Pacita Strange 3

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Before going to the North, they have to attend the King's birthday.

Pacita is learning with Aliah what she should do and what not to say. With dancing, it was a piece of cake. Pacita can dance so beautifully that Aliah has no words to say.

Mito is glad that Pacita now has a confidant.
And she knows Pacita's shortcomings and is able to devise a plan to help her.

Pacita also stops reading picture books about fictional royal families to his delight. With the butler's encouragement, she is reading about the history of the Irevelis family. Though Mito is never proud about his own family history, it's better than his wife being fascinated with the royals.

Pacita's progress in her writing and reading is improving at a very fast rate. Now she can read 100 words in half an hour. Some people will be bored and irritated to hear someone read so slowly but Mito just let her read beside him. Whenever she reads something difficult, he will tell her how to read it and she will smile happily.
Mito never asks Pacita why she can't read or why she reads so slow so later on Pacita becomes bold and reads in their bedroom. Mito likes seeing her do her best and not being irritated with her.

Mito thought he was a very impatient person. But he learns his patience depends on who it was subjected to.

"V…very we…well pre..pres..pres..hmm.."

"Preserved." Mito looks at her book and leans to her hair.

Pacita smiles.
"preseved in the…"

Mito kisses Pacita's hair.
"Stop reading for now. We still have to attend the King's birthday tomorrow."

"And we will meet Villain in the capital?" Pacita closed the book and put it under the lamp shade.

"Yeah. He is in the capital so it's easier for him while we need to travel 3 hours to reach it. He will be waiting in our house in the capital."

"Duke, you are very rich!" Pacita smiles and hugs him.

"Well." Mito is affected by Pacita's cheerful voice and also smiles foolishly.
Pacita climbs on top of his body. Sitting on his hard stomach.
Pacita's hand is touching his bare six packs. Her loose hair is flowing down and her night gown is also disheveled.
"Will the Duke hate me since I can't bring money and only know how to spend it?"

Mito is already feeling his body heating up. But then he frowned.
"What nonsense.."

"It's not nonsense!" Pacita glares at him.
"I was thinking…I know how to make a facial cream that is effective with me..If I sell it won't I also earn money?"

Mito looks at Pacita's face.
"You want me to help you sell facial cream?"

Pacita pouts but she slowly nods her head.
"If It's possible." She then said with a bit of hesitation.
"I'm not confident." She said honestly.

Mito raises his palm and touches Pacita's cheeks.
"With me here, what can't you do?"

Pacita's eyes shine.
"So you promised to help me? First we need to make sure if the formula is okay right? Then test it out. Then the packaging and the distribution? Actually I don't know. I only asked Aliah a bit and she said introducing a new product isn't that easy and if it involves some nobles I have to avoid some problems. Especially how important one's face and…"

Mito rolls around making Pacita position shift. She is now under Mito.
Pacita looks at Mito's beautiful golden eyes.
She soon stopped talking about business and just lost in his eyes.

"I will support you but why did you suddenly want to have a business? I remember telling the butler that your budget is sky's the limit. You won't possibly be able to empty the Irevelis vault." Mito says serious things but his breathing is heavy and his eyes dangerously looking at his soft and tender wife under him.

"Well….Clarisa told me…many men only love their spouse at first when they get tired of the romance and they are in trouble, they change. Having money on my own…is like insurance.You…You can't hurt me even if you are tired of me."

Mito sighs. He rubs his face between her head and shoulder.
He sighs. He can smell her light smell.
He smiles.
"Okay I'll help you."

Pacita's eyes widened.
"Won't you say something like..that will never happen?"

Mito looks at Pacita's annoyed face and smiles.
"It won't happen."

"You should say that before I say it."


"You are hopeless, Duke. You can't even console a woman's heart."
Pacita folded her arms and looked dissatisfied with the man above her.

Mito smiles at her.
"Well..You will have to teach me."

Pacita blushes the way Mito is looking at her and he tosses once…then the second time.


Mito is looking at Pacita who is looking out the window. 
He hugs her and kisses her temple.
"Why are you in a daze? Let's go."

"Hm. I'm just wondering how I can teach the Duke to be good."
Pacita looks at Mito.

Mito blinks his eyes innocently and then tilts his head.
"Am I bad?"

Pacita touches her heart.
"Why are you so good looking?"

Mito smiles.

Pacita grins and pats his shoulder.
"This is my man."

Mito holds her waist tightly and starts kissing her.
If not for the butler….their departure will be delayed.


A tease….
Can't sleep.

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