Chapter 50

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*(btw updates may be a little slow bc I have sports and school to balance but I will do my best to update maybe one every other day instead of one a day)*

Peyton POV:

I make my way to Paige's dorm after practice because she should be home by now too and knock on the door to get in.

Shortly after Paige opens the door and says "Hey how was prac- what did you do to your leg" after seeing the ice wrapped on it

"I got hit by a softball going 65 mph" I say as I start walking to the couch

"Wait are you okay, do you need anything" she says worriedly walking after me

"No I'm okay"

"What about medicine, do you need medicine or anything to help with the pain"

I turn around and grab her hands and look up at her. "Paige I promise I'm okay, it's just swollen that's why there's ice, it will just be sensitive the next few days"

"I'm sorry for worrying" she says softly

"No don't say sorry, your worrying was cute" I tell her before leaning in and kissing her softly which she deepens a little since she's still a little worried.

"How was practice otherwise" she asks after we pull away

"It was good, we hit and fielded and I didn't mess up at all so I'm happy about that" I say turning around and sitting on the couch, which she does too and I rest my head on her shoulder and hold her hand.

"But..." she adds

"But I'm nervous"

"Nervous about what" she asks gently rubbing my hand

"Nervous that I don't live up to the hype everyone sees me as, I don't know how you do this all the time" I say sighing

"Hey listen to me, the practices leading up to the first game and the first game are always the hardest. But once you play the sport you've loved since you were a kid you won't hesitate or worry, you will just having fun playing the sport you fell in love with and all the outside noise will go away"

"But what if it doesn't"

"Then you will just see articles about how awesome of a player, teammate, and person you are because you are gonna prove everyone right about how you are the softball phenom, which will just boost your confidence"

"I hope so"

"Don't listen to the outside noise alright, because it will just stress you out. I had the same problem and I second guessed everything I did in a game and that made me make mistakes after mistake. And I forgot how to play the game I grew up I loving. But once I tuned all that noise out, everything happened naturally, like muscle memory, I didn't have to think twice about what I did, I just did, and it worked out"

"How did you do that" I ask lifting my head to look at her

"Do what?"

"Know exactly what to say to calm me down"

"I'm a Peyton expert, not much else to it" she jokes

"Oh shut up" I say playfully pushing her shoulder before we kiss again

"I love you" I say softly

"I love you too" she says looking into my eyes before I cuddle on top of her and hug her.

Paige POV:

It's later in the day and I'm at a photo shoot with Gatorade to announce my NIL deal with them soon. And the stylist is currently picking out my clothes for the shoot.

She picked out jeans, a grey hoodie, and a gatorade varsity jacket with some lime Jordans. So I quickly change in the changing room and get ready for the photos.

They have me standing in different poses some with a basketball and some not. Then they have me sit on the blue bleachers on the side and take pictures of me sitting. Then they start asking me questions for their TikTok and Youtube pages.

"When did you realize exactly what sport you wanted to play" the interviewer asks

"I had to be around 6 or 7, I played a lot sports when I was younger, baseball, softball, soccer, track, but I think I really fell in love with basketball at a young age. I feel like when you fall in love with something, you just fall in love, like everything about the sport, I love playing with my teammates, celebrating with my teammates, putting the ball in the basket, I love to pass, just everything about the sport I love." I say as they record me answering while I sit on the bleachers.

"How important has the sport been to your development as a person?" the interviewer asks

"I learned a lot from basketball, I think selfless is the main thing for me, I think there's a reason I love passing so much in basketball, just cause with whatever that I do I wanna be able to shine a light on others, I wanna help share my light and just help everybody who I can and I think being selfless and being able to share that light is the biggest thing I do on and off the court"

"When did you realize you had a high-level skill set?"

"I think I knew I was gonna be alright at least when I was, had to be like second or third grade, I was playing up a couple grades and I was playing against fourth or fifth graders and I was holding my own, and then I kinda realized like, oh this might really be my thing."

"How important is it for young player to have access to a sport?"

"I think it's extremely important, I think everybody deserves a shot and deserved a chance and the opportunity to play a sport. Everybody, every little kid, should have the opportunity to play a sport because it could really change your life."

"Alright, that will do it for the interview portion, you did a fantastic job answering those questions. Now we are just going to get some shots of you shooting the ball and you should be on your way" the director of the video says

"Alright perfect, thank you" I say starting to head back into my dressing room where the stylist said my next outfit is.

I walk into my dressing room and see a grey shirt with a white gatorade symbol on it and some black shorts with some like basketball shoes. So I quickly change into the outfit and make my way back outside to the set where they hand me a basketball.

"Ok, so for this just do your thing, dribble between your legs, shoot the ball, whatever you want, and we will capture it" The director says to me.

I walk onto the court where the set is, and just start tossing the ball in my hands as I look ahead in the cameras. Then after doing that for a little while I start doing layups and jumpers, and then just dribbling the ball back and forth.

"Alright, that's a wrap, thank you so much Paige" the director says as everyone starts clapping.

"Thank you so much for having me" I say

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