The one with the lazy day.

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The next day Parker rolled out of her bed onto the sofa with her oodie on as she caught up on Dexter between naps. Since her call with Hailee she found herself unable to fall asleep, the excitement from what her and Hailee spoke about running through her veins. But she couldn't help feeling terrified at the same time, what if Hailee woke up today and completely changed her mind and it was just the alcohol. Her dad always said that a drunk mind says what a sober person wants to, but she knows when she has been drunk she says many things she doesn't want to.

She glanced up at the TV screen in front of her to keep an eye on what was going on as she scrolled through Instagram. She'd watched Hailee's story and smiled as she watched the girl interact with her friends. She decided to have a look over her profile...again. Hailee is so beautiful sometimes she just looks and admired her. Without thinking too much of it, she double tapped the picture she was looking at, the heart coming up on the screen.

Less than a minute later, a text message notification came up at the top of her screen.

I see you

Parker froze for a minute, still not getting used to the older girl texting her out of the blue.


Liking my picture

Oh yeah...sorry

Parker! Stop saying sorry

I'm looking forward to Sunday : )

Me too. How are you feeling today, did you drink plenty of water?

I did, I feel good. Im just on live answering some questions, figured since SOMEONE hadn't text me yet, that I'd talk to some fans.

Parker took a minute before replying, she'd already typed out an apology but Hailee told her to stop doing that.

I've been tired today, I apologise : (

She didn't technically say sorry. Whilst she was waiting for Hailee's reply she swiped her screen and quickly made her way to Hailee's Instagram, clicking on the live icon and seeing the girl sitting there.

 Whilst she was waiting for Hailee's reply she swiped her screen and quickly made her way to Hailee's Instagram, clicking on the live icon and seeing the girl sitting there

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Hailee could be seen glancing down at her lap and smiling for a few seconds before she looked back up towards the camera.

Sneaky. I respect that

You look very pretty today

Parker against focussed back on the live, unable to control the giddiness she felt when Hailee looked back down and smiled again, this time looking towards the camera and winning quickly. She did that. Visually seeing the girls mood increase as she text her gave Parker a sense of proudness. Hailee was looking at her messages and grinning, she got just as happy as she did.

Im glad you think so. You should wait and see how nice I can really look for you.

Parker dropped her phone when she read Hailee's message. "God damnit." She picked up the phone and reread the message again before puffing out her cheeks. She's talked to girls before, she's not a recluse, but usually when girls try and force her out of her comfort zone she's being dragged kicking and screaming. But with Hailee, when she does it, Parker is willing to try and cross the mountains she needs to to be better for her.

She looked at her phone as she debated what to reply. The thought of Hailee looking nice for her completely taking over her brain.

I don't doubt that. But you could wear a potato sack and still be the most beautiful girl in the room.

Parker sent her reply and placed her phone down, willing her hands not to type and apology if it was too much. She just wanted Hailee to believe how truly stunning she thought she was. She's trying her best to give her something back. She watched Hailee on her live with anticipation for her to receive the text. Hailee picked up her phone, Parker assumes she must have two, she stares at the message for far more time than she needed too before biting her lower lip as she smiled softly and looked at the camera briefly before looking back down.

You're so sweet, thank you Parks.

Fyi, compliments like that will get you far 😘

Before Parker could swipe to reply she hesitated when she heard Hailee start singing at the request of one of the viewers. Parker was truly taken back. She'd seen Hailee in films, and she'd actually heard the song Hailee was singing before, she just didn't realise it was her singing.

brb, need to go listen to your discography

A/n: who's ready for date time??

You're my captain. (Hailee Steinfeld)Where stories live. Discover now