Antonio [chapter 10]

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"Camilo and y/n," the two looked up at the sound of their names. It came from Abuela who was picking a flower out of Isabela's hair. "You're out front greeting guest. And Luisa, you're out putting donkeys in pens."

They hadn't even noticed Luisa who stood behind them. It was a massive shock when she asked if they were ready to go. Camilo took a moment to get over the scare, but y/n recovered quickly. She nodded to Luisa's question and grabbed Camilo's wrist. He'd recovered by the time they were just outside of the doors where you could see a long line of guests from the village starting to make their way up the path.

It was a mix of people walking, kids running, donkeys pulling carts and a few strays here and there. They (the strays) would rub against the peoples' legs, receiving a pat on their head before they moved on to the next person.

"Señor!" y/n provided him with a small handshake as a greeting. That brought a smile on his face as he moved into the house.

She and Camilo were mostly taking turns in saying the 'hello's. Occasionally though, someone would get a nice greeting from both of them. They were the people lucky enough to have Camilo and y/n to like them. It wasn't they didn't like the others, they just liked those few people a bit more.

Camilo gave a soft smile while hugging an elderly lady after shapeshifting into her, "Señora." He provided her cheek with a small kiss, then looking over to her. She was one of those people they liked.

Y/n gave her a hug as well, "You don't look a day over twenty."

"Oh, don't be silly," the woman pulled away from the hug with a laugh. She put a hand in her pocket and took out two pieces of candy. One went to y/n and the other went to Camilo. She was kind; that was why they liked her so much.

"Have a nice time," Camilo sent her off inside Casita.

Camilo jumped up high, turning into the girl sitting on her father's shoulder when he almost had reached his peak, "Cecilia, up top!"

They shared a high-five before going into the house. Y/n watched Luisa hand out number slips to the guests who brought donkeys, taking them to a pen after sticking the same number she gave the owner on them. Her eyes went to the beautiful dress Luisa was wearing, noticing it was one Mirabel had made her. On all of them, Mirabel would put a small engraving at the hem to let her know when people wore her stuff.

It brought a smile to y/n's face. Camilo had to lightly kick her shin to get her back to greeting people. He happened to do so on one of the people neither of them liked. She couldn't control the face she made before it was too late. The woman made a face back before scoffing and going inside the house.

She and Camilo shared a glance before shrugging it off. Y/n decided to take the next few people to even it out with Camilo.

"Aye, pussy man!" she grinned at her favorite vendor. He could only roll his eyes, but a slight smile on his face told her he wasn't really annoyed. "Make sure to flirt with some girls while you're inside. Don't want my man to die alone, do we?"

"I'm not going to die alone," he stated flatly.

Camilo joined in on the teasings, "Bold assumption, but sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

He 'tsk'ed before walking inside.

Y/n let out an awkward chuckle and rubbed the back of her neck when she saw who was standing behind the vendor. He had his arms crossed, a baby being held within them and a raised brow.

"Hey, papá..."

He shook his head with a light chuckle, providing his daughter's forehead with a kiss, "You're a clever girl. Let's not taunt people, okay?"

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