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Hanaaaaaaaa7301 wipe those tears girl! 

Unstablebeing you too!

smilingshadowskater come out of that trash barrel!

There is a new part to read!!


Yoongi was about to finally enter the bathroom when he turned back around and placed his hand on Melody's forehead.

"Why do you feel so warm though?" he flipped his hand to make sure he felt it correctly "Are you feeling ok?"

"I'm fine." Melody answered, trying to avoid the situation as best as she could.

"You're really burning up though..."  Concerned Yoongi pushed her back though his bedroom door to the dining area where the other guys were still enjoying breakfast.

"Did you guys talk it out?" Namjoon asked, a habit from having been the leader for so long already.

"Yeah, we're good now." Yoongi answered shortly and Hoseok and Jimin gave eachother a look again. 

"I can see that, you know." The second eldest growled though his teeth. The two looked at him, surprised they had been caught.

"Anyhow, hyung, can you feel her for a bit?" strange looks were being thrown Yoongi's way as Melody was trying to escape his grip. "Her forehead, you weirdo's. I'm pretty sure she has a fever."

"I'm fiiineee." Melody really didn't want to stand there any longer. She was indeed having a slight fever, but the pain in her stomach was what was really killing her. Well... together with the embarrassment. 

Seokjin stood up and pressed his hand against the girl's forehead.

"She really is warm...."

"Guys! I'm fine! nothing is wr-" Just as Melody managed to get away from the hands that were holding her, the pain in her stomach intensified. Feeling as if she had been punched in the gut, Melody fell to the ground.



This was so friggin embarrassing...

The moment I woke up, I was a cat, stuck in a carrier on my way to the vet.

Why wouldn't they just leave me be? I told them I was ok... I hid my face between my paws and tried to wish myself out of this situation.

Other cats at the vet kept making noises at me, trying to look at me, trying to get to me. I hated this. I hated every part of this.

"It's going to be ok." a voice from above me said. I knew it was going to be ok, I knew exactly what was going on.

"Well...-"  Yoongi was clearly uncomfortable on his way back from the vet's office. "- at least it wasn't anything bad right?"

'At least not anything bad... This has been one of the most embarrassing days of my life!' 

'Can't that stupid vet keep private issues private? There should be a HIPPAA rule between vets and animals too, letting this guy know all of these personal things! I knew I couldn't trust him with his ice cold hands.'

My mind just kept ranting.

'If you tell anyone about this... I'm gonna tell them about the multiple times I have caught you behind your laptop, and the types of porn that you watch.'


It was almost as if Yoongi could hear the treats the cat was thinking, when they entered the apartment again he too tried to avoid the topic as much as possible.

"She's fine, just something that can happen sometimes." He tried to keep his face as illegible as possible as he let the cat out of her carrier. In turn, the cat ignored all of her basic instincts, pulled herself away from the boy and left for her room.

Yoongi didn't properly breathe until he let himself fall on his bed and stared at his ceiling. A blush crept on his cheeks as the situation started to sink in. He had to admit, he never thought about how being both a cat and human must affect the girl's general life. Nor did he ever think about how an animalistic drive such as her heat would translate into her human life.

After a few hours, in which Melody had turned back into a human, taken some painkillers and cleaned the mess in the kitchen, the two were finally able to face each other again without turning into tomatoes.

"How about we get to know each other better?" Hoseok suggested. Realizing they had never even properly introduced themselves.

They all agreed and got comfortable around the coffee table, Melody slightly curled up and with a cup of tea in her hand.

"Where do we start?"

"Since we know each others names... how about our ages?" everyone nodded and in a circle they started to tell their ages and birthdays. The closer they got to Melody the more curious everyone became.

"I'm born the 31st of December of 1997" she said, realizing that made her the youngest.

Jungkook jumped up and pointed at her as if he was holding a sword. "Kneel down and call me oppa, new maknae!" Melody twitched her nose in dismay.

"We're born in the same year though..." she mumbled.

"I thought you didn't like being called oppa?" Hoseok jumped in.

"Yeah, I thought it was only Yoongi that had a oppa kink." Jimin joined. Melody looked up with big eyes.

"It's not my kink you brat" The second oldest scolded whilst hitting the back of Jimin's head.

With a blush on his cheeks Yoongi looked at the big eyes that were staring at him and he saw a blush on the girl's face as well. unsure if it was about the comment, or if she still felt uncomfortable about all that had happened today, he decided to ignore it.

"Is it difficult to turn into a cat?" Taehyung asked Melody who was sitting next to him.

"Not really, its more difficult to turn human sometimes." She answered truthfully. "It's based on my emotions, so if I feel upset or anything my body wants to turn into a cat. It's easier to make yourself upset than it is to make yourself happy." 

"It must be cool though, living as a cat." the boy responded with a dreamy voice, trying to imagine the freedom of climbing trees and roaming free.

"Sometimes, I prefer being human though. It's nice to have opposable thumbs.

For a short moment everyone just stared at their hands, realizing that yes, this was something to be thankful for.

"It must be fun to have a tail though." Hoseok said. Imagining himself, tail waving in the wind.

Melody just shrugged. "It's ok I guess... But tell me, what's it like to be in a boy band?" She put down her cup of tea and stared curiously at the guys in front and next to her.

They continued asking questions for a few more hours, finishing the day with pizza and a movie.

"i can't believe we have to work again tomorrow, we only had one day off." Jungkook mumbled as he got up to go sleep, a yawn escaping his mouth.

slowly but surely they all followed his example. Melody and Yoongi both going to Yoongi's room since she had to get ready for bed in his bathroom. Once she was finished Yoongi was getting changed, pulling his shirt over his head.

Just before she closed his bedroom door behind her and just loud enough for him to hear she whispered a soft  "Good night oppa."

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