Chapter 42

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Paige POV:

"I feel like you get hurt every game" Chase, they bodyguard, says as we walk to the bus after the game.

"Yea, just my luck right" I say a little aggravated because I'm still mad about the way Georgetown played.

"You think Peyton saw?" he asked

"I'm sure she saw, she watches every game plus I got a text saying "Those Georgetown players are gonna regret what they did" so I don't know how to feel about that" I say laughing

"Wow, she really cares about you" he says honestly

"Yea, I don't know what I would do without her" I say

"What do you mean"

"Its just she's been there for me through every up and down so far this season, she's my #1 supporter, and my rock. Without her I don't know if I would be as happy as I am right now" I say

"She's your safe place" he adds

"Yea exactly. Whenever I'm with her everything else fades away and it's just me and her I'm focused on. Everything else disappears"

"Seems like you guys are meant to be" Chase says as he steps in front of the bus and allows me to get on first.

"Yea, I just hope she feels the same way" I say stepping on the bus

3rd Person POV:

Once Paige got home after her flight back home it was close to midnight and Peyton was already asleep in her room. So Paige quietly walked in, trying not to wake her, and slid under the covers wrapping her arms around Peyton as the big spoon and fell asleep.

Paige POV:

I tiredly wake up to the sun shining through the blinds in Peyton's room and roll over so I'm on my back and tiredly rub my eyes open.

"Good morning" I hear Peyton tiredly say as she rolls over and faces me

"Good morning" I tiredly say back still not fully awake

"What time did you get home last night"

"Around midnight"

"I'm sorry I fell asleep I tried to stay up but I was exhausted"

"Hey, no need to say sorry, I was just as tired when I walked in so don't worry" I say kissing the top of her head

"I love you" she says snuggling into me

"I love you too" I say rubbing her back

"What do you wanna do today" she asks

"Dunkin run?" I ask

"Really?" She says picking her head up to look me in the eyes

"Yea, come on, it's our thing to get Dunkin, plus we both need the energy" I say smiling

"Ugh, you are hard to resist" she says smiling back

"What can I say, it's my specialty" I joke getting out of bed

"How's your ankle" Peyton asks as soon as we get out of bed

"It's fine. It hurt a little but Janelle looked at it after the game yesterday and just said not to overuse it, which I know you will make sure I listen to"

"You got that right"

We head to Dunkin and both order our drinks, I of course order another donut for the two of us and we sit down at a table together.

"My dad and Drew are coming up today" I tell her

"What" she says quickly looking at me

"My dad and Drew are coming up today" I repeat to her looking confused

"Yea I got that, but does he know about us"

"Yea I told him a few weeks ago before we went public. I figured it would be better if he found out from me than the press" I say chuckling before looking over at Peyton who looks nervous "Hey what's wrong" I ask

"What if he doesn't like me" she says looking at me with the saddest look on her face

"Hey, he already loves you and he hasn't even met you yet" I say reaching out to hold her hands


"Yea, I promise there is nothing to be scared or nervous about. Plus Drew is excited to meet you. I'm not sure if it's because he wants to get to know you or if it's because he wants someone to team up on me with" I say laughing to lighten the mood

"Oh we are for sure gonna team up on you" she says cracking out into a smile

"I wouldn't expect anything else" I smiling.

Peyton and I are currently laying in bed watching All American when my phone starts ringing. I grab it from next to me on the bed and notice it's my Dad calling so I quickly answer.

"Hey, what up" I say

"Hey, we're here" he says through the phone

"Ok, are you waiting outside" I ask

"Yea by the front entrance"

"Ok, I'll be there in a second"

"Ok bye"

"Bye" I say hanging up and standing up from the bed

"My dad and brother are here you wanna come with me to let them in" I ask turning to Peyton who is already looking at me

"Yea sure, where are they" she asks standing up

"Just outside the front entrance. They couldn't get in without a key"

"Oh ok" she says putting on a hoodie since it's cold outside before grabbing my hand as we start to make our way to the entrance.

Once we are in the elevator I come closer to her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Remember there is nothing to be nervous about" I say she wraps her arms around my waist too and we sway back and forth.

"I know, I just want to make a good first impression" she says softly making eye contact with me

"You will don't worry. Just be yourself" I say before kissing her quickly as the elevator doors open

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