The one with the texts.

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(A/n: Does this count as a triple update?)

"So let me get this straight, a hot girl, like super hot has approached you twice, and literally told you to use her number, and you haven't text her?" Parker looked up at her friend Christen asked her. The pair were finishing tying up their boots before training started.

"I mean why you say it like that..." Parker trailed off.

"Parks, I'm saying it exactly how it is! God, if I didn't know better I'd swear you and Tobin are related." Christen added with a roll of the eyes.

Parker finished tying her boots and stomped them both on the ground a couple of times out of habit. "What would I even say?" Parker paused as she stood up and adjusted her shorts. "Hey, I know you got my number for your bother but then you told me to use your number so now I am?" She turned to face Christen as the pair started to walk out on to the pitch. "P.s sorry it's took so long I'm stupidly shy in front of pretty girls."

Christen scoffed and began warming up, Parker following suit. "I'll pretend you didn't just basically call me ugly."

Parker's eyes opened in shock. "No, no! That's not what I meant. You're super pretty...but I know you, you're my friend-"

"Where as you wanna get in her pants." Christen cut Parker off, quickly summarising what Parker meant.

Parker rolled her eyes and continued warming up, following the coaches instructions.

"Alright ladies, grab a ball, one touch with a partner, let's go." Freya, the teams coach, yelled from her position on the side of the pitch. Christen grabbed a ball and gestured for Parker to follow her. The pair had quickly gotten a bond after Parker's debut for the national team, Christen was part of the reason she signed for Angel City.

"How's Tobs doing?" Parker asked as Christen passed to her, she took one touch of the fall to control it before passing it back.

"No, don't go changing the subject, we're not done." Christen replied as the two continued with the drill. "Listen, this girl is obviously into you. She met you once and then purposely found you the second time."

"We go the same gym, it's a coincidence."

"Are you kidding? She came and found you on the basketball courts. You said she couldn't shoot, so what other reason would she have to be there? You. You are the reason."

Parker sighed to herself. "Listen, she can quite literally have anyone she wants chasing after her, why in the fuck would she be so insistent on coming after me? It makes no sense. She said her brother liked soccer, she's probably just trying to get him some connections to games or something."

Christen groaned and brought her hand up to her face. "Park, i love you, I really do love the bones of you, but you are so dim. She told you that after she's already found you, AND that was totally just an excuse. She wanted to get your number but was trying to play it cool. You didn't bite how she thought which is why she decided to text you first, and you still didn't bite. Hot girls...they like the chase, they want that attention of someone, Hailee is different to that, she's willing to chase you and be the first one to make that move but you've got to let her, you've got to give her something to work with."

Parker sighed as she stopped the ball under her feet, listening to the coach next instructions. She used the side of her foot to roll the ball on top of her toes and began keeping it up, allowing the sound of the ball hitting her boot to ground her. In the back of her mind, she knows Christen is right, she can't just give nothing back. But the large majority of her mind is just constantly took over by the fear of rejection, the fear that she'll be pushed out of her comfort zone. She's a 23 year old virgin who was born with a dick, women haven't exactly been falling at her feet.

The team finished their training session and made their way back to the changing rooms, all girls panting. Parker couldn't take her mind off her current situation, the whole time she was playing in their bib game all she could think about was what her next actions should be.

"Come on, Park." Christen said softly as she put her arm around Parker's shoulders, guiding her to the part of the dressing room they're both located in. The two sat down and Christen turned her body to face the younger girl. "I love you, okay? And I would never wanna push you into something that would make you uncomfortable or you'd get hurt from...but I truly believe if you let this slip by, you'll regret it. Sometimes you've gotta look fear in the eye and tell it to fuck off, you hear me?"

Parker nodded wordlessly and after a few seconds grabbed her phone and pulled up Hailee's previous text.

Hey...sorry it took so long for me to use your number. How are you?

She finished the text and angled the screen towards Christen who smiled and nodded before giving Parker a small side one armed hug. "You got this, anyone would be stupid to give up on my little munchkin." Before Parker could reply, the ding off an incoming message sounded through the noise of the locker room. Parker turned and looked at Christen with wide eyes as she picked her phone up to show Hailee had replied. "Girl." Christen said with a small laugh. "Alls I'm saying, is if I gave you my number and you left me hanging, I'd be waiting at least half an hour to reply to you. Girl wants you bad."

Parker felt the blush rising on her cheeks as she opened the message.

Hi! I was wondering when I'd hear from you. I'm good thank you, how're you? Had any medicine balls drop on you lately?

"It's a long story." Parker mumbled to Christen when she realised the girl read the message.

Yeah...I'm sorry. I'm pretty good thank you! And no...just the one still, dad and his balls can stay away from me.

Wait...that sounds weird. I mean like...he's not allowed to do it again

Lol! I missed you at the gym this week.

Yeah, sorry, I've got a game coming up tomorrow which I'm starting for so I've been coming to training field a lot.

Don't apologise for that. Hey, so About your game, I hope you don't mind but I was telling my brother about meeting you, and he's got us tickets for it.

Serious? I could of gotten you guys tickets for free : (

Yeah probably but someone wasn't texting me sooooo


Stop saying that, silly.

I can...if you want...get family/friends passes? Your brother can meet some players then and come down to the pitch and stuff?

That would be so amazing!

Hey I've gotta go, I'm just on set...don't wait next time to text me, okay?

Deal. Sorry again.

Stop that.

"So what did she say?" Christen asked as Parker locked her phone, colour drained from her face.

"She's coming to the game tomorrow."

Bold Hailee you love to see it!
Let me know what you guys think, and as always, stay safe x

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