Chapter 28

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He didn't disturb me. As big of a fucking scene he made at Soo's and not once since I've been home has he said anything to me.

I was able to pack all of my stuff and call the movers to put it in storage till I figured out when I'd be able to pick it back up. I wasn't staying long so I made my way back to the airport for my flight.

I sat in the Korean Air lounge, waiting for my flight to be called. I got there 3 hours early like you're supposed to but something weird happened. My flight was delayed for an hour... then 2. I wasn't stressed about it but it was weird. What was going on?

A voice came over the intercom, saying something about Miguk, which made me my ears perk up because what about America? Another voice came on and in English told us that all flights to America had been cancelled and that the U.S. was not allowing foreign flights into the country.

America was closing its border. I was officially stuck in South Korea.

I called Soo and she picked me up.

"I told you this virus was serious," she said in a snarky tone.

"Oh hush," I rolled. "I'm more concerned with the fact that I can't go home. And it's not like I can stay with you."


"No buts, I can't stay with you. Not for an indefinite amount of time. You might be cool with it but Jiwon would probably be over it after a week."

"So where will you stay?" She asked.

"The one place I don't wanna."


I typed in the code to the apartment and walked in.

"Look who's finally back," Jay said as I took off my shoes.

"As if you actually gave a fuck if I was here or not," I retorted, taking my bags back to the room.

A hand grabbed a tight hold on my wrist. "Who said I didn't? You're the one that tried to run off again with out having a conversation."

"That's rich Jay, seriously. I was home for how many days? At what time did you try to speak to me?"

"I was waiting for you to finally bring your ass out that room. You like to hole yourself in that room like it's a fucking panic room and I try to respect your space-"

"Like when I was Soo's house, that's crazy to think that's how you respect my space," I replied.

"That was different!" He insisted. "You finally come home after running away 3 months ago and you go to your fucking friends house instead of coming home. Anybody who fucking cares enough would've done the same thing."

I finally snatched my arm back from his grip.

"No they wouldn't have. They would've have waited for me, like a fucking adult, to come to the house on my own terms and spoken to me when I got there. You decided, like an asshole, to bust up in my friends house and start making demands." I walked to the guest room door, opened it, and shoved my bags in, letting them roll into the room however they pleased.

"But you know what, I'm here now so if you wanna have the fucking conversation, let's fucking have it." I was seething. All these pent up feelings were starting to come out and I was going to let him have it. "Let's start with the fact that I didn't just leave out of nowhere. This has been months in the making. You're always working, you're never home, you never make time for me and when you do, it's at some work related event that you usually get angry at me because you can't help that you're a jealous person."

"Are you done?" He scoffed. "I'm always working because I'm a busy ass person! I have two record labels that I'm in charge of, so I'm sorry if you feel like I'm not attentive enough but I do the best that I can. And I get mad at you because you come to these events and do dumb shit, like how many fucking times do I have to say stay away from Simon for you to fucking get it?!"

Afternoon (Jay Park Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin