Pacita's Name

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Amelia looks at Ms. Magda.
She is beautiful and she is kind.
She is patient when telling him how to properly clean your face.

"There are types of skin that keeps having pimples even if you put the most expensive cream and even if you always wash your face. Dont be impatient and just continue doing what I told you to do."

Now Ms. Magda is seriously writing on the paper.


"Your real name is Pacita, Ms.Magda?" Amelia asks.

Pacita takes back her paper.
"No peeking!"

"You can spell Pacita very nicely." Amelia said playing with her feet on the air. She is sitting beside her while the whole class is playing near the church.

Pacita smiles.
"Since young, my mother already thought me how to write my name. She said she fall inlove with the name of this beautiful dress shop. So she copied it and finally learn how to pronounce ghe word. Thats why my name is Pacita."

"Oh. I know that. I come from South Galve so I know that store. Pacita Reve beni right? Ahh They really make the best winter coats. I wish I can have atleast one in my life but before I left the town I heard the quality of the material become degraded."

Pacita becomes excited.
"Oh? Is it still there? My mothee said she met my dad in that store."

"It was owned by the Baron Lawrence son.  They said he is a nice guy with brown hair and handsome smile. Sadly he died young. His daughter Pacita married the Duke though."

Pacita paused.
"The Duchess? The Irevelis?"

"Yes." Amelia grins. "I guess even you dont know where the duchess came from ha."

Pacita becomes sad.
She stole that owner's daughter name and body. How depressing.

Pacita came home with a lonely sigh.

Mito looks at Ms. Leila.

"Did something wrong happened when you are away?"

Pacita shakes her head.
"I just realize father is a good man.That even kids knows his soft smile and brown hair."

Pacita apologized to the man for stealing everything away from his daughter.

"Your father? He is still alive."

"No. No. The owner of the Pacita Rev...Rev....the store."

"Oh. Yes. Patricio Lawrence was your birth father but when he died in an accident, his twin brother adopted you. I dont know you will still call him father since you never see him while growing up."

Pacita smiles.
"If he hasnt died...Maybe I wont be fed by poison by my relatives."
Pacita angrily clenched her fist.

"Pfftt..." Mito looks away hiding his laughter.

"What?" Pacita angrily hits him.

Mito smiles catching her arms.
"Maybe, if he hasnt died..."
-you wouldnt be switching with the real Pacita, so no way.

Pacita snorts at the teasing Mito.




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