Chapter 22

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Grace's POV

"No," I answered.

Jay looked like a kicked puppy and the atmosphere changed.

"No wait fix your face and listen to me closely, okay? He stood, now eye level to me as he matched my height as I sat on the stool.

"Baby I love you. I love you with everything in me, and you asking me to marry makes me so happy! But I'm saying no and I mean it," I told him truthfully.

"But if that makes you happy, why say no?" He questioned.

"Because... I don't want you to marry me because I'm pregnant."

"But I'm not I-" he tried to defend.

"No but you are. Be honest baby! Did you have the plan to ask me already? Was today the day you had already picked? More than likely you didn't, which is fine Jay. I'm more than happy, just knowing you'd marry today if I'd let you." I pressed my palm into his cheek and he just closed his eyes.

"I love you Jay Park! But the day you ask me, I wanna know that it was all your idea without the external noise. I wanna know that you woke up with marrying me on your mind and that making me your wife is a top priority, okay? I love you baby, thank you for asking though." I hug him and he squeezed me tight. "Oh, and don't try again before the baby is born, same concept... maybe after the baby is a few months I'd be down."

"Yeah yeah whatever," he rolled, kissing my cheek. "I got you a teddy bear too." He then hands me what looks like a swagged out build a bear.

"Aw Jay!!! These gifts are precious! Thank you for making me feel so special," I say getting off the stool. I lean up and kiss him on his cheek. I turn around and reach to grab the bags when I feel Jay wrap his fingers around my wrist, pulling me back towards him before leaning down and kissing me. I drop everything that was in my hands, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He kissed me as if it was the first and the last time he'd be able to do so. I felt him everywhere... my senses were working in overdrive to compensate for the way he made me feel.

"Jay," I squeezed out breathlessly against his lips. He just continued to kiss me as if I hadn't said anything in the first place. After a few moments, I pulled back, calling his name once more as my chest heaved up and down.

"Jay, your parents are home, what if they walk in?"

"I'm getting ready to try to put another baby in you so let's hope they don't," he smirked before gripping me by my thighs, hoisting me up, and taking off for what was probably his room.

All I could do was giggle as I buried my head in his neck. I wish I could be this happy forever.


"So you just found out you were pregnant but you're telling me you didn't have a clue?" Eonni interrogated.

It had been about a week since I had found out that I was pregnant and Soo was about two point five seconds from beating my door down when I agreed to meet her for lunch. Now here I was, sitting in front of her at our favorite place, the Apple House.

"No I didn't have a clue. You know when the weather starts to change, I always get sick. So I didn't even think twice about when I started fitting shitty," I shrugged, taking a bite of my ttokbokkie. "His mom is the one who called it."

"Ugh I'm so excited!! Our kids are gonna be besties forever!" She squealed. "4lyfers!!"

I looked at her incredulously, "Where the hell did you learn that?"

She smiled at creepily and replied, "Twitter."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"So what's the game plan? Are you guys getting married?"

I shook my head. "He asked me but I told him no."

"You WHAT?!" She yelled, food still in her mouth. She grabbed her phone, putting it on me as if she was saying, 'tell the camera darling'.

"Bitch shut up," I screeched quietly. "I don't wanna be proposed to like this."

"Like this?" She repeated, confused. She

"Like, because I'm pregnant," I explained. "It was like 'oh shit, she's pregnant, we should prolly get married' kind of proposal. Not that I think he meant it that way but that's what it seemed like. I want it to feel like a desire, not a necessity." I shifted and leaned back against my chair.

"The more I think about it, the more it frustrates me. I want to be with him for the rest of my natural born life and then a few lifetimes after that. I want to be his wife, his lover, the mother of his children, and his best friend. I wanna wake up to him in the morning and be the last thing he sees at night. I'm so in love with this man that I couldn't imagine another day without him. But he found out I was pregnant and then decided we should get married. I don't want that for us. I want him to feel for me what I feel for him when he asks me."

"That was beautiful Grace," Eonni sniffled. "I want that too! We all deserve it!" She sighs hard. "I take back what I said, he shouldn't have proposed. But I'm still happy he did. Did it help relieve some of your anxiety? To know that he's willing to spend his life with you."

I take another bite and nod my head. "We've been together for so long. I've actually had more days with him in Seoul than I've had without."

"That is true."

"And at this point, I think I wanna stay here. This feels like home to me now. I love it here."


Jay and I were currently at the hospital on the army base, keeping out of the public's nosy eye.

"Well everything looks great. You're about 6 weeks. Congratulations," The doctor told me.

I could barely hear him, as the sound of my child's heartbeat was the loudest thing in the room. It was such a magnificent sound and it made my heart swell as tears fell silently.

"I'm just so happy," I said aloud. Jay leaned down and kissed me on my forehead.

"Me too," he smiled.

"Is this you guys' first child?" The doctor asked.

"This sure is," he beamed.

The doctor smiled back. "Well then double congrats. We'll set up an appointment for your next check up Ms. Grace. You guys have a wonderful evening."  He left briskly and I sat up, wiping that cold ass gel off my stomach.

"We are going to be parents! With my dance skills and your built-in rhythm, our daughter is going to be the best idol there ever was."

"Whoa, pump your breaks," I started, waving my hands in the 'whoa, calm down' motion. "First off, all black people don't have rhythm, so don't say built-in... that's a stereotype... not insulted but still. Secondly, our son will be nothing of the sort of I have my way."

"What you tryna say Grace?" He replied hyper-focused on the last thing I said. "My lifestyle isn't good enough for our child?"

"Don't get defensive," I said, getting off of the examination table. "But look at the facts Jay, idols and actors have such a tough time here in South Korea, I don't want that for Hyeon-ah. They will be a Blasian child, already too dark for Korean standards, not 'Korean' enough to be a Kpop idol, only to then be chastised for every little thing they do. Hyeon-ah would be just like you when you first got to Korea, under immense scrutiny. Every one of his moves would be put under a microscope.You got lucky Jay. When Korea was ready for you to come back, you were able to give this society a big 'fuck what y'all think, I'm my own person, I do what I want' attitude, but Hyeon-ah won't have the same luxuries. Even now you don't get to have your cake and eat it in front of everyone else too because if you did, we wouldn't have to be a secret." I left him standing where he stood, walking out of the room. He eventually caught back up but didn't say a word...

Maybe he should have.

Ta-Dahhhhhh. Did you miss this? Was it worth the wait? Do you guys agree with Grace? Do you think she was too hard on him? Was what she said unnecessary or did she have a valid point? Tell me what you thinkkkkk!!! Lol, I'm finna go write some more, so until the next chapter. -K

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