Chapter 55

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Peyton POV:

The movie Elf just finished and when I look down at Paige who is cuddled up on me I notice she's asleep. So I carefully pull the blanket up, so it's on her more and kiss the top of her head.

I then look through social media, take some cute videos and pictures of Paige sleeping, and text my siblings if they have time to facetime later tonight or tomorrow so I can ask them about Christmas.

I have also been Christmas shopping for Paige and found really cute gifts I think she will love that I ordered and should be arriving tomorrow. By now, Paige is starting to wake up because she starts moving a little bit.

"Good morning sleepy head" I say softly as I rub her back

"It's not morning, don't lie to me" she says with her eyes still closed trying to get comfortable

"sorry" I say laughing "You wanna go get ready for bed and then we can sleep?" I ask her

"Mhm" she says still not opening her eyes. It's only 8PM but she hasn't had a day off from basketball in a while, so she's had a lot of work to do, which explains why she's so tired. I just hope in the next few days when we have break she has time to relax and let her body recover.

I slowly get out of the bed trying not to disturb Paige but it doesn't work when she tiredly says "where are you going, you were my pillow" which makes me laugh quietly as I walk around to her side of the bed

"Let's get up fast, change into our matching christmas pajamas, brush our teeth, and go to bed" I say

"but I don't wanna get up" she complains

"the faster you get up the faster you can sleep"

"ugh fine" she says as she gets out of bed and instantly goes to the bathroom to change and brush her teeth. I change into my pajamas in the room and by the time I'm done, paige is done in the bathroom and instantly lays back down on the bed. So I quickly brush my teeth and then turn off all the lights and join her in bed.

As soon as I lay down she instantly cuddles into me again as she tries to fall asleep. I kiss the top of her head and close my eyes, shortly after we are both asleep.

It's the next day and Christyn is making omelettes for Nika, Paige and I. Christyn and Nika go sit on the couch and watch TV while they eat, but Paige and I stay at the kitchen counter.

"So what's the plan for Christmas" I ask Paige as I take a bite out of my omelette which is really good.

"Since todays the 22nd we will fly to Maryland tomorrow and spend time with my dad and drew for christmas and then fly to Minnesota to see my mom and other siblings for New Years and then come back" she explains

"Ok, when do you think my brother and sister should meet us" I ask her

"I mean it's up to them, they can meet both my mom and dad if they want or just one of them, whatever fits best with their schedule"

"Ok, I'll go call them now because they should be awake and ask them" I say getting up and grabbing my phone

"You can call them in my room if you want, so it's quiet and private" Paige says

"Ok thank" I say kissing her quickly and heading into her room.

I then start a group facetime with my brother and sister and wait for them to join.

"Peytonnn!" my sister Elle says (you say her name like the letter L)

"Hi" I say laughing. Shortly after my brother Jack joins as well

"Hey Jack" I say

"Hey, how's it going" he answers

"It's good, just getting ready for the holidays" I respond

"Do you have any plans for the holidays" Elle asks

"Yea I'm actually going with Paige to see her family" I tell them

"Wow look at you already meeting the family" Jack jokes

"Well I've met her dad and one brother so far, but not the mom and her other brother and sister, since her parents are divorced" I say

"Do they live in different states then" Elle asks

"Yea, the dad lives in Maryland and the mom lives in Minnesota" I say "Which reminds me, I do have a question for you guys" I add

"What is it" Elle asks

"Yea, what's up" Jack adds

"Well you know how mom and dad kicked me out so I can't really go home for the holidays... but I was wondering if you guys wanted to spend a couple days with Paige and I with her family, so we can see each other during the holidays" I ask them

"So you're telling me I can meet The Paige Bueckers" Elle jokes

"Yea" I say laughing

"The count me in" she says

"Yea, i'll come too, I gotta give her the big brother talk too" Jack says joking

"Oh relax, she doesn't need the talk" I say

"Wait when should we fly in" Elle asks

"Whenever you want, we will be in Maryland until Christmas and then after that Minnesota" I tell them

"Elle I say we go to drive Maryland on Christmas Eve and then drive home the day after christmas when they leave for minnesota. Because Maryland is only like 3-4 hours away from home" Jack says

"Yea that's true, let's do that" Elle says

"Alright perfect, I'll let Paige know" I say

I talk to my siblings for a little longer, just catching up with them about their lives and how college is going and then we all say goodbye and I head out of Paige's room and into the kitchen.

"What did they say" Paige says as I sit down next to her

"They will come to Maryland on chirstmas eve and leave the day we fly to minnesota"

"Sounds good, I'll text my dad so he knows"

"Thanks for doing this by the way, you didn't have to"

"Yea but I want you to be around some family so you know that there are still people in this world that love you the way you are" she says

"I love you" I say before kissing her

"and I love you too" she says after we pull away

"What are we doing the rest of the day" I ask

"Well we gotta pack and then I was thinking we could go chirstmas shopping for everyone"

"That's such a good idea, I need to get stuff for my siblings, but don't worry, I already got you something"

"Oooo what is it" Paige asks intrigued

"I'm not telling, you gotta wait till Christmas"

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