Rebellion [chapter 21]

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The cracks grew at a rapid pace, running rapidly to reach the candle. For a moment, all those within the house could do nothing but stare. And then a huge wave shook the house, causing everyone to stumble. Mirabel was the first to be brave, running closer to the side of the house where the candle was placed in the windowsill.

"Casita, get me up there!" she shouted, not wasting a second when Casita ripped the railings from the second floor. They were placed in front of her like a ladder. Mirabel immediately began to climb them.

Camilo and y/n had relocated to the upper level when the cracks first started to spread quicker. They ran down the halls of the second floor, Camilo shape shifting to dodge and y/n being lucky enough to just narrowly make it past the objects blocking their path. Maybe all that running when helping her father run his errands wasn't such a waste of time like she had made it out to be.

Isabela made a vine grow down, swinging up to help her sister save the miracle.

From the side of her eyes, y/n could see the light on Isabela's door go out. Her vine also seemed to disappear the moment that happened as well. Then she noticed Camilo's door go out, scaring her because she saw him jump and change into José right at that same moment.

Camilo narrowly missed the tiles of the roof, making his eyes widen as he fell. Casita let a banister go loose at the top, sticking out so Camilo could catch. And when he did, y/n let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

She couldn't stay caught up in his safety for too long though. The roles reversed when the ceiling started to fall down all around her. She looked panicked, not knowing what to do or where to go. The path she was running in was blocked on both sides, so there was no clear escape.

"Y/n!" Camilo shouted, getting her attention. He pointed to the railing, seeing how Casita had pushed a couch to cushion her landing.

The girl he called for let her eyes look to where he was pointing. She saw Casita break of a part of the banister, and with all the magic it could muster, point a beam to the place it wanted her to go. She couldn't see it, nor did she care to see it. With a running start, she jumped; expecting to break a few bones from the fall. She ended up landing on a couch somewhat comfortably.

Camilo was quick to help her off the piece of furniture, watching only seconds later when a piece of the roof completely crushed it. He didn't even waste another second in getting closer to the exit of the house. He'd worry about getting her out now, and ask questions on wether she was injured or not later.

Félix scrambled around frantically, a small Antonio in his arms. He was searching for the quickest way out of the house. He wanted to get himself and Antonio out as quickly as possible. Though he did care for and love his other family members, he had almost witness his youngest son get crushed to death. His main priority at the moment was making sure that didn't happen again.

Y/n looked back up to where Mirabel had last been before she jumped from the second floor. The Madrigal now stood on the roof, reaching into the window to try and grab the candle which had fallen down.

"Mirabel, get down from there!" she yelled worriedly. Her body ignored the things her brain was yelling at her to do; living to see another day was the only thing it was thinking about. But her heart wanted Mirabel. She was going to get out of the crumbling house with Camilo and Mirabel. No matter what. "It's not safe!"

Julieta and Agustín were yelling at her as well. They were trying to rush further into the house to get to her. They were adamant that she got down from there, and so were y/n and Camilo. With yells that fell on deaf ears, Camilo said one thing that didn't go unheard by any of the Madrigals. Even those whose main concern wasn't Mirabel.

"It's not worth it! This whole miracle thing— don't keep on trying to save it! I don't care about my powers, just get down from there. This stupid shapeshifting ability is not important to me, but you are!" he yelled, hands cupping the sides of his mouth.

Y/n glanced at him with slight amazement. Being a Madrigal meant you had to nurture your gift and care for it with great diligence. Now he was screaming that he couldn't give two flying fucks about his gift?

Y/n could predict a lot of things about Camilo. His reactions to certain things, the way he'd step through the village, who he'd choose to talk to, which person he would shape-shift into next. She'd been by his side since they were tiny five years old. But this was the one thing she could predict. He was saying so absurd that it even sounded crazy to the craziest of them all.

"So get down from there!" Camilo glared at the girl who continued to disobey what he said.

Before he even had the chance to try and rush up there to get her once again, Casita began to push the others in the Madrigal family out. Camilo, y/n, Julieta, and Agustín let out curses while protesting the pushes. Waves went up and down in the floors, pushing everybody but Mirabel out. She stood on the roof still reaching into the widow to grab the candle.

It took only a seconds pause after y/n was thrown on the grass outside of Casita before she was banging at its door. The look in her eyes was a crazed one, "Open these damn doors right now, Casita!" She kicked the doors, groaning from the pain. She cradled the foot she'd hurt while hopping on the other. Her eyes continued to glare at the crumbling Casita, "Pinche coño!"

Camilo laid on his back, face scrunched up in pain. His eyes dimmed with stars dancing all in them. One of his hands reached across his stomach and lightly rubbed the spot on his back he got hit the hardest. It was when he heard the sound of something crashing to the ground as well as the ground shaking, did he sit up.

The horror in his eye was unmistakable as he stared at the house crumbling down to the ground, "Mirabel!"

A cloud of thick smoke swarmed the air. It blinded him along with the other of his family members, and y/n, who were in front of Casita and it's final moments. They all just froze with shock while the smoke clouded their sight. Everything was happening all at once, and none of them knew what to do next.

Julieta was first to recover, rushing into the ruins of Casita one everything had settled in a little more. She frantically scanned the rubble for any signs of her daughter. She didn't care if she happened to save the miracle, if she lost her life over it then it didn't matter.

"Mirabel!" Julieta called out for her daughter. She let her eyes land on places for only a millisecond before she moved on in hopes of finding any source of her daughter.

Then she spot her, sitting under a bunch of chairs and whatnot that Casita had surrounded her by for its last act, with a look of despair on her face. Her hands held the remains of the candle that had completely burned out. Julieta had expected the magic hadn't been saved when she suddenly felt something missing from her... spiritually of course.

Julieta sighed in relief, "Mirabel."

She ran and flopped down next to her daughter. As a motherly instinct, she hugged her daughter close to her chest. Hands pat down Mirabel's wild hair, trying their hardest to comfort her at her failure to save the magic. Even after all her efforts.

Camilo and y/n had rushed in after Julieta. They were searching for Mirabel as well, but they couldn't seem to find her. Somehow, they managed to stray so far away from the path Julieta had ran and ended up on an opposite end of the house... or more so pile of house.

"Where is she?" y/n mumbled. Camilo was right beside her, looking at the side opposite she was looking. They had set up a system without even having to discuss it. Camilo would look one way, and y/n would look the other so they could cover more ground with the small group they had. "She has to be in here somewhere..."

"Do you think tía Julieta found her?" Camilo's brows furrowed. He kicked a banner that stuck out from underneath a rock. He knew it was from a festival celebrated in the village only two years back.

Y/n shrugged, "Maybe— hopefully."

Camilo nodded, but then they both heard something they really didn't want to hear. It caused even more panic to spread within them when they heard the words Julieta was yelling in desperation. They could hear the fear in her voice; over and over as she repeated the same sound.


oh look. we're back with daily updates. yeah, that's right. i finished all my drafts so 'yippee!'

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