Amadeus and Pacita 2

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Amadeus and Pacita 2

Pacita was flattered.
She grins happily.
No one would hate being praised, courtesy or not.

The lunch ended harmoniously.

Pacita is walking to her room secretly sneaking a wine bottle under her skirt.

Mito finds her silly antiques funny. Watching her awkwardly walking while tightly grabbing her dress on the side weirdly.

"Don't drink so early. Come and spend more time with the children before they leave tomorrow."
Mito said and tapped the bottle under her skirt.

Pacita clicks her tongue but soon gives up the bottle of wine to him.
"Okay. But you have to allow me to drink 2 more glasses [of wine] when the children leave."

"No more adult jokes."

Pacita paused and stuck her tongue out.
"I know. I know." 

Mito smiles unconsciously while shaking his head.
He continues going to his study and starts working again.
The appearance of the Prince is out of his calculation and now he is behind his self- schedule.

Amadeus has no mood after Prince Clover left.
He is alone in his room trying to recall the feeling of 'jealousy' and trying to figure out how he can suppress such unnatural and immature feelings.

He is trying to count his breath when he hears knocks on his door.

Impatient knocks that are not equally in tune.
Only one person will be so rude.

He walks to the door and open the door.


Pacita grins.
"Your two friends are sleeping. So I came here."

"Don't you think I could be sleeping too? Tomorrow I have to travel."

Pacita snorts.
"Are you sleeping?"

Amadeus sighs.
"I am not."

Pacita chuckles.
Then she looks left and right.
"Nothing changes in this room."

".......why would it change?"

Pacita sneers.
"Just saying something nostalgic! Haven't I slept here before? It's the feeling."
She crosses her arm and there is a silver box on her hand.

Amadeus pretends he didn't see the box and nods.
"Yes. It's like mother said."

"This room is so monotonous. Tsk tsk. It's a pity since it's so big." She happily smiles at him.

Amadeus nods.
He just knows that she just wants to say something unreasonable again.

"If you agree then.." Pacita righteously put the silver box down. "Design the bedside with this."

"This is?" Amadeus walks to the small box.

Pacita nods and points at the box with her lips.
"Open it. It's my gift to you."

Amadeus plays along and opens the box.

It's a snow globe with a lion inside.

Amadeus looks at the snow globe for a long time not knowing what to say.

"When I see it, I know it's you." Pacita laughs and points at the lion.
"Don't you think this snobby lion cub looks just like yo---Why are you crying?"

Amadeus blinks and there's really wetness in his eyelids.
He touched his chest and stood up.
"I'll go to the physician." He said.

"You are sick again?" Pacita frowns.

Amadeus nods his head.

"Then why are you going to the Physician?" Pacita walks to the door and sees a servant passing by.
"Call the house Physician, Young Master Amadeus is sick."

"Ah! Y-yes Madame!"

Pacita turns around and sees Amadeus still at loss in front of the small snow globe.
She snatches the snow globe.
"Did my gift make you sick? Is it too inexpensive perhaps?"

Amadeus frowns and wants to snatch the gift from Pacita but decides not to.
He opens his palm and seriously stares at Pacita.
"Give it back."

Pacita is momentarily shocked then bursts into laughter.
"So awkward ah! So the Mother's gift moved you to tears and now you can't part with it?" 

Amadeus frowns but feels Pacita is correct.
He owned the snow globe anyways.
It was his gift.

He once again extend his open palm
"Give it back."

Pacita snorted and put the box back to his hand.
"You are not cute." She angrily turns around and sits on Amadeus' bed. She missed Amadeus smiling at the snow globe with a tender gaze.

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