The one with the heart eyes.

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"I don't wanna." Parked huffed as she sat in Hailee's car, arms crossed across her chest.

Hailee groaned and leant forward, resting her forehead on the steering wheel in front of her. "Parker, it's your dad!"

"You don't know how embarrassing they can be. Everything thinks growing up with two dads is fun? No. Twice the embarrassment."

"Oh my god."

"And Alex isn't any better! He acts like he's on my side but he's blinded by my dad. You know what, my knee hurts, maybe we should rain check?"

Hailee lifted her head up and narrowed her eyes at her girlfriend. "Don't even. I'm having to face your dad with a fucking limp because my my poor vagina was hounded for the past 24 hours. If I can do that, then you can take some painkillers and get your butt inside."

Parker felt the blush coming up her cheeks but couldn't help the smirk that started to make its way on her mouth. "My bad."


"But I still don't wanna. Let's go and I'll run you a bath?"

"Okay, different tactic." Hailee mumbled to herself as Parker continued to rant about how she'll run her a relaxing bubble bath. "Okay, okay." Hailee said, putting her hand over Parker's mouth. "Do this, with no moaning...and I'll make it worth your while."

Parker's eyes widened and thought about her options before nodding her head slowly. She stuck her tongue out and licked the palm of Hailee's hand, laughing when the girl pulled back in shock. "Deal."

Hailee smiled and wiped her hand on her pants leg before turning and opening her door and jumping out, swiftly walking around to Parker's side and sticking her hand out to offer her assistance, knowing Parker's leg does more than likely hurt.


"- and she came home and just couldn't grasp that girls can love boys, not just boys loving boys, she was so fucking confused I felt both awful and proud." Sam said with a laugh as he ate one of the prawns in between his fork, making sure to make a show of taking the shell off to wind Parker up, knowing it creeps her out.

Parker groaned from her seat as she leant back on her chair, Hailee glanced back at her with an amused smile.

"In my defense, I never really watched TV growing up, the only couple I'd seen were you guys! Really, it's a parenting error."

"It's a you, error." Sam replied causing Parker to roll her eyes.

"I mean's a you error, sweetie." Alex jumped in after swallowing a mouthful of his own food. "I told you she needed to see other relationships. Plus after that time she walked in on us-"

"I walked in on you?!" Parker sat forward, volume rising in disgust.

"Oh god, we came so long with you keeping that to yourself." Sam groaned.


"Okay, it's not as bad as it sounds." Alex said as she broke a prawnshell of his food, Parker grimacing at the sight. "You were like, 6 years old. You walked in to our room during the night and..."

Parker squinted in disgust. "And you were fucking!? It's a wonder I'm not traumatised."

"....not exactly." Alex mumbled.

Hailee watched on with entertainment as her girlfriend face drained of all colour.


Sam groaned before throwing his hands in the air. "I was giving a blow Job, okay? I was on my knees and you walked in and just stood there for a second but by the next day you never mentioned it again so we assumed that you had been half asleep and forgot."

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