Chapter 25

561 24 4

Jan 2020

I turned my phone off. I mean I told Soo what happened first— what an overdramatic phone call that was.

"Grace, where are you? I'm coming to you," she panicked.

"Soo no. I love you but I've made up my mind. I can't allow you to convince me to stay," I declined. I could hear her sniffling on the other side of the phone.

"But what about me? What about your Sweet Girl?! We're going to miss you so much!"

I was holding back tears. "Just make sure you call me once a week, I don't care what time it is there!"

"I love you Grace!"

"I love you too!" I cried quietly and hung up the phone. I went to the airport at the ass crack of dawn, still kind of lit from the party. I stayed at that hotel for maybe 2 hours getting just the tiniest bit of sleep before my long flight.

I rolled my suitcase through the empty airport before settling at my gate. I scrolled through IG and saw that everyone was still at the party, even at 4 am.

I clutched my passport in hand, determined not to just get up and leave. I wanted to go home but I couldn't keep feeling the way I did. It wouldn't help.

I felt anxious even after I boarded my plane and I stayed anxious until I was done flying. I wanted too many things all at once.

I wanted to be away from Jay. I needed the distance because I was mad but I'm afraid that if we're distant, we won't last. But I can't keep competing with the bitches in his phone and in his face. We're distant even in the same home, so a couple thousands should be nothing.

When I landed for the last time, it was about a day and a half later. It was still early morning in America. I went to Hertz and rented a car, driving back to my old home.

I pulled into the driveway just as my mother was leaving the house for work. I parked the car and got out.

She blinked in confusion. "Gracie? What are you doing here?"

My eyes got hot and started to water. I couldn't even keep myself together long enough to say 'hi'. I just ran over to my mom and hugged her tight, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Mommy I think it's over," I pushed through my tears.

"Shhhh baby it's okay," she cooed rubbing my back. "Just let it out."

And let it out I did, in the middle of the driveway, on a random ass Thursday morning.


My mom decided to call out of work, telling them it was a family emergency... which technically it was.

After about 10 minutes of crying outside, I came inside to the heat to cry some more.

"Do you think you can tell me what's going on now?" My mom asked.

I sniffled and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. "I'm just not happy Mommy. Ever since I lost the baby, it's been a downhill slope. We can't even speak to each other anymore. One slight slip of tongue turns into an argument. I'm just so tired of the fighting Ma."

"So y'all haven't talked?"

"Not really but I heard enough. He blames me for losing the baby as if it something I could control."

"He said that?!" She questioned.

"He may as well have! He told me 'he couldn't afford anymore mishaps' while he was berating me at the party." My mom visibly deflated.

"Baby are you sure that was aimed at you? Maybe something went wrong during the party and he was referring to that and not your situation," she said.

"Are you really taking his side Mom?" I asked her in disbelief.

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