Weirdo Pacita 1

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Amadeus looks at his new mother.

'Can you eat a bit quieter?' He asks her three times already.
At first she will lower her chewing noise but after sometime she will go back to eating noisily.

He sighs.
"It's already lunch. Let's go and eat?"
'Can you still eat?'

"Ah? Let's just eat here."

"What?" Amadeus blinks.

"Why not? The weather is nice and the air is clean. Besides it will only be you and me so wherever we are, we can just eat there. Right?"
She smiles.

"I see. I will tell the maids."
'You just can't stand anymore.'

"Good. Go Villain."



"I don't mind you calling me Villain in private but please do not in front of the  others. Even the maids."

"Ah? But it's a cool nickname."
She pouts.

"It's not."
He snorts and walks away.

She has no opinion.
She just feels like calling him Villain anyway.
"A villain should also protect his image, huh."
She said.
Her stomach is full so she should go and throw up some so she can eat lunch.

She stumbles from a bit far and chose a 'lucky' patch of flower to have an 'extra' fertilizer.

When Amadeus returns, his new mother is still throwing up far from the arch.
He shakes his head.
"This is why you don't drink above your limit."
He sighs.

Pacita came back staggering.
Amadeus gave her cold water.

The food is already put on the table and there are maids to serve them.

The maids help her to sit down.

"Oh...Seafood." she smiles.
"I like meat and seafood."
Food that is too expensive for Pacita normally.

"Then eat more." Amadeus said eating slowly and elegantly.

There's no words said but the two ate in a harmonious atmosphere.


Pacita wakes up before dinner.
She went to the dining area.
Her head is clear and there is no drowsiness or headache.

The butler served her food.

"Where's V--Deus?"

The butler looks at her.
"Young Master Amadeus doesn't eat dinner,usually."

"I see. Call him."


"Usually means he eats sometimes. If you said he never eats dinner then I will just have to let it go but that is not the case. Right? Butler~"
She smiles.

The butler is speechless then he bows and leaves.

Pacita doesn't want to eat alone in this big dining area.
Even if that 'son' is a 'mute' at least she is not alone.
Loneliness is one thing but spookiness is something she doesn't want to experience.

Knock knock***

Amadeus frowns at the door.
"Who is it?" 

"Young Master, this is Simon , your butler."

"I won't eat dinner tonight." He said, flipping the book he has on his hand.

"The Madame said to call you."

Amadeus flinched.
"Did you tell her that I don't eat dinner sometimes?"

"....yes. And the madame said sometimes means you eat dinner too so she asks me to call you."

Amadeus faced palm.
"What does she want?"

"This servant is not sure."

Amadeus shakes his head.
"I will be right there."

When he arrives, the Madame is already eating happily.

"Ha?" He paused and stared at her.

"Oh? What took you so long? Come here." She said and pointed at the seat in front of her.

"Mother, what did you call me for?"

"It's dinner."

"I don't eat dinner every night."

"Then how often do you eat?"

"When I feel like it."

"You don't feel like it?"

"Yes. I am still full from the food this lunch."

"What are you, a lady?" She sneers. "If you don't want to eat then sit down and accompany me."


"What? You are too busy to sit down and stay with me?" She drinks the red wine beside her.

"........then I will eat dinner with you."

She waves her hand saying he can do whatever.

Amadeus is certain now.
'This woman is a weirdo!'


I ate an orange.

And I am happy

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