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Hacking is a big word XD you'll see -x-


The interviews went well, and despite a few nervous moments in the beginning, by the end of the day the boys felt used to it again. The questions, the fans, the spotlights, nothing had changed and they were glad to feel this kind of warmth and love again.

When they got home however, it became clear that Yoongi had been bothered by something all day. Something that he just couldn't let go.

"How did you get into my bank account?" he asked, the moment he saw the culprit again, only to be answered with a tiny "meow".

Clearly frustrated Yoongi's hands went up to his head. "Stop being a cat and answer me!".

"Yeah, that's definitely going to make her turn back hyung." Hoseok laughed, and Seokjin sighed.

"Yoongi, just let it go ok?" Seokjin started getting ready in the kitchen to cook dinner. "Its not like she used some massive amount of your money."

"I get that Hyung, but I still don't understand how she did it." Yoongi sat down at the kitchen counter/bar to talk to his hyung directly. "The only two who know how to get into my account are you and I...."

Almost immediately Seokjin turned red and Yoongi understood. THAT's why Seokjin mentioned the 'oh, she turned back?' this morning. THAT's why he had been trying to distract Yoongi from it all day.

"HYUNG! You couldn't?! Why would you do that?!" Yoongi stood from his seat, not necessarily angry, just shocked.

"She just wanted to buy a few groceries, I didn't see anything wrong with that." Seokjin tried to explain. "Besides, you needed to be punished."

Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "I needed to be punished?"

"That's kinky" Jungkook said, with no hesitation, as he entered the kitchen to see what the eldest was cooking.

"Oh, shush." Seokjin said, realizing how his words must have sounded. "This morning I was talking to.... the cat -" Seokjin made a face, clearly bothered by the fact that he didnt have anything better to call her. "- and she told me something interesting about that fourth can of fish that had gone missing."

This time it was Yoongi's turn to turn red. 

" 'You must have used it for something else' you said, I believe. It bothered me for an entire day!"

Seokjin started stirring through his pot, not letting his eyes off of Yoongi.

"Hyung! I even got blamed for that!" Jungkook said in a displeased tone.

"It was just a can of fish" Yoongi whispered, clearly aware of the fact that he did wrong.

"And this was just a small list of groceries." the eldest said, tasting his food. "I believe the punishment fit the crime."

Once they all sat at the table Seokjin hesitated to bring an eighth plate to the table. He wasn't sure if it would be rude not to include the girl for dinner, or if it would feel like he was pressuring her to turn human. He decided on leaving the plate on the kitchen counter, close enough to simply grab if the girl decided to join them.

The girl did decide to visit, but remained in her cat-form as she meowed softly at her 'owner' who answered with a soft "I'm not angry kitty."

The cat jumped on his lap where she just had enough space to not get squished between the boy and the dining table. 

"Hyung?" Jimin asked in a tiny, insecure voice.

"Hmm?" Yoongi answered having just put food in his mouth.

"Why does Seokjin have your bank account information?"

Suddenly the older lost his appetite. He knew a day would come where he had to explain it to his members, and he knew Jimin had been bothered with Yoongi's questionable family situation for quite a while now, but he had hoped he could postpone this for as long as possible.

"I needed a guarantor in case something happened." He tried to keep his voice as stable and as matter-of-fact like as possible "Hyung said he didn't mind."

Yoongi focused on his plate where he just kept moving his food around with his fork, trying to distract himself.  From under the table he could feel his cat giving him tiny licks on his arm, trying to soothe him. Her presence helped him a lot, like it had done when he had been home alone, but he wasn't sure how well he would be able to keep himself composed even with his loyal back-up.

"Isn't it usually your parents or family who become your guarantor?" Jungkook asked, trying to tread lightly. The members had rarely seen their hyung this vulnerable.

Seokjin was immediately reminded of the time that Yoongi had asked him to be his guarantor. He had asked the exact same question then, but had instantly agreed without waiting for an answer when he saw the younger's face.

"My family and I don't get along." Yoongi managed to get out, trying to ignore the flashbacks of what he really meant by that.

Jungkook wanted to ask further, but both Namjoon and Hoseok grabbed his arm to tell him to leave it be. 

"We're here to listen when you are ready to tell us." Namjoon said and thereby ended the conversation. 

Yoongi sat there, playing with his food for just a little longer, but got up to clean his plate quite soon after, realizing he wasn't going to be able to eat anymore.

He left the others behind him as he went to his room, deciding the only thing he wanted to do right now was sleep. 

His cat followed him, just managing to slip into the room before he closed the door. She watched him get ready for bed, watched him take sleeping pills, and stayed by his side as he slowly fell asleep.

She didn't like that the members kept making him hurt, even though she understood they didn't mean it that way. She too was curious as to what had happened, but didn't want to tread on these clearly painful wounds.

'We're here to listen when you are ready to tell us.' The cat agreed, even if he didn't want to tell them now, she would always stay by his side and she would always be there to listen.

In the middle of the night Yoongi woke up, tears streaming down his face, yelling for his Hyung. When he realized where he was and what had happened, the tears just wouldn't stop.

The girl lying next to him woke up from the commotion and immediately felt her heart break when she saw the state of the boy next to him, and the inconsolable sobbing filled her ears.

Yoongi's breath hitched when he felt to arms around him, but he gave in and rested his head on the girls shoulders as all the pain poured out of him.

"He's gone, my hyung, he's gone. And it's all my fault."

Kitty - BTS ( Yoongi )Where stories live. Discover now