Chapter 73

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Peyton POV:

We make it back to Paige's room and she just finished packing her bags for her away game at Creighton. Her bus leaves in a little bit to bring them to the airport so she's gotta leave soon. Nika and Christyn already left so it's just Paige and I in the dorm.

I found it a little odd earlier when Paige asked me if I ever thought about what my life would be like if I wasn't famous because she's never asked something like that before.

"Hey, before you leave I just want to make sure you're okay" I say walking into Paige's room where she's grabbing the last bit of her stuff for her trip.

"What do you mean?" she says looking up at me after grabbing her phone charger from her end table

"Earlier at mirror lake when you brought up what our lives would be like if we weren't famous, you seemed like something was bothering you" I say standing in front of her bed

"No, i'm fine, don't worry" she says trying to walk past me but I softly grab her arm to stop her from moving

"Please Paige, I just want to help" I tell her softly which makes her look me in the eyes before sitting down on her bed with her hands covering her eyes and taking a deep breathe.

"It's just, sometimes I wish I was never famous. That I could walk outside and get a coffee without getting swarmed by people or be able to go to class without everyone looking at me when I walk through the door, even just being able to go get ice cream with my girlfriend" she says aggravated "And I feel guilty. Guilty of even wishing that. Because my fans mean so much to me and I wouldn't be where I am without them, but sometimes it just too much" she says as her voice starts to crack.

So, I bend down in front of her and hold her hands so she knows I'm here and listening even though she's avoiding making eye contact with me.

"And every time I go outside I see all these people smiling and laughing as they hang out with their friends, being able to do whatever they want without a care in the world. And I just get jealous" she says not being able to hold back her tears anymore "I get jealous because I wish that was me" she finishes as she just breaks down.

I quickly engulf her in a hug as she buries her head into my shoulder crying, and I softly rub her back whispering in her ear "Hey, hey, it's okay, you're okay, I'm here" over and over again until a couple minutes later she calms down and pulls away from the hug wiping away her tears.

I rest my hands on her knees and look up at her. "You do know you're human right? Everything you are feeling right now you have a right to feel, and you have nothing to feel guilty about. You didn't choose this life, it chose you, and yea it sucks sometimes but we gotta make the most out of it." I tell her

"I just wish I could go outside without cameras in my face" she says still upset

"I know" I say softly "How about when you get back from Creighton we go on a date just the two of us. Somewhere no one else will be so we can enjoy the time away from everyone and everything" I say as she makes eye contact with me

"Yea but where will we go?" She asks

"That's for me to plan and for it to be a surprise for you" I say standing up and extending my hand out towards her to grab to stand up, which she gets the hint and grabs my hand and stands up.

"That's not fair" she says with a little smile

"I promise you will like it" I say leaning in for a kiss which she happily meets me in the middle "Now you might wanna go before the bus leaves without you" I say jokingly

"Oh please, they won't leave without me" she says with a smirk

"Hmm I don't know maybe I'll call Nika up and tell her to tell Geno to start driving" I say pulling my phone out

"Ok, ok, I'm going" she says grabbing all her bags. "Thank you for being here for me" she says pulling me in a hug which I happily hug her back

"Of course, I'm always here for you" I say honestly

"I love you" she says as we pull away

"I love you too" I say as I go behind her and lift her hood up from the matching hoodie I got her for Christmas

"I'm gonna watch your game tomorrow in the hotel since I won't be here to come to it" she says opening the door to leave

"And I'm gonna watch yours" I say walking towards the door and holding it open for her. "Good luck and be safe" I say before leaning in for another kiss.

"You too" Paige says once we pull away and then starts running down the dorm hallway trying not to be late to the bus which makes me laugh.

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