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and I always love reading you guys's reactions!

Finally some answers in this one!


'Fine!' Yoongi thought, still not over the whole situation and still too stubborn to talk to the girl in his apartment.'If she won't tell me what is going on, maybe that lady will!'  With the energy still going though his angry body he got off of his bed, made himself decent and marched on downstairs to the 5th floor.

He hesitated as he was about to ring the doorbell. He had asked the janitor to make sure which apartment it was exactly and the janitor had seen hesitant about the whole plan.

He took a deep breath, pressed the button and waited until he was face to face with an elderly gentlemen.

"I- eh.. Hello." Yoongi stuttered; already this was not going according to plan. The man seemed kind however, so the pink haired boy decided to cautiously continue. "I heard that you might have experienced some issues with my cat?" The man nodded, looking serious, and let the boy into his apartment.

"I hope it isn't too badly hurt, it's a real sore point for my daughter you see." The man offered a seat and Yoongi politely sat down.

"Traumatized she is, by that cat. Cat's in general are an issue, but that cat..." The man shook his head as he offered Yoongi a pristine cup of tea. The boy accepted it and considering no-one was yelling and nothing was being thrown at him, this was already a lot better than the worst case scenario he had thought of.

"What is it exactly that bothers her so much about my cat?" He asked slowly sipping his tea which, he had to admit, was pretty great.

The elder shook his head. "My daughter you see, she's had a serious loss in her life. Her daughter actually. One day she just... vanished, never to be seen again." Yoongi felt bad for the woman, it was a fate he never wished upon anyone.

"And ever since that day, my daughter is convinced that cat- " the man pointed at the front door "has been following her." Yoongi started to lower his cup as the man slowly rambled on.

"I've told her it was total nonsense of course, even sent her to a therapist! But she was so convinced... Even ruined her marriage... Though of course that was already hanging by a thread after the loss of my poor granddaughter..."

Yoongi was about to excuse himself as this was clearly just the thoughts of a deranged woman, when the woman in question entered the apartment.

"Who is this?" She snarled, looking Yoongi up and down.

"This is the owner of that poor cat that you hurt." The man answered pointing at Yoongi with a shaky finger. Yoongi got up and tried to politely introduce himself, but he got interrupted.

"Phu! So that demon's owner is a degenerate." Yoongi wanted to say something back, anything, but the look in the woman's eyes terrified him.

"You shouldn't talk about people that way dear." The man tried to lecture, but the woman was having none of it.

"He has colored hair, clothes like that and even piercings! What else can he be if not a degenerate?" Yoongi looked at himself. He was wearing black jeans and a plain t-shirt... nothing too bad in his opinion.

"I'm actually a top-star." Yoongi answered in an unsure voice.

The woman let out a noise that made it clear she thought he was far beneath her.

"What's the difference really." She muttered, not even looking at the boy in front of her.

"So what do you want? I'm not going to apologize if that's what you think."

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