The one with the kiss.

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Parker entered her apartment and closed her door softly before leaning her head back on it and taking a deep breath. Hailee had drove her home since she walked. There wasn't anymore nearly kisses for the rest of the time they spent together, much to both girls disappointment.

Before she could allow herself to overthink any further, a ping came from her phone.

Shit, I forgot something, buzz me in

Parker furrowed her eyebrows. Hailee didn't come in the building so she's unsure how she forgot something. She shrugged and pressed her buzzer anyway before waiting near the door for Hailee to knock on. She refuses to be one of those people that just waits in the halls whilst people look at you through their peep holes.

She only had to wait a few minutes before she heard a knock on her door. She took a deep breath, practically having to prepare herself again, before she opened the door. As soon as the pulled the door open she was greeted by arms wrapping themselves around her neck and lips crashing into hers. Parker felt herself freeze as Hailee moved her lips against hers, not trying to go deeper, just moving them. She felt the way Hailee's hands moved around her neck, one grasping her neck at the side before going to the back of her neck and repeating itself whilst the other hand had one finger wrapped around the chain on her neck.

Parker snapped herself out of it and began moving her own lips, falling perfectly in time with Hailee's

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Parker snapped herself out of it and began moving her own lips, falling perfectly in time with Hailee's. Hailee moved her hand again to the side of Parker's neck, but this time stretched her hand out so her thumb was under her chin, giving her full control. Parker surrendered the control to her willingly, allowing Hailee to move her face exactly how she wants it meaning she can put all her attention on how Hailee's soft lips feel pursed against her own. Parker felt the tip of Hailee's tongue poke her lips once which made her grasp onto her small hips.

Far too soon for either girls liking, Hailee pulled away with a smile as she licked her lips. "Mmm, forgot to do that. I'll see you soon, okay?" Hailee didn't wait for Parker to respond, instead leaning up and placing a soft peck on Parker's still silent mouth before backing away and walking down the hall, Parker not moving till she heard the ding from the elevator.

She's kissed girls before. But with Hailee it was something else.

It felt different.


"Babygirl I'm so proud of you!" Alex yelled from next to the heavy bag that Parker was currently pounding on in the gym. She usually tries once a week to go to the gym with Alex and her dad as she can do some boxing and fighting with Alex, and since the pair have been hounding about Hailee she figured it was the perfect opportunity to spill the beans.

"Thanks." She mumbled before doing a few more combos on the bag.

"Have you talked to her since?" Her dad asked from his position on the floor where he sat watching the pair as he ate his apple.

"Yup, we've FaceTimed a few times and she texts me most of the day. Said she's gonna watch my game tomorrow."

Parker didn't see it, but Alex and Sam glanced towards each other.

"Sweetie, why don't you sound happy about it?" Alex asked softly, eyes focussing on his adopted daughter.

Parker grunted and through one more heavy hand on the bag before huffing and biting the corner of one of her gloves so she can pull it off. "I am happy. I'm fuckin' thrilled. But I also feel like my heart is gonna fall out of my ass everytime I think about her. I still need to tell her," Parker glanced around the gym before lowering her voice. "About my little friend."

"Honey, if she's that bothered by it, then she obviously isn't the girl we think she is." Alex started. "But I honestly don't think she's like that. The patience she's had already when you've been dumb, she's actively pursued you, this girl wants you. You could probably tell her you have a dinosaur in your pants and she'd be cool with it."

Sam let out a small laugh to himself. "I've got a dinosaur in my pants."

"Samson!" Alex hissed as he snapped his head to his husband. "Not the time!"

Parker rolled her eyes at the two as she took big gulps from her water bottle.

Samson watched his daughter for a second before standing up and moving closer to her. "Babygirl, we've gone over this. You need to stop viewing it as a curse and a defect," he used quotation marks. "And start viewing it as a gift. One day you're gonna meet a girl, and it may be Hailee it may not be, that is gonna love you for it, not in spite of it."

Parker nodded along without speaking as she took in her dads words.

"You're one in a million, Parker. Quite literally. You need to see yourself as such."

Get yours, Hailee!
Like she was gonna let Parker get away without a kiss.

Stay safe x

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