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Hello my lovelies! Of course I had to give you a cliff hanger, I have to make sure you guys don't grow tired now don't I?

You've waited long enough! on with the story!


She didn't want to hear any more. Not about how her step-mother had moved in. Not about her relationships with the staff. And definitely not about how a woman, who cared for her like she was her own had passed away. It was too late. Melody had arrived too late.

Not wanting to stay there anymore and listen to what was being said, Melody got up again and jogged to the door. She wanted to leave, she didn't care where she was going, just as long as it wasn't here.

Her paws felt the cold again as she stepped outside into the snow. Her mind was hazy, and whilst her eyes took in light, she wasn't actually sure she was seeing anything. Nothing registered. Not how cold it was, not how long she walked, nor the route she had taken. Once she finally awoke from her trance she was hopelessly and completely lost.


"I should follow her." Yoongi said, trying to excuse himself. But he got as good as pushed back into his seat when the waiters blocked his path to bring the next course of the meal. Yoongi sighed annoyed and looked nervously at the door as he was forced to wait a few more minutes until the path was cleared.

"I'm sure she'll come back" Seokjin whispered, trying to calm his friend down. But no one could deny the dread they felt as the white of the cat's fur seemed to camouflage into the snow. It was just a short moment, but that was all it took for them to lose sight of her through the greenhouse's windows.

All seven of the boys ended up rushing to the door as soon as they could without attracting attention. Cheng and Li joined them in the moment they had to spare between entertaining their guests and trying not to bother the new man of the house. 

Li managed to get some of the staff that wasn't too busy to help, but none of that seemed to matter. Once it started to get darker they had to come to the realization that the beloved cat was truly gone.


'where on earth am I?'  Nothing about this location seemed familiar to the feline. The bright neon lights made it obvious that she was not on her family's estate anymore. She couldn't even see the forest that surrounded the garden; though considering her current height, that didn't necessarily mean they were far. The towering trees could be hidden behind any of the buildings surrounding her. She took a deep breath, trying to smell the familiar scent of pine trees, but cigarette smoke and the fumes of cars seemed to be all that she could distinguish.

She was alone again.

Nothing but a stray cat.

Melody had been in this situation before. But it felt even worse now, knowing she had people who accepted her, who loved her, and who were looking for her. All in a country they didn't know.

Melody sure hoped this situation wouldn't take as long as it had done before.


"You still haven't found her?" Li asked as dusk started to set in.

The boys were full on panicking at this moment. The entire estate, forest and fields had been searched not only by them, but also the staff that had joined in full force as soon as they had the chance.

The boys confirmed in the negative and Li sighed.

"Why don't you boys stay over in our house tonight? That way you can stay close and continue looking." 

They thanked her, gratefully accepting the offer as their eyes still searched the snow for their beloved walking cloud.

Li immediately walked over to her new husband and told him of her plan as a few staff members readied the needed guest rooms.

"Why did they bring that creature in the first place?" a grumbling voice asked, cold and disapproving. The man of the house didn't seem too pleased, but let the group do as they wanted.

"Yoongi, we have to go inside now."


"Yoongi, come on-" 

"She's out there somewhere. We have to find her."

"You're freezing."

"I'm fine, I just-" an exhausted Yoongi took a deep breath to keep his mind from fogging up "-I need to find her."

His voice was soft and tired as he repeated the same words over and over again.

"I need to find her."

The boys agreed. They had to find her. But they also agreed that Yoongi was close to collapsing. They were also pretty sure that in their current tired state they could trip over her and still not be able to distinguish her from the snow.

"We will find her. But we need to rest so we have more energy to look for her." Namjoon said resting his hand on his hyung's shoulder. 

"But she's out there, alone. We have to find her." Yoongi's mind seemed to be completely taken over by that one thought.

"She's strong and smart. She has survived on the streets before." Hoseok tried to motivate his elder.

Jungkook and Jimin came back through the woods with disappointed faces. Their shaking heads told the others enough as another unfruitful search of the forest came to an end.

"Either she is hiding from the cold under the leaves, or she isn't in there." Jimin stated.

"There does seem to be a small village a bit further away though. We might want to check that out tomorrow, when we have more than just these flashlights to work with." Jungkook added. 

The others nodded, agreeing that they should definitely continue the search there tomorrow if Melody didn't show up before then.

As the boys slowly walked to the house where they had been offered boarding Yoongi tried to protest. His legs however, seemed to agree more with his band mates than with his own mind as they almost gave out underneath him.

"Come hyung, I'm sure she is safe." a supportive Taehyung said, hoping the shaking of his voice would pass off as him being cold.

The truth was that none of them wanted to go inside. They wanted to keep searching, they wanted her to show up infront of them right now. But they had long detected that the only reason the girl hadn't returned yet because for some reason she couldn't.

Seokjin, walking behind the rest of the group, rubbed away the tear burning in his eye before anyone else would be able to see it. 'We have to find her. She has to be safe.' 

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