CH 20

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Hello everyone~!

First off, I would like to apologize for making you guys wait this long! The chapters were actually almost done but then our wifi got interrupted so I didn't have wifi for 5 days. And then I had to catch up on my assignments that were given to us during those 5 days that I didn't have wifi.

Second off, thank you so much for interacting with this story. I appreciate it a lot. Thank you so much for liking my book and giving it a chance. I know y'all are itching to know what happened to Camilla so I won't make this any longer. So, without further ado let's get on to this chapter!


~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~

Gina's POV

My mother paces back and forth in the living room, getting worried and impatient.

"Mom, calm down. I'm sure she's fine." Matteo tells her, but I know he's just as worried as she is.

We all are.

"I haven't seen her since earlier this morning! It's 2 AM and she's still nowhere to be seen! She isn't like this!" Mom says, getting more stressed and worried by the second.

"I know, Mom, I know. We have our guards and best trackers out there looking for her. They'll find her and she'll be okay." He reassures her

Before Matteo could utter another word, the door opens and her scent clouds my nose.


He rushes to her and squeezes her into a hug.

"Where have you been?!" He asks

"Just out on a run." She answers

He pulls away and I notice something strange, even Sora has noticed too. Her usual blue eyes are dim, her skin is paler than before, and her hair darker than before.

"Don't she look.. unusual?" I ask Sora

"Something's not right, but let's not point that out first." Sora tells me

I nod.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go freshen up. I'm sorry if I missed dinner." She says

Camilla's eyes lands on mine and I notice she narrows her eyes slightly at me and then she leaves.

That is definitely weird.

I leave the living room and follow after her to her room.

"Can I help you?" She asks, turning before she opens her door

"Where were you? I asked everyone I passed earlier asking where you are and they said they haven't seen you." I ask

"I was just out on a run, y'know, normal werewolf stuff. I must've fell asleep by the lake while I was resting." She answers

I nod slowly, I notice how she slightly look irritated.

"Okay well, I'll let you go. Good night, Camilla."

"Mhm, night." She says and closes the door.

"Something is seriously wrong with her." Sora says

"Exactly. Camilla has never looked irritated at me for asking questions like how she did just now. And did you notice she said normal werewolf stuff? Werewolves don't say that."

"We have to keep an eye on her for now, but let's not say anything yet."

I nod in agreement and leave to go to my room.

For the next few days, I discreetly kept a close eye on Camilla. I noticed how she didn't know who Haley is when she hugged Camilla, how Camilla would leave after eating dinner and skipping her favorite routine night walk with mom and I, how she'd always stick by Matteo's side and never leave him, how she's always returning back to the mansion at unreasonable hours at night.

So tonight when I saw Camilla sneak out of the mansion, I followed her. I masked my scent and followed her quietly. Werewolves can't mask their scent, but because I studied witchcraft after what happened with Onyx, I know all the spells that witches do and I can cast spells using the wand that a witch friend made for me.

Coming to a stop at the west border near the lake, Camilla walk towards the border and quietly whistles. After a few minutes, a man emerges from the bushes with a grin.

"What is she doing?! That's a rogue!" Sora exclaims

"Shush, Sora!"

"Good to see you again, Camilla." He grins

"Yeah yeah, where is she?"

"In her room, shouting for help as always." He chuckles

"Good. The Luna ceremony is coming up soon. Don't let her escape and keep an eye on her. Our plan is working and soon enough, the pack will be ours." She laughs evilly as the man darkly chuckles

"Don't you worry, he is back and keeping an eye on her. Their reunion was.. interesting." He grins

She chuckles. "Alright, I have to go. Remember, our plan will take action on the night of the Luna ceremony."

He nods. I leave quietly and make it back to the mansion. I sit on the living room waiting for Camilla.

"That was definitely not Camilla. She's evil and full of greed, Camilla isn't like that." Sora says

"I agree. Wherever they're keeping Camilla, it's most probably in their lair. I just hope Camilla is okay." I say

"We have to tell Matteo."

"But will he listen to us? He didn't before when we warned him about Jess, remember?"

"He will. I can sense Mason knows Camilla isn't Camilla."

Before I could reply, I hear the front door open and close very quietly.

"Where were you, Camilla?" I ask as I see her trying to sneak back quietly

She looks to me and then subtly roll her eyes. She puts on her fake smile.

"Just out for some fresh air." She replies

I nod, I stand and walk to her. Holding her hand, I feel her slightly flinch and pull back, I put on my best caring and concerned face.

"You have to be careful, okay? The rogue is still out there and they could take you away at any time of day."

She nods and pulls away. " Don't worry, I'm always careful."

I smirk internally, "But apparently not that careful enough." Sora say, smirking

"Okay, that's good. Have a good sleep, Cam." I say and leave

"Stupid dogs. Camilla is already taken and this pack will soon be ours." I hear her mumble quietly with my heightened senses

I refrain myself from turning around and taking her right there right now. There will be time where I'll take her down and reveal her identity, but not now.

~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~ ~•~

and that is all for the five chapters!! the next five will be up soon, I have some few days off of school (bc of a week long holiday) so I'll definitely have extra time to write!!

QOTC (Question of the Chapter):
who do you think is the fake Camilla? will their plan be spoiled or will it succeed?

That is all, I'll see you guys at the next five chapters soon!


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