a judgmental stare. "I mean c'mon, I thought you were below holding a grudge, last time I did it I was like what, in middle school? Just 'cause you were a villain doesn't make you above stopping a cannibal and helping a hero. I mean damn my villain uncle killed my ex-villain dad, but you don't see me being so high and mighty about asking a villain for help." "Do you ever shut up?" Shigaraki asked, annoyed. 'He's pissed now.. Well, it's now or never..' Y/n thought, hoping that if she pushed him enough he'd break.

"Even if I.. helped. Why would you trust a villain who has hurt people? Hurt your friends?" Shigaraki asked. "Pfft. I beat people up for a living, and I'm number one at beating people up for a living in my country. We've all hurt people here. Heroes aren't angels, I mean damn I've probably chucked parents in jail and left their kids alone before. But I want to work on a better system that works on helping people before they feel the need to turn to crime. And helping people who have. And yeah I may be delusional, but it's worth a shot. So are you in or should I go fuck up on my own?"

He stayed silent for a while. 'A hero who owns up to their mistakes? Who doesn't believe that the world is black and white? Who admits to violence? That's not very common huh..' "Hello??-" "-My conditions are that I'm allowed to stay out of my cell. You lose, I'm free. You win, I go back. But I'll stay out until then." Y/n paused, staring at him with her eyes wide. "..you're serious?" She murmured, resisting the urge to jump with joy. "Only if you abide by my-" "Guards! Get him ready to leave!" She quickly gathered the files and stuffed them in her bag.

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now