Liquid Courage [chapter 23]

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They'd done their searching for the day. It had reached night, and everyone was tired from their journey to various parts around the area surrounding the village. Now was the time to start settling down. For the l/n household, that meant starting to bathe and making dinner.

Julieta and señor l/n were cooking away in the kitchen. They worked as a great duo. They could communicate to each other without talking, and they both found that to be nice.

Any kids that were under the age of eight were getting in the tub, had already gotten in the tub, or were waiting to get in the tub. At his included Antonio and y/n's four younger cousins who met the qualifications of getting to bathe first. It was helpful to get them out the way because they were the messiest. They could also get all five of the kids in the tub before dinner took place. Y/n's younger cousins had no problem with taking a bath with one of their siblings.

The rest of the kids, adults, and the one kid under eight that wasn't taking a bath with the others all had dispersed around the house. Granted, they didn't have much room to get too far, but they tried their hardest to make it seem as roomy as possible.

It was no rival to the Madrigal house that once stood tall. In fact, it could be considered quite the downgrade. But nobody complained.

Especially not the Madrigals who considered themselves lucky that they even had a roof to sleep under.

"So, uhhh—" Camilo gazed at the one year old who sat in front of him with drool coming from the sides of his mouth. They sat in front of the couch where a few adults sat, and some of the teens were scattered around the floor next to him, "You like drugs...?"

"Camilo!" his mother slammed the back of his head with a pillow on the couch. She glared at her middle child for the inappropriate question.

"What?!" Camilo turned to his mother while holding the back of his head where she hit. He made sure to send a glare y/n's way as she laughed her ass off over the stupid thing her partner in crime asked. "It was staring at me like I was a tamale!"

"Yeah, well he can't talk. So your reasoning was flawed no matter what," y/n watched her younger brother start to babble on and on about something. He made exaggerated gestures with his arms to get his point further across. "I know, I know," the older sister rubbed the baby's head when he turned to her with those big eyes of his.

Félix let out a light chuckle. Even if it only felt like yesterday, he missed when his children were babies. If he could go back, he would. And he'd tell his past self to cherish those moments when they always needed him the most. It was hard to see them become more and more independent with each passing day, but Félix knew it was just part of having kids.

Eventually, they'd have to grow up.

"Y/n! Y/n!" one of her younger cousins came running into the living room from the hall. He was still dripping wet, making it obvious he'd just come out of the bath tub. But there was one problem:

He was butt-ass naked.

Her older brother came running down the hall quickly after the naked cousin of his. He had a panicked expression while he chased after the kid with a towel, "Juan Carlos! Stay still so I can dry you off!"

The kid giggled, diving behind y/n's back and playing a game of peekaboo with their older cousin. The girl was paralyzed in fear, not knowing what to do. She had a naked kid showing their whole ass to their guests.

"Juan, cover up!" y/n screeched.

Now it was Camilo's turn to cackle. He watched the whole scene go down from the sidelines, not once daring to step in. A personality trait he'd adopted from y/n was watching all havoc break loose, and not doing a single thing to help.

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